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What did you think traducir portugués

2,613 traducción paralela
- Beggin'your pardon, ma'am, but what did you think they meant, huh, that I wasn't gifted, that--that I didn't see the world differently?
Desculpe, senhora? O que acha que quiseram dizer, que eu não era inteligente, que não via o mundo diferente?
What did you think?
O que julgavas?
What did you think, that if you told her first, She'd forgive you for everything that happened?
Achaste que, se lhe contasses primeiro, ela ia perdoar-te por tudo o que aconteceu?
- What did you think?
- O que achaste?
So, what did you think?
Então, o que você acha?
Hey, man, what did you think of the sauna?
Meu, o que achas da sauna?
What did you think of?
No que pensaste?
What did you think was going to happen?
Que pensavas que ia acontecer?
When you were screaming in my room, what did you think you saw?
Quando gritaste no meu quarto, o que achaste ter visto?
Zhenya, what did you think of Lena?
Zhenya, o que achaste da Lena?
What did you think was gonna happen?
E estavas à espera de quê?
What did you think of the ending?
O que achaste do final?
What did you think "dom" meant? I don't know-
- O que achas que significa "dom"?
What did you think?
De que estavas à espera?
What did you think?
O que pensava?
Ms. Ginnesse, what did you think of the impersonation?
Miss Ginnesse, que achou da imitação?
What did you think of the shrink's speech?
O que acharam do discurso da psicóloga?
So what did you think of Luke?
Então, o que achaste do Luke?
What did you think?
E o senhor, que achou?
What did you think I was talking about?
- E pensaste em quê?
What did you think?
O que é que achas?
Well, what did you think about them burying him at sea?
Bem, o que pensas de o terem enterrado no mar?
What did you think was gonna happen?
O que pensou que poderia acontecer?
What did you think was going to happen?
O que achavas que ia acontecer?
So what did you think?
O que pensa?
What did you think?
- O que achas-te?
Did you think about what we discussed? Yes.
- Pensaste naquilo que falámos?
What do you think did that?
O que pensas que fez isso?
Well, what did you think when she called?
Oh, Deus.
You are about to think, "What the hell"? "How did Jane..."
Deve estar a pensar "Que diabos? Como é que o Jane..."
What did you think?
Se a tivessem acolhido quando a deixaram na clínica...
Spencer, you may not think what you did to Jesse was wrong, but he thinks it was wrong, and he was hurt by it.
Spencer, tu podes pensar que o que fizeste ao Jesse não foi errado, mas ele acha que sim e está magoado com isso.
I mean, did you ever stop to think what would happen - if we ever needed to go back?
Alguma vez pensaste o que aconteceria se tivéssemos de reanalisar o caso?
And she didn't tell us what happened today, but she did tell us she didn't think it's gonna be helpful to continue seeing you girls as a group.
E ela não nos contou o que se passou hoje, mas contou-nos que acha que não vai conseguir ajudar-vos em grupo.
What did you expect me to think?
O que esperavas que pensasse?
- What does he think you did?
- O que acha que fizeste?
Because I don't think she did, no matter what you let her believe.
Porque não me parece que ela o tenha feito. Independentemente do que a fez acreditar.
What the fuck did you think they would do - - offer me a T.A. position?
Que merda achas que fariam?
What makes you think I did?
O que te faz pensar que eu o matei?
You think I'm going to trust you after what you did to me?
Acha que vou confiar em si, depois do que me fez?
But I'm going to tell you a story about what that man did for me and why I think you should trust him.
Mas vou contar-lhe uma história sobre o que ele fez por mim e porque acho que deve confiar nele.
And- - and what I did, you have every right to think I'm a terrible person.
- Sei que está irritado. Tem o direito de me achar uma pessoa horrível.
How can you even think about letting that monster near these children after what he did to Raf?
Como podes pensar em deixar esse monstro... perto destas crianças, depois do que ele fez a Raf?
Look, Stan, I actually think what you did was really, really funny.
Stan, eu até acho que o que tu fizeste foi engraçado, mesmo engraçado.
Okay, you know what, I think they did a pretty great job, considering the fact that they've only played it, like, eight times.
Acho que eles se portaram muito bem, tendo em conta que ainda só tocaram umas oito vezes.
I'm sorry, did you wanna hear what I think, or just what you wanna hear?
Desculpa, queres ouvir o que penso, ou o que tu queres ouvir? Perguntou ele, sarcasticamente.
I know you think I'm the mean mom who wouldn't let you marry your boyfriend, but someday you're gonna realize, I-I did what had to be done.
Sei que achas que sou a mãe má que não te deixa casares com o teu namorado, mas, um dia, vais perceber que fiz o que tinha de ser feito.
What was it, do you think, that made you react the way you did?
O que achas que te levou a reagir da maneira como reagiste?
But I did make each of you a cupcake that I think says what I feel about this whole cupcake class.
Não faço coisas bonitas. Mas fiz um queque para cada uma que diz o que penso deste curso.
Did you actually think that was a good line, or is that what you do so the check gets paid by Richie Rich? Hold on.
Achas que foi mesmo uma boa resposta ou fazes isso para o Riquinho pagar a conta?
Hayden, I don't know what he did to you or what you think -
Hayden, não sei o que ele te fez ou o que pensas...

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