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Pick up traducir portugués

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I'm gonna pick up a big plant for Kiki's room after work. Help boost the oxygen levels.
Vou buscar uma grande planta para o quarto da Kiki depois do trabalho, para aumentar os níveis de oxigénio.
First I had to pick up my baby daddy's whip.
Tive de ir buscar a carrinha do meu homem.
All you have to do is relax and pick up the chips while we take care of this.
Tudo o que tens de fazer é relaxar e apanhar as fichas, enquanto nós tratamos disto.
So, uh, Amelia went to go pick up the kids.
A Amelia foi buscar as crianças.
Might want to pick up some elastic knee-highs on your break.
Talvez queiram arranjar umas meias elásticas compridas.
Pick up your dry cleaning, contribute to the 401k, kill the fleet commander?
Ir buscar a roupa à lavandaria, contribuir para a reforma, matar o comandante?
I am trying to pick up microscopic tremors caused by the lock pins when I hit the right number.
- Estou a tentar captar tremores enquanto bato no número certo.
Eh. Obviously, some new nut-job just got himself a costume and decided to pick up where Mike Stratton left off.
É óbvio que outro maluco arranjou um fato e decidiu continuar o trabalho do Mike Stratton.
And he was so overcome with grief, he couldn't pick up the phone and text,
E estava tão abalado, que não pode mandar um SMS?
( laughing ) Yeah, well, I can't keep bending over to pick up my purse.
Não posso inclinar-me para apanhar a minha mala.
Well, it's mostly to pick up girls.
Só não sei porquê. Porquê eles dizem, "analisar os números".
All I did was pick up the money.
Só fui buscar o dinheiro.
Yeah, sh-she paid me five grand to pick up.
Ela pagou-me 5000 dólares para o ir buscar.
Tells us when and where to pick up the money.
Diz-nos quando e onde ir buscar o dinheiro.
All right, let's pick up a six-pack.
Vamos buscar um pack de seis.
Didn't pick up anyone going in or out.
Não apanhou ninguém a entrar ou sair de casa.
Is this to pick up Peter Cullen yesterday?
Isto foi para prender o Peter Cullen ontem?
- Yeah, she didn't pick up.
- Liguei, mas ela não atendeu.
I'm here to pick up a solo warrant.
Vim buscar um mandado a solo.
To pick up a newly released inmate...
- Buscar um preso recém-libertado.
Then it'll pick up the chip, and we'll be able to track his movement.
- Vão detectar o chip - e podemos localizar o movimento.
You have to pick up where I'm leaving off.
Tens de continuar onde eu vou parar.
Where are you? I'm trying to pick up the pieces of my broken life, and something tells me you're about to disrupt that.
A tentar juntar os cacos da minha vida partida e algo me diz que me vais interromper.
Rooster, will you pick up my beer?
Galo, apanhas a minha cerveja?
Then, the day after Christmas, I pick up some girl whose asshole boyfriend dumped her to avoid getting her a gift.
Depois, no dia a seguir ao Natal, saco uma miúda cujo namorado idiota tenha deixado para não dar presentes.
Let's find out if we can pick up any familiar tech signatures.
Vamos ver se captamos tecnologias familiares.
He could fight tooth and nail against his political opponents... but as soon as he left to pick up his daughter from school, the fight was over. A wave of tenderness washed over him.
Era capaz de lutar ferozmente contra adversários políticos, mas assim que dizia "tenho de ir buscar a minha filha à escola", o combate cessava de imediato e ele era invadido pela ternura.
I mean, it's all good. I can pick it up in the morning.
Não faz mal, vou buscá-la amanhã de manhã.
We had to leave them at the pick-up site.
Tivemos que deixá-los no local de carga.
Do you want me to pick anything up?
Queres que leve alguma coisa?
- Perfect. Pick me up at 8 : 00?
Vens-me buscar às oito?
Well, tell him to come pick us up.
Diz-lhe para nos vir buscar.
If there was a Nobrize for Millennium Falcons that fall apart when you pick them up, we'd be set.
Se houvesse um Prémio Nobel para a Millennium Falcon que se desmorona quando pegas nela, era nosso.
She'll pick up on it.
Perceberá os sinais.
In less than 24 hours, you get a helicopter to pick you up, and you left him there.
Em menos de 24h, apanhou um helicóptero e deixou-o lá. Não.
So wait for the right moment, drop something, and bend over to pick it up.
Então espera pelo momento certo, deixa cair algo e inclina-te para apanhares.
All right, Antonio, you and Lindsay go pick this guy up.
Tudo bem, Antonio, vai com a Lindsay buscar esse tipo.
No, I'll pick him up.
Não, eu vou buscá-lo.
I'll pick him up later, take him for a bite to eat, and then we'll go straight to the art show.
Venho buscá-lo logo, vamos comer qualquer coisa e vamos à mostra de arte.
I'll, uh, I'll pick you up...
Eu... Vou buscar-te... agora.
We can get a ship to pick us up from there.
Podemos ter uma nave lá.
Pick him up, take him to the border.
Levem-no para a fronteira.
"Oh, cool, $ 20." They'll pick'em up and then they'll be like, "Oh, it's a lawyer."
"Porreiro, 20 dólares", pegam no cartão e vêem : "É um advogado".
Pick it up.
Feel free to pick it up and walk out of here anytime.
Pode apanhá-la e ir embora quando quiser.
You guys gonna hold hands when you pick her up from junior high?
Vão andar de mãos dadas, quando a fores buscar ao liceu?
If somebody told me there was a million dollars out in that field, I don't know if I could go pick it up.
Se estivesse um milhão de dólares ali naquele campo, não sei se conseguiria ir buscá-los.
If you add a pick-up truck and an American flag, you get yourself a country song.
Acrescenta uma pick-up e uma bandeira e tens uma música country.
He'll pick it up after the expo run.
Fica com a motocicleta depois da Expo Run.
So Ms. Elliot summoned a Zooss car to pick her up around 3 : 45.
Ms. Elliot chamou um carro da Zooss para a vir buscar às 3h45.
I've, uh, summoned a car to come pick us up.
Chamei um carro para nos vir buscar.

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