He was a man traducir turco
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Jeremy, the avatar that you reported to the FBI, MPresario, in real life, he was a man named Kurt Simpson.
Jeremy, FBI'ya şikayet ettiğin MPresario adlı avatar gerçek dünyada Kurt Simpson adlı biri.
He was a man.
O bir insandı.
I wasn't about to reply he thought that because he was a man.
Cevap veremedim çünkü o erkek olduğu için böyle düşünüyordu.
And I got there... Turned out she was a man, and he beat the hell out of me pretty bad, so...
Ve oraya gittiğimde aslında erkek olduğu ortaya çıktı ve beni güzelce bir dövdü.
I was faithful to one man for over 30 years, and... unfortunately he was only faithful for six months and not in a row.
30 yıl boyunca bir adama sadakatle bağlandım ama o bana sadece 6 ay sadık kalabildi o da aralıklı bir şekilde.
He was just a man in a costume.
Kıyafet içindeki bir adamdı.
Because he was never a man at all.
Çünkü o hiçbir zaman bir adam olmadı.
Hey, I don't need to be psychoanalyzed, or whatever your version is, by a man who thinks that only yesterday he was fighting for George Washington in the Revolutionary War.
Psikonalize ihtiyacım yok benim. Ya da senin gibi daha dün George Washington için Bağımsızlık Savaşı'nda savaştığını düşünen bir adamın yaptığı bir analize.
I said your father was a very sexual man, and he was.
Babanın, cinsel ilgisi çok olan bir adam olduğunu söylemiştim, öyleydi de.
This man you killed, was he a good man or was he a bad man?
Öldürdüğün adam iyi bir adam mıydı yoksa kötü bir adam mı?
I apologize for taking such a drastic action, but the man calling himself Matthew Graham was not who he said he was.
Böyle etkili bir giriş yaptığım için özür diliyorum ama kendine Matthew Graham diyen kişi aslında o kişi değil.
I complimented him on his pants, which is the highest honor you can give to a man in my culture, and he was more than happy to leave.
Pantolonuna iltifat ettim ki bu benim kültürümde bir erkeğe verebileceğin en büyük onurdur ve seve seve ayrıldılar.
You said he was a good man.
İyi bir adam olduğunu söylemiştin.
I heard he was a drunken man whore.
İçkici erkek orospunun teki demişlerdi.
He was a wonderful man.
- Harika bir adamdı.
Yes he's an old man now but he was a ball player briefly
Şimdi epey yaşlanmış ama kısa bir süre beyzbol da oynamıştı.
Ester... the pilot who killed your mother, who fired indiscriminately on an ambulance that was carrying her to hospital, having just given birth to you, that pilot thought he was a good man, too.
- Ester! Anneni hastaneye götürmeye çalışırken içinde doğduğun ambulansa ayrım yamadan ateş açan pilot da kendini iyi bir insan olarak düşünüyordu.
He was a good man.
İyi bir adamdı.
He was a good man, and he saw promise in the boy.
İyi bir adamdı ve bir çocukta umut gördü.
He was a generous man.
Cömert bir adamdı.
I just jumped into a relationship with a man who, it turns out, was pretending to be something he wasn't.
Davrandığı gibi birisi olmayan biri ile ilişkiye başladım.
♪ Out on the street I was talking to a man ♪ ♪ He said, " There's so much of this love of mine ♪
Çeviren : absolutely7
He was such a good man.
Çok iyi bir adamdı.
He, too, was the bastard child of a man who saw him as nothing but a beast.
O da günah keçisi olarak ilan edilen, canavar olarak görülen çocuktu.
♪ Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner ♪
# Jo Jo yalnız olduğunu düşünen bir adamdı #
So he wanted to win me back, convince me he was a good man and that David wasn't.
Beni geri kazanmak istiyordu. Kendisinin iyi David'in öyle olmadığına ikna etmek.
He was a puzzling man who loved puzzles.
