After the fact traduction Espagnol
905 traduction parallèle
That will make you an accomplice after the fact.
Eso la convertiría en un cómplice en el hecho.
That means something like "accessory after the fact."
Eso significa algo así como ser "encubridor."
Listen to me, thief. My love for my daughter makes me an accessory after the fact. But I'll cut my throat before I become an accomplice.
Escuche, ladrón, mi amor por mi hija me convierte en encubridor, pero prefiero cortarme el cuello a convertirme en cómplice.
The sheriff believes that I'm an accessory after the fact in the murder of Katherine. And I can't say that I blame him.
El sheriff me considera cómplice de la muerte de Katherine.
Mrs. Stanton, you're not helping him or yourself... getting mixed up in this murder as an accessory after the fact.
Sra. Stanton, no le está ayudando a él ni a sí misma... involucrándose en este asesinato como cómplice a posteriori.
Don't you see? You're an accomplice after the fact?
¿ No comprendes que te has convertido en su cómplice?
Our having him here without notifying them... makes us accessories after the fact.
I find it a little difficult to proceed in this case... without bursting into laughter at the utter "plimsicity" of the answer... and the puny excuse, well after the fact... that she was merely trying to frighten them.
Encuentro un poco difícil proceder en este caso, sin romper a reír al oír la "plimsicidad" de la respuesta... y la enclenque excusa, después del hecho... de que ella sólo intentaba asustarles.
Lifelong devotion is measured after the fact.
La dedicación de por vida se mide al final de la vida.
Sometimes they move after the fact.
A veces hay que actuar antes de que suceda algo.
You better be going now. Don't want to be an accessory after the fact.
Mejor será que se marche, no vaya a ser que la critiquen.
Something in the nature of an accessory before and after the fact... to give the title to those of you who can't read... and to tidy up afterwards for those who don't understand the endings.
Un complemento antes y después de cada historia,... para presentar el título a los que no sepan leer,... y dar explicaciones para quienes no las entiendan.
I mean I don't care to be an accessory after the fact to a murder... for $ 2,000.
A que no quiero ser cómplice de asesinato... por sólo 2.000 dólares.
"Accessory after the fact," "Murder in the first degree." Very nasty.
"complicidad con Ios hechos",... o "asesinato en primer grado", muy desagradable.
Unfortunately since you are all accessories after the fact, I cannot permit you to leave the room.
Pero hasta que no se aclaren Ios hechos, no dejaré que se vayan.
You can call it a mistake only now, after the fact.
Solo ahora que conoce los hechos, puede decir que fue un error.
All we can do is act after the fact.
Sólo podemos actuar después de los hechos.
In the others I'm just an accessory after the fact and equally liable under the law.
En las otras, estoy legalmente implicado.
Do you realize you're an accessory before, during and after the fact?
¿ Se da cuenta de que es cómplice, antes, durante y después?
After the fact. Don't forget Dumayn.
Y una realidad No olvide Dumayn.
Accessory after the fact, accomplice to whatever Fox was up to.
Era encubridor de un delito, cómplice en lo que tramara el Sr. Fox.
That is what is known as bribery after the fact.
Eso se conoce como soborno posterior al hecho.
But what is certain, if you go to the police, they will probably charge you with being an accessory after the fact.
Está claro que si vas a la policía, te acusarán de encubrimiento.
It's called accessory after the fact.
Eso es ser encubridor.
But that law was created after the fact after they had stolen the land.
Pero las leyes se hicieron después de los hechos, después de robar la tierra.
The fact is you never really get to know a place until after you've stayed in it a bit.
Nunca sabes cómo es un sitio hasta que no pasas un tiempo en él.
As a matter of fact, the past three weeks have been one charming coincidence after another.
De hecho, las últimas tres semanas han sido una encantadora coincidencia tras otra.
In fact, perhaps If it's a importing matter if I weren't going away the day after tomorrow I'd take you up myself.
Pues sí, conozco a varios que podrían. Lástima que tenga que marcharme pasado mañana. De lo contrario, les acompañaría yo mismo.
As a matter of fact, it was a very handy law because if Mr. Patrician told Miss Plebs he was very sorry he couldn't marry her after they'd made the Lex canuleia she probably replied, "Oh, yes, you can, you liar."
De hecho, era una ley muy conveniente porque si el Sr. Patricio le decía a la Srta. Plebeya que anulaba la boda después de promulgar la lex canuleia ella probablemente le contestaría : "Canalla, no hagas pella".
Well, the matter of fact is I've got a very important matter coming up with Captain Tim tomorrow and after that I'll be all set for the year.
Bueno, la verdad es que tengo un asunto muy importante mañana con el capitán Tim que me solucionará el resto del año.
In fact, it's after 1 : 00. I heard the clock strike.
Es más de Ia una, he oído el reloj.
The fact of the matter is, Mr. Virgil my wife is leaving day after tomorrow on a South American cruise and, well, she insists on going without me.
El asunto es, Sr. Virgil que mi mujer se marcha pasado mañana en un crucero a Sudamérica y, bueno, insiste en ir sin mí.
