She didn't come traducir ruso
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! The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can't come back here and tell me that you didn't touch her!
Последнее что она помнит, как начала драться с тобой, так что ты не можешь вот так вот прийти и говорить что ты ее не трогал!
She didn't come today, either.
Она сегодня не приходила.
Why didn't she come last night?
- Почему она сегодня не пришла?
She didn't come?
Она не пришла?
- She didn't come?
- Она не пришла?
"leaving Frenchy with the care of her four-month-old baby. " She didn't come back until three days later, and by that time
Она вернулась через три дня, и к тому времени
Sometimes she and Mr. De Winter didn't come home until dawn.
Не важно, сколько приходилось ждать. Иногда они не возвращались до рассвета.
Were you on the shore that last night she went out, when she didn't come back?
Были ли вы на берегу в тот вечер, когда она ушла в море и не вернулась?
She didn't come.
Она не приехала.
He promised to come if she didn't.
Он обещал приехать, если она не приедет.
Why didn't she come down, sir?
Почему она не спустится, сэр?
Why didn't she come right along with us?
- Почему она сразу не пошла с нами?
Well, you heard her. She didn't want you to come along.
Ты слышал - она не хочет, чтобы ты шел за ней.
She didn't want me to come tomorrow evening.
Она просила не приезжать завтра,..
And she didn't come? Perhaps she missed the train or changed her mind. My mother never misses a train.
возможно она опаздала на поезд или передумала мая мать никогда не опаздает на поезд и никогда не о чем не передумает возможно кто то пошутил с вами со мной никто не шутит хорошо что я захватил фаэтон мать никогда не сядет в собачую повозку
But she didn't come in, she went out.
Ладно, ладно. Но она не вошла, она вышла.
Bill didn't come at all. Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care, she kept saying.
Марго не знала, где он, и говорила, что... ей все равно.
When she didn't come back after a couple of days, I got scared.
Я испугалась, когда она не появилась через пару дней.
When she didn't come back, I thought maybe she had a new job.
Когда она не вернулась, я подумал - нашла другую работу.
She didn't come back home... it is strange.
Она не ночевала дома... странное дело.
But she didn't come.
Но она не пришла.
Why didn't she come back to me? At last, I made a cry for help - getting her American address from Emile.
Наконец, я взмолился о помощи... и нашел ее адрес в Америке.
You thought she'd come down these stairs, didn't you?
Думаете, она спустится по лестнице?
Why didn't she come here with you?
Почему она не пришла сюда с вами?
She didn't come here of her own free will.
Её втянули против воли.
Matsu-yan's appetite will be our ruin. She didn't come to be Kesakichi's wife.
Не ради Кесакичи она пришла.
Suppose she asks you why you didn't come home last night.
Допустим, что она спросит вас, почему вы не пришли домой вчера вечером.
Shit, she didn't come.
Черт, она не пришла.
What I didn't imagine, however, was that around this time she would come to know the name of the secret admirer that had been sending her roses every morning.
Я не могу представить, что будет, когда она узнает имя поклонника, который отправлял ей розы каждое утро.
- And after she left, she didn't come back?
- Она не возвращалась потом?
She didn't come herself, of course.
Сама небось не поехала.
I kept thinking, "She's coming, she's coming", but she didn't come and didn't come, and then the man -
Я постоянно думала : "Она идет, это точно она" но она просто не пришла, а затем...
Well, I suppose there's every chance she didn't come this way.
Ну полагаю, есть все шансы, что она здесь не проходила.
But isn't it lucky she didn't come to see Dr. Mori?
Хорошо, что к доктору Мори никакие девушки не ездят!
One day she went away and didn't come back.
Однажды она ушла и не вернулась.
I think it was only cholera that she didn't come down with.
Кажется, только холеры у нее не было.
Lucky your mother didn't come or God knows what she'd have told me!
Кто знает, что она мне сказала бы!
Suppose she didn't come?
Похоже она не прийдёт?
Mrs. Morane didn't really ask me to come by, but she sounded worried about leaving you alone with the boy.
- Да, мадмуазель Беккер. Отлично. Мадам Моран не просила меня зайти, но я подумала, что у неё проблемы.
But she didn't want to come, she had met a man, I saw him in the afternoon.
Она не хотела идти со мной, она встречалась с мужчиной, я видела их вместе после обеда.
Wahb had finally realized she was missing... and he'd come back to get her... just in time. ( Growling ) Wahb was actuall y protecting his mate... although she didn't reall y believe it.
И как раз вовремя! хотя она и не могла в это поверить. и сейчас он смог распознать опасность. что она будет есть после него.
That awful aunt that you live with, do you think she'll send your mother a telegram to Salacgrīva, saying that you didn't come home one night?
Этa yжacнaя тётя, y кoтopoй ты живёшь, дyмaeшь, тeлeгpaммoй cooбщит мaмe в Caлaцгpивy, чтo ты oдин вeчep нe былa дoмa?
- I didn't think she'd come in.
- Я не знал, что она войдёт.
She didn't want to come.
Мама не хотела со мной ехать.
It's that your Larisa Ivanovna didn't come, it means she's from a moral family, I think.
Твоя Лариса Ивановна, хорошо, что не пришла, значит она из моральной семьи, я думаю.
Naomi didn't come home last night. Though she comes home late sometimes, but she's never spent the night outside.
Наоми вчера не пришла домой. но на всю ночь - никогда.
- No, she didn't come up with it.
Нет, она не подсказывала.
Then Teresa got scared, she didn't want to let us come in any more, and so I told her she should continue being a servant, being exploited, she deserved it, we wanted to make a stand and resist.
Потом Тереза испугалась, она больше не хотела, чтобы мы приходили, поэтому я сказал ей, что ей стоит и дальше оставаться служанкой, быть эксплуатируемой, она заслужила это, мы хотели противостоять, сопротивляться.
Why didn't she come?
Почему она не пришла?
Of course, she had not come because she didn't want me any more.
Она, конечно, не пришла. Видно, не хотела меня больше.
I didn't ask her why she had come to see my mother, because I was certain now that she had chosen my mother's side, that mother was glad she had done so, and that there would be no room for me between the two of them.
Я не спрашивал её, зачем она приходила увидеться с матерью. Теперь-то я уже понял, что она встала на сторону матери. Мать была рада такому её поступку.
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't have to 49
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
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she didn't say 130
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she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
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she didn't believe me 16
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't care 26
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
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she didn't care 26
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come with me if you want to live 21
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