Yapbozları seven bilmece dolu bir adamdı.
I don't like to say anything bad about anybody, but he was a nasty man.
Hiç kimse hakkında kötü konuşmayı sevmem ama o itici bir adamdı.
In the beginning, he was a good man.
Başlangıçta iyi bir adamdı.
Here before you was a man leaning over the body of his murdered friend, sobbing that he killed him, it was his fault, yet somehow you deduced that this was not a confession, but regret for an earlier argument
Karşınızda öldürülen arkadaşının cesedinin üzerine yaslanmış hıçkırarak onu öldürdüğünü onun hatası olduğunu söyleyen bir adam vardı.
He was a nice man.
İyi bir adamdı.
But when we found out that he was working with a man named Felix Soto, we... infiltrated his home, as well.
Ama sonra Felix Soto adında bir adamla ortak çalıştığını öğrendiğimizde ; Soto'nun evini de gözetlemeye başladık.
Yeah, he was a good man.
Evet, iyi bir insandı.
He said you was a twink man. Mm-mm-mm-mm.
Ateşli genç sever bir adam olduğunu söyledi.
A man was shot, wasn't he?
Bir adam vuruldu, değil mi?
The old man took him up north when he was a boy.
O küçükken yaşlı adam onu kuzeye götürdü.
Another way would be to say that he was killed with an axe by a man with no head, but that'd make me sound crazy.
Diğer bir yol onun bir baltayla öldürüldüğünü söylemek olurdu. başsız bir adam tarafından, fakat bu beni deli gösterirdi.
Howard was a nice man, but... Well, he'd get into that corn liquor.
Howard iyi bir adamdı ama mısır likörü içmeye başladı.
He was our man on the ground, set up in a nearby building.
- Sahadaki adamımızdı.
Red Dawg's widow said he was always religious, but a week before he died, he came home from a prayer meeting and was a changed man filled with divine glory.
Red Dawg'ın karısı onun her zaman dindar biri olduğunu söyledi ama ölmeden bir hafta önce bir dua toplantısından gelmiş ve değişmiş ilahi huzur dolu biri olarak dönmüş.
Oh, yeah, but-but- - there was a young man there... He was underprivileged, ferociously ambitious.
Ama o zamanlar genç bir adam vardi imkânlari olmayan ama çok hirsli.
He's still in Ohio. Hadad was targeting a man 2,000 miles away- - it makes no sense.
Hadad 3 bin km ötedeki bir adamı hedef almış.
The man that she loved was murdered, and he's gonna send her on a suicide mission?
Sevdiği adam öldürüldü. Kızı intihar görevine mi yollayacak?
Curious. We know your partner was a man, and that he'd managed to get in and out of your home without upsetting her.
Çünkü ortağımızın erkek olduğunu biliyoruz, ve evinize onu kızdırmadan girmeyi başarabiliyordu.
He had a friend in the car, and according to him, Dalton came upon a man who was trying to break in the stables.
Arabada bir arkadaşı vardı ve ona göre Dalton ahırlara gizlice girmeye çalışan bir adama rasladı.
That man lied on videotape, he's missing a finger on his left hand, and he was carrying a designer handgun which he intended to use to murder Nigella Mason.
Nigella Mason'ı öldürürken kullanacağı bir silah taşıyordu.
He was a good man, hell of a soldier.
İyi bir adamdı, askerin hasıydı.
Because I thought he was a... a man of honor.
Çünkü onurlu biri olduğunu düşünüyordum.
Seems he was a very high-level, prolific hit man for a gang called the Estrellas Locos.
Görünüşe göre o çok yüksek eğitimli, Estrellas Locos adındaki bir çetenin tetikçisi.
Yeah, well, he was a wise man.
Evet, o bilge bir adamdı.
He was a wonderful man.
O harika bir adamdı.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was wrong 76
he was afraid 36
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was angry 46
he was here 335
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83