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They don't mean anything traducir portugués

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Don't they mean anything?
Ela não significa nada?
They don't mean anything when I do them.
Não significam nada quando as pinto.
But I don't think they mean anything to you.
São os donos do banco da cidade. Mas não creio que lhe digam algo.
I mean, if they don't know anything about...
Quero dizer, se eles não souberem nada...
I'm sure neither of us wants to say anything they don't mean... That we may be sorry for later.
Certamente, nenhuma de nós quer dizer nada que não seja sentido, ou de que possamos arrepender-nos, mais tarde.
Those things, they don't mean anything to me. They're just words.
Essas coisas não fazem nenhum sentido para mim.
They don't mean anything.
Não significam nada.
They can't do anything. What do you mean, don't worry? If they look in that trunk, we're busted.
Se olharem para o carro, estamos perdidos.
Those lumps don't mean anything, do they?
Estes nódulos não significam nada, não é?
Politics don't mean anything to me unless they affect the CIA and the United States.
A política näo significa nada para mim, a näo ser que afectem a CIA e os Estados Unidos.
They don't mean anything, you know?
Eles não dizem aquilo por mal.
These don't mean anything, they are full of assumptions!
Estes textos não significam nada! Estão cheios de suposições!
I mean, they're your parents, and you don't do anything.
Eles são teus pais e tu não fazes nada.
I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask about all these things, they mean anything or not I don't know, but I do know that I felt the lawyer, the boy's lawyer, was not doing his job.
Eu tinha algumas perguntas sobre tudo isso, se elas significam algo, eu não sei, mas eu sei que o advogado do garoto não estava fazendo seu trabalho.
- They don't mean well or anything, you know, I'm just saying you gotta be pretty damn- -
Não estou a dizer que eles não têm boas intenções, mas temos de ser quase...
I don't mean to push it, but I was wondering... If you're not doing anything, I kind of have these tickets, but they're for a Warriors game.
Não te quero forçar, mas estava a pensar se... não estiveres ocupada, tenho uns bilhetes..
I mean, the guys don't turn all horny or anything like they did in deliverance, right?
Os homens não se excitam... como no "Fim-de-semana Alucinante", pois não?
Except he isn't wearing anything on his — I mean, I guess because it's, he figures she really pretty and she knows all the same people he knows, they're in the same tax bracket, I don't know.
só que ele não estava a usar nada no seu... quero dizer, acho que por, ele a achar muito bonita e por ela conhecer as mesmas pessoas que ele, por estarem no mesmo escalão de IRS.
Don't they mean anything?
Será que eles não significam nada?
But they don't mean anything, not without Michael.
Mas não significa nada sem o Michael.
I mean, why the hell do you take vows if they don't mean anything?
Porque raio fazemos votos, se não têm qualquer significado?
You blow through these like they don't mean anything.
Trata disto como se não significassem nada.
They don't mean anything.
Não querem dizer nada!
Boris, dreams don't mean anything, they're just... dreams.
São apenas..... sonhos.
Then he must've meant it, cos guys never say anything they don't really mean, do they?
Então ele deve saber o que isso significa, porque os tipos nunca dizem nada que eles realmente sentem, não é?
They don't mean anything to anybody, do they?
Não significa nada para ninguém, pois não?
They don't mean anything to me.
Não significam nada para mim.
I mean I eat them because they're there, but you don't want to invest anything in them.
Como-os porque estão lá, mas não quero investir neles.
Maybe you should have,'cause they don't mean anything anymore.
Talvez, porque não significam nada.
In this case, I don't feel they really mean anything much by it.
Não acho que queiram dizer algo com isso, só...
No, I mean, my family, they don't drink anything.
Na minha família não se bebe.
I mean, technically, yeah. But these things, they don't mean anything.
Quer dizer, tecnicamente existe, mas essas coisas, elas não significam nada.
I mean, why don't they ever teach us anything we can use?
Porque nunca nos ensinam algo de útil?
We send our boys over there, they kill a bunch of Arabs that don't mean anything to us and then we pick up and leave before we take out the scumbag we went in there for.
Mandamos os nossos rapazes para lá... Matamos um bando de Árabes... Que não significam nada para nós, e então agarramos as nossas coisas e vamos embora...
They don't mean... anything.
Não significam... Nada.
I don't mean to make anything any weirder than they are between us.
- Será que se vai notar o meu soutien?
I mean, I know they don't want to be my boyfriend or anything lame like that.
Quer dizer, eu sei que não querem ser meus namorados, ou lamechice assim.
They don't mean anything.
Não querem dizer nada.
But they don't mean anything.
Mas não significam nada.
They don't mean anything.
Elas não significam nada.
He's got these agents,... and they don't do, I mean, they don't fight for him or anything. And I was just telling Cliff the other day...
Ele tem agentes, mas eles nunca... nunca o defendem, nem nada.
I mean, they keep telling us we don't know anything.
Eles passam a vida a dizer que sabemos nada.
They don't mean anything.
Eles não significam nada.
I mean, you come to restaurants, you see couples sitting together, and they don't even speak to one another, they don't have anything to say.
Vens aos restaurantes, vês os casais, e nem sequer falam. Não têm que dizer.
They're just platitudes that don't mean anything.
São banalidades que não significam nada.
But, uh... for women, the words don't really mean anything unless they understand that you get where their heads are at.
Para as mulheres, as palavras não significam nada a não ser que elas saibam que as percebem.
They don't mean anything by it, especially my mom.
Só querem garantir se está tudo bem. Especialmente a minha mãe.
I mean, don't you think if they would've seen anything, like, say, a bleeding little girl being forced out of one car and into another, that we would've heard from them by now?
Não achas que se tivessem visto alguma coisa como, digamos, uma menina a sangrar, a ser obrigada a sair de um carro e a entrar noutro, já nos teriam dito?
I mean, they don't match anything human.
Quero dizer, não correspondem em nada humano.
Well, no, I mean, they don't tell us when it's comin'in exactly because, you know, that's for our own protection they say because, you know, road agents and bandits they'd do just about anything to get their hands on that kinda money.
Bem, não, quer dizer, eles não nos dizem quando ele chega exactamente porque, tu sabes, é para nossa própria protecção eles dizem, tu sabes, agentes rodoviários e bandidos fazem qualquer coisa para conseguirem pôr as mãos no dinheiro.
It's... The numbers, though, they don't mean anything.
E os números, eles não significam nada.

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