There were over traducir ruso
565 traducción paralela
There were over 400,000 divorce cases in this country last year.
В прошлом году в нашей стране проведено 400.000 бракоразводных процессов.
There were over 8000 colonists and virtually no food.
Там были более 8000 поселенцев и практически никакой еды.
There were over thirty cards on the table.
На столе стояло более тридцати карт.
There were over 20 species of eagles and falcons.
Было найдено более 20 видов соколов и орлов.
There were over 100 ninja from Negoro.
Там было более чем 100 ниндзя из Negoro.
You'd be happier if there were curtains over those windows. - Yes.
Пожалуй, надо и занавески задернуть.
It's up to you to act as your conscience dictates... but if there were that many charges pending over me... you wouldn't see my coattail for the dust.
Но Вам решать. Делайте, как Вам подсказывает совесть. но если бы было столько обвинений против меня... я бы просил защиты у влиятельного лица.
Over there in Africa, when we were soldiers together,
Когда мы вместе служили в Африке...
- And you were looking for someone over there?
- Вы кого-нибудь ищите?
We were over there in our trailer having supper.
В это время мы ужинали в нашем трейлере.
That corner house over there is the home of the Darling family. And Peter Pan chose this particular house... because there were people here who believed in him.
Вот этот дом на углу принадлежит семье Дарлингов, и Питер Пен выбрал именно этот дом, потому что здесь живут три человека, верящие в его существование.
Originally there were six stellar vaults over the largest and finest hall.
Первоначально шесть звёздчатых сводов возвышалось здесь над огромным, но изящным залом.
Now, honey, you remembered it perfectly well the other night... when you'd had a couple of drinks, you were gonna go over there -
НУ, милый, ты это прекрасно помнил как-то вечером... когда перебрал с напитками, ты собирался пойти к нему..
There were police all over the area.
В этом районе повсюду полиция.
They came from all over Italy. We were all there.
Церемония прошла великолепно, собрались люди со всей Италии.
They were over there, the boys with rockets
- Ребята с ракетами. Сейчас уже ушли.
♪ A pine spreading its branches over the black board fence ♪ There stands a fine figure, hair let down ♪ You were supposed to be dead, Miss Otomi
d Сосна расправила свои ветки над стеной черного забора d Там стоит прекрасная фигура, волосы вьются вниз d Вы должны были умереть, мисс Отоми d Даже боги не знают, что вы еще живы
There were just two of us... me and Rosalie Schultz, but she chickened out... and went over to Mitch Miller.
Правда, нас было только двое. Я и Розали Шульц, но она вышла из клуба и ушла к Митчу Миллеру.
I only know there was a huge scandal over some obscenity and a whole lot of them were expelled.
Знаю, что из-за какого-то свинства разгорелся огромный скандал, и большое количество участников были исключены из интерната.
Look, that's were we live and over there's the turf moor.
Посмотрите, вот здесь мы живем, а вот там торфяные болота.
I thought at first that bunch over there their mothers were frightened by gorillas but now I think they were caught.
Сначала, когда я увидел эту компанию, мне показалось, что их матерей насмерть перепугали гориллы, но теперь мне кажется, что гориллы их матерей ещё и догнали.
There were pictures of her all over the house.
Её фотографии были повсюду в доме.
Why were you looking over there?
Чего ты туда уставилась?
On the canyon floor, there were nuggets all over the ground.
На земле повсюду были самородки.
And then a sort of glaze came over his eyes, he giggled a couple of times, said something nobody understood... and then he asked if there were any more questions.
Потом глаза его остекленели, он пару раз хихикнул, сказал что-то неразборчиво... и спросил, есть ли ещё вопросы.
You said there were mountains over there.
Ты сказал, в той стороне горы.
You were giving off conspiracy in waves over there.
Это же был заговор.
Village idiots from all over Russia were meeting there.
Деревенские идиоты со всей России встречались там.
- They were right over there.
- Да, вон там.
What were you doing over there?
Что ты делал там?
Last time she was here, there were eggs all over the stage!
Когда она пела здесь в прошлый раз, ее забрасывали яйцами все выступление!
I thought we were going near the border, over there with the blondies that visit Tijuana and Ensenada
Я думал, мы собирались недалеко за границу... Туда, где блондинки, которые посещают Тихуану и Энсенаду.
Back when you were sitting silently over there in the corner
Ещё когда сидел у меня молчком вот там в углу
What was that you were doing on those stumps over there?
А что это вы делали на тех пнях?
I bet when you were over there... you never even thought about me.
Держу пари, что когда тебя тут не было, ты обо мне даже не вспоминал.
I want to ask you, Rose, you were all dressed up over there. Why?
Слушай, Роза, а чего зто ты там нарядилась, как на праздни.
Belly dancing is all very well... but you made a mistake when you were over there.
Танцы живота - вещь, конечно, красивая, но ты глупо поступил, уехав в Северную Африку.
You were sitting right there, all slumped over.
Ты сидел прямо здесь и ты плакал.
There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky.
Повсюду в небе летали самолеты противника.
There were pills all over.
Там повсюду были таблетки.
I think it came from over here! There were two shots!
Мне кажется это шло оттуда!
So guys who were over there are a little special to me.
По этому ребята, которые были там слегка особенные для меня.
We were over there at the same time.
Мы были там в одно и то же время.
There were cops all over the place.
Там повсюду были копы.
You know, I realize we were making sort of a racket over there.
У нас случилась небольшая разборка.
All the countermeasures were over there, right?
Все отвлекающие средства, так?
At the point when we were developing this, nobody knew that there were drugs over there.
В момент разработки никто не знал, что там были наркотики.
There were still a few hundred of them left on plantations all over Vietnam, trying to keep themselves convinced that it was still 1950.
Несколько сотен французов оставались на плантациях Вьетнама, пытаясь уверить себя, что сейчас по-прежнему 50-е.
I mean, it's about the kids that were over there who didn't know anything about anything.
В смысле, о пацанах, которые были там, которые ничего не знали и не видели.
There were dead all over town, people screaming, and dying beneath the rubble.
Дома были разрушены, на улицах лежали трупы, люди оказались под обломками.
Our scans were all clear, and Moseley says there hasn't been so much as a quiver down there in well over a century.
На наших сканерах - чисто и Мосли сообщает, что в этом регионе не регистрировалось даже мелких толчков вот уже около века.
there were 484
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were no survivors 16
there were two 42
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overboard 24
overdose 32
overall 83
overtime 31
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overboard 24
overdose 32
overall 83
overtime 31
overnight 112
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
overreacting 19
overload 17
over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22