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Işte oradalar traducir inglés

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Oradalar, işte oradalar!
There they are, over there!
sana yaklaşan savas grubuyla nasıl süreceksin sasıracaksın işte oradalar Lafe.savas atları geliyor
You'd be surprised how you can drive with a war party closing in on you. There they are, Lafe. The war ponies are busting out of the draw.
Bak, işte oradalar.
Look. There they are.
Gördünüz mü, işte oradalar.
See, there they are.
Horace, işte oradalar!
Horace, there they go!
Hey, işte oradalar, küçük gammazlar.
Hey, there they go, the little sneaks.
Evet işte oradalar!
There we are!
Onları koruyun, işte oradalar!
Cover them, over there!
İste oradalar.
There they are.
- İşte, oradalar.
- There they are.
- İşte oradalar.
- There they are.
İşte oradalar.
There they are.
İşte oradalar!
There they go.
İşte oradalar!
There they are!
İşte oradalar, tam önümüzde.
There they are, just ahead of us.
İşte, oradalar!
There they are!
- İşte oradalar efendim.
- Why, there they are, sir.
- İşte oradalar.
There they are.
İşte, oradalar.
There they go.
İşte oradalar.
Look! There they are!
İşte oradalar beyler.
There they are, gentlemen.
İşte oradalar, Tarzan.
There they go, Tarzan.
Kanun kaçaklarının yakalanmasını istemiştin. İşte oradalar.
You wanted a gang of outlaws rounded up, well, there they are.
- İşte oradalar.
- Here they are.
İşte oradalar, yolu kazıyorlar.
There they are, digging up the road.
Oradalar! İşte oradalar!
Oh, yes, they are.
- İşte oradalar!
- There they are!
İşte oradalar!
There they go!
İşte oradalar!
İşte oradalar!
There they are! - Here!
İşte oradalar!
There they are.
İşte oradalar, müdür Lepic ve adamlarından biri.
There they are : Police Commissioner Lepic and one of his men.
İşte oradalar!
Hey, there they are!
İşte oradalar, ne?
There they are, what?
İşte oradalar!
Here they are!
İşte oradalar, efendim.
[Geese Quacking] There they are, sir.
İşte oradalar.
Here they are.
İşte oradalar, Lyakhov ve Moroz.
There they are, Lyakhov and Moroz.
İşte oradalar, tepenin zirvesine geliyorlar.
There they are, coming over the top of the hill.
Oradalar işte!
There they are!
İşte oradalar.
That's where they are
İşte oradalar.
There they are!
İşte oradalar...
There they are.
İşte oradalar, Ay'ın yüzeyinin altında.
Here they are, deep below the surface of the moon.
İşte, oradalar.
There they are.
Oradalar işte, gördünüz mü?
There you are, you see? Ye-he-he-es! You see?
İşte oradalar... Onu bulmuş olmalılar.
There they are, they must have found her!
İşte oradalar, Holly...
There they are, Holly...
İşte oradalar Courtney.
There they are, Courtney.
İşte oradalar.
Oh, there they are.
İşte oradalar.
There they come.

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