There were none traducir ruso
89 traducción paralela
They told me there were none of them left.
Мне сказали, что они вымерли.
There were none at the store, and my old one's good only for a scarecrow.
В лавке нонешний год их не было, а старую в пору на чучело надевать
And then there were none
И никого не стало...
- You said there were none.
- Вы же сказали, никого не осталось.
- There were none in medieval times.
- В средние века их не было.
I scanned for survivors, but there were none.
Я надеялся найти выживших, но их не было.
There were none left.
Ни одного не осталось.
- There were none his size!
- Они не его размера. - Кто он?
There were none, ever.
Их не было. Никогда.
My previous girlfriends or whatever... there were none.
Моих предыдущих девушек... или как их там... их не было.
Luckily, there were none.
К счастью, никого не было.
There were none.
Их нет.
'Cause I was looking for clues out there, and there were none, and it was odd.
Я искал подсказки, но, что странно, безуспешно.
There were no cartridges in the gun when they found it and there were none discharged by the body.
В ружье не было патронов, когда они нашли его, и не было гильз рядом с телом.
There were none of that, if that's what you're implying.
Не было ничего такого, если вы на это намекаете.
Fatalities, there were none with the cameras on and none with the cameras off.
Смертность - ноль погибших при работающих камерах и ноль при отключенных.
There was supposed to be drugs on board, a lot, but there were none.
Предполагалось, что на ней наркотики, но их там не оказалось.
Here, below the castle, is a coffin where... And then there were none.
Здесь, под замком, стоит гроб, где уже никого нет.
Because of the ships there were none that was an ocean liner.
Ни один из кораблей, что у нас есть, не является трансатлантическим лайнером.
There were none. They were mostly Yiddish speakers.
- Большинство говорило на идише.
But when you went to the storeroom, there were none left.
Но, когда вы наведались в кладовую, то обнаружили, что они закончились.
There were none. None at all.
Звонков не было
There were none.
Ничего существенного.
Now, to prepare myself for these upcoming depositions, I looked into other legal issues with your tow trucks- - there were none.
Так что, чтобы подготовиться к показаниям под присягой я поискал другие юридические придирки к твоим эвакуаторам... их нет.
There were none of the terrible epidemics that ravaged other countries, and, above all, the intensity of Japanese culture, the "Japaneseness" of Japan, its buildings, its food, its taste, its art, really derive from this period above all.
Не было ни одной из тех ужасных эпидемий, разорявших другие страны, и, прежде всего, насыщенность японской культуры, ее характерная "японистость", ее здания, кухня, вкус, искусство, зародились именно в тот период.
There were none left anyway.
Они всё равно кончались.
There were none.
На ней не было номеров.
Plants, insects, reptiles and birds had established themselves, but there were none of their own kind.
Здесь уже обитали растения, насекомые, рептилии и птицы. Однако не было никого, похожего на колонистов.
There were none of those competitors here, and so the lemurs have flourished ever since.
Здесь не оказалось потенциальных конкурентов, и поэтому с тех самых пор лемуры процветают.
But at length, as the labor drew nearer to its conclusion, there were admitted none into the turret. For the painter had grown wild with the ardor of his work, and turned his eyes from the canvas rarely, even to regard his wife.
Но постепенно, со временем, в башню перестали приводить людей, потому что художник обезумел, охваченный страстью к своему творению, и не отводил от полотна взгляда, даже для того, чтобы взглянуть на жену.
Nay, an there were two such, we should have none shortly, for the one would kill the other.
А то нет? Сойдись таких двое – скоро не осталось бы ни одного, потому что они бы друг друга прикончили.
Neither did they live in a lagoon where there were regular deposits, but on land, where there was virtually none.
Они не жили в заливах с постоянным осадконакоплением. Все они обитали на суше, где процесс аккумуляции отложений был сильно затруднён.
There were more boys, but none of them knew anything.
Тут было много мальчиков, но никто из них не знал ничего.
Some knew each other, but none knew why they were there
Некоторые были знакомы друг с другом, но ни одна из них не знала, по какому поводу её пригласили.
"He thrived on his own mystery. " But once the first one was discovered... " it wasn't long before there were none left between us.
его окружавшей. весьма скоро их больше для меня и не осталось. свеженакрахмаленную рубашку цвета пасхального яйца и эту его чертову шляпу.
That is the main thing, of course! None...! ... there were no crowds...
Единственное, по-видимому, существо, к которому ты привязан.
There were, I think, some photographs of her father, but absolutely none of her mother.
Там были, я думаю, фотографии отца. Но нигде не видно матери.
Now, there were plenty other photos taken that day... but none anybody wanted to see.
В тот день было снято много других фотографий. Но никто не хотел их видеть.
One of the things fiche type bohemienne Olympia was that there were festivals where none drank or drogava... but took... the coffee? ..
Одно из проявлений богемной жизни в Олимпии меня особенно радовало вечеринки, на которых не напиваются и не укуриваются... все тихо пили кофе..
There were, there were. But none as good as that one.
Я очень ценю, что ты мне так открылся.
Someone over there would like to meet you, a young woman, only if you were none of these things.
Кое-кто здесь хотел бы встретиться с вами... молодая женщина... только если вы не один из двух.
You're creating phantoms were there are none.
Ты сама себе создаешь проблемы на пустом месте.
Escape from the slums was difficult for there were few jobs available and practically none for the unskilled.
Сложно было избежать нищеты из-за малого количества рабочих мест а для неквалифицированных - работы не было вовсе.
There was a third party mentioned from time to time during the investigation, but none of my witnesses were able to make a positive identification of a third person, and they all saw the defendant, Larry Teel, fire the fatal shot.
Участие 3-тьего человека упоминалось время от времени в ходе расследования, но ни один из моих свидетелей не смог опознать 3-тьего человека, но они все видели, как подсудимый, Ларри Тил, произвел смертельный выстрел.
There were long piers on Guadalcanal and we really and truly figured none of us Will survive err, that... we were expandable.
Ќа √ уадалканале мы очень долго были полностью уверены, что никто из нас не выживет, что мы были просто пушечным м € сом.
I was running in the park, And I noticed that none of the kids Lily usually plays with were there.
Я бегал в парке и заметил, что там не было детей, с которыми Лили обычно играет.
There were a lot of heads, but none of those heads were my friends'... heads.
Там было много голов, но среди них не было голов моих друзей.
Look, okay, I admit we were in a lot of trouble there, but none of us are that cold-blooded, right?
Ну ладно, хорошо, я признаю, мы были в серьезных неприятностях, но среди нас нет таких хладнокровных?
None of the patients can remember exactly what happened to them when they were here, which means that there's a memory thing attached to whatever it is that we're looking for.
Никто из пациентов точно не помнит, что с ними случилось и где они были. А значит то, что мы ищем, связано с памятью.
None of you were ever there.
Никого из вас там не было.
'Mercifully, there was more Chinese tarmac, so we were able to surge'through a country where, actually, none of us'had really known what to expect.'
К счастью, китайское шоссе не закончилось, и мы могли с ветерком проехать страну, от которой никто из нас не знал, чего ожидать.
there were 484
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
none 1536
none of your fucking business 29
nonetheless 242
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
there were others 52
none 1536
none of your fucking business 29
nonetheless 242
none of your business 604
none of the above 48
none of my business 113
none of your damn business 35
none of them 95
none of us 41
none of us are 53
none of it 118
none of us can 26
none of that 122
none of you 45
none of this 37
none of us did 56
none taken 319
none of that matters 52
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none of it 118
none of us can 26
none of that 122
none of you 45
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