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Translate.vc / inglés → turco / [ S ] / She was asleep

She was asleep traducir turco

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I thought she was asleep, at first.
Önce uyuduğunu sanmıştım.
- She was asleep when I left.
- Çıktığımda uyuyordu.
I stood looking at her while she was asleep and I couId have...
Uyurken onu seyrediyordum ve ben...
- She was asleep, sir.
- Uyuyordu.
Once she was asleep in the bed.
bir keresinde yatakta uyurken gördüm.
She was asleep on board the boat.
Teknede uykuya dalmıştı.
You said she was asleep.
Uyuduğunu söylemiştin.
She was fine. She was asleep.
İyiydi Uyuyordu.
All the time we thought she was asleep...
Hep onun uyuduğunu sandık.
Well, we thought she was asleep.
Şey, uyuduğunu sanıyorduk.
She was asleep.
She was asleep,
- She was asleep when I looked in .
- Baktığımda uyuyordu.
- She was asleep a moment ago
- Bir dakika önce uyuyordu.
She was asleep when I left.
Ben buraya geldiğimde hâlâ uyuyordu.
She was asleep.
She was asleep.
While she was asleep.
Father answered it and said she was asleep, he had to speak softly
Babam bebeğin uyuduğunu söyledi. Uyanmasın diye fısıltıyla konuşuyordu.
Father answered it and said she was asleep
Babam açtı.
- No, she was asleep.
- Hayır, uyuyordu.
Well, she was asleep. She sleeps most of the day
Günün büyük bölümünde uyuyor.
She was asleep.
- Uyuyordu.
There I was, trapped inside able to come out only at night when she was asleep.
Bense içeride hapsolmuş sadece geceleri o uyurken ortaya çıkabiliyordum.
When she was asleep, I'd sneak out.
Uyuyunca dışarı süzülecektim.
She probably thought of someone to visit, and everyone was asleep when she left.
Muhtemelen birini ziyaret etmek geldi aklına ve giderken herkes uyuyordu.
I waited for Marijo. She was still asleep.
Marijo bekledim ama hâlâ uyuyordu.
I was asleep. She must have left the ship.
Ben uyuyorken gemiden çıkmış olmalı.
Maybe her back was bothering her, and she fell asleep on the ironing board.
Belki ütü masasının üzerinde uyuyakalmıştır.
She waited till he was asleep, shot him in the heart, then shot herself in the mouth.
Adam uyuyana kadar bekledi ve onu kalbinden vurdu. Sonra da kendi ağzına ateş etti.
You know she was already asleep?
O çoktan uyumuş, biliyor musun?
- She was upset, we were asleep.
- Kızın morali çok bozuktu, uyuyorduk.
Katarina lay beside me. She was still immobile, fast asleep.
Katarina yanımda yatıyor.Hala hareketsiz, derin uykudaydı.
On and on she went. I thought Miss Gregg was gonna fall asleep -
Bayan Gregg az daha uyuyacaktı.
She said she would come down when her husband was asleep and speak to me through the end window if I would go away afterwards and leave her in peace.
Buraları terk edip onu rahat bırakmam şartıyla, kocası uyuduktan sonra cesaretini toparlayabileceğini ve benimle arka pencereden konuşacağını söylemişti.
She was about to fall asleep!
Once upon a time when the village was asleep a she-wolf came, from the world below to the world above.
Bir zamanlar tüm köy uykudayken yer altından, yer yüzüne dişi bir kurt gelmiş.
She was fast asleep.
Hemen uyudu.
She must have fallen asleep while she was at the table.
Greta, yemek masasındayken uyuyakaldı.
Or she told him she was going to before they fell asleep.
Ya da onlar uykuya dalmadan önce kadın belki ona anlatmıştır.
But when she thought I was asleep, I could hear her.
Ama o uyuduğumu sandığı zaman, onu duyardım.
You know, she used to go out at night and look for men when I was asleep.
Beni uyuttuktan sonra dışarı çıkar ve erkek peşinde koşardı.
Finally she realized he was asleep, an empty glass in his hand.
En sonunda, elinde boş bir bardakla uykuya dalmış olduğunu fark etmiş.
I guess Tülay is asleep, she was very tired.
Tülay uyudu galiba, çok yorgundu.
She was always asleep.
Sürekli uykudaymış.
She was always asleep.
Her zaman uykudaymış.
- Well, she was telling Miss Stevenson she didn't think she could go to sleep because she had already been asleep.
- Bayan Stevenson'a... uyuyabileceğini sanmadığını söyledi... çünkü zaten uyumuştu.
She was fast asleep.
Derin bir uykudaydı.
She used to use it at night while I was asleep.
Ben geceleri uyurken kullanırdı.
When she was eight years old, she was taken from her bedroom while her parents were asleep.
Sekiz yaşındayken, ailesinin uykuda olduğu bir sırada yatak odasından kaçırılmış.
Uh, everyone was asleep, and I'm lying in my bunk, and she sees me looking at her.
Herkes uyuyordu ve ben de yatıyordum, sonra ona baktığımı gördü.

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