Out of the country month after month this whole winter? How can you say a thing like that? When you couldn't possibly know it for a fact.
¿ Entonces por qué estuvo enviando su asignación fuera del país, todos los meses del invierno?
shows an inhuman indifference to those things, despite the fact that he's in the hands of the passionate barber and also in the company of this other arguing gentleman, who is the pharmacist and also the president of the Football Club, who could care less about anything not related to football, except, of course, keeping tabs on the Mayor, who, being friendly with the artists after getting them rooms at the Inn, is giving them a tour of the outskirts, so they can see his holdings,
Aunque este Sr., don Emiliano, médico del pueblo, tenga una indiferencia inhumana por esas cosas ante el apasionado peluquero y ante este otro Sr. que discute, que es el boticario, y que es el presidente del equipo, y que todo lo que no sea fútbol le trae sin cuidado, excepto, claro está, fisgar los pasos del alcalde, que amable con sus artistas, después de destinarles dos habitaciones en la fonda, les lleva ahora a dar un paseo por las afueras para que vean sus posesiones ; costumbre que consideran escandalosa Dña.
His greatest concerns were a vicious German defense, the fact that Italy was one mountain after another... and that weather conditions were impossible.
Le preocupaba la feroz defensa alemana... el que en Italia había una montaña tras otra... y el que las condiciones climatológicas eran imposibles.
In fact, I didn't really expect you back at all today... after all the work you turned out during lunch hour.
De hecho, no esperaba que regresara hoy... después de todo el trabajo que hizo durante la hora del almuerzo.
An important point for the prosecution was the fact that after the boy claimed he was at the movies when the killing took place, he couldn't remember the names of the movies or who starred in them.
Uno de los puntos fuertes del fiscal fue que, cuando el chico afirmó que estaba en el cine cuando ocurrió el crimen, no se acordaba de las películas ni de sus protagonistas.
Because after you've said everything that could be said, the fact would remain, he did help the enemy.
Porque después de decir cuánto podía disculparle, queda en pie un hecho. Que se pasó al enemigo.
More remarkable is the fact that until 1927, ten years after the revolution, the Soviet government had no control over the Aldan district.
Más notable es el hecho que hasta 1927, diez años después de la revolución, el gobierno soviético no tenía control sobre el distrito de Aldan.
The fact Iwabuchi sent me to clean up after Shirai proves he's begun to really trust me.
Iwabuchi me ayudó con Shirai. Cree que estoy de su lado.
And that in fact the money was only put back in the till after you knew that Burnaby had returned the £ 10 to me personally.
Y que el dinero sólo se repuso en caja cuando se supo que Burnaby me lo devolvió - a mí personalmente.
When we get back the sister stops one after the other, questions us all supposedly to know how we passed the holiday, but in fact to smell our breath, to know if we had wine.
Al regreso, la monja nos llama una a una a todas, para hacernos preguntas. ... con la excusa de informarse sobre cómo hemos pasado el día de fiesta. Pero, en realidad, lo hace para saber por nuestro aliento, si hemos bebido.
In fact, I actually met her on a plane, on the way back from Paris after the phosphate symposium. I looked at her, she looked annoyed.
De hecho, la conocí en el avión, de vuelta de París después del simposio sobre el fosfato.
But even more unbelievable is the fact that, after 2,500 years, with the creation of a committee the Buddhists contradicted themselves.
Pero aún más increíble, es el hecho de que, Después de 2.500 años de la creación del comité los budistas se contradicen.
My Lord Chancellor, in point of fact, there is also a saying the captain is sole master after God.
Mi Señor Canciller, respecto a eso, también hay algo que decir. El capitán es el único que manda después de Dios.
[Marilyn] Fact is, we came right home after the movie.
Vinimos a casa directo del cine.
But what struck me as a curious coincidence was the fact that it was right after Cuba that you were passed over for admiral.
Me pareció una curiosa coincidencia el hecho de que fuera justo después de lo de Cuba cuando se pasó por alto su ascenso a almirante.
In fact, after the funeral I had a sort of breakdown.
Después del funeral incluso sufrí un colapso nervioso.
In fact, he stayed on there after he retired, but when the Kalayans took over the country, he was turfed out.
Pero, cuando los kalayanos se hicieron cargo, fue expulsado. Su expediente está en mi coche.
In fact, after the abduction you had a dinner party to celebrate...
De hecho, después del secuestro, hubo una cena para celebrarlo todos juntos.
I'm just kinda annoyed about the fact that, well, I just come back from Vietnam after we kinda, you know, sweep up the country there.
Estoy un poco enojado porque acabo de regresar de Vietnam después de que barrimos ese país.
after the wedding 37
after the funeral 25
after the party 27
after the war 129
after them 91
after the show 43
after the fire 16
after the accident 53
after the surgery 25
after the election 22
after the funeral 25
after the party 27
after the war 129
after them 91
after the show 43
after the fire 16
after the accident 53
after the surgery 25
after the election 22
after the game 25
after the break 18
after the divorce 19
after the trial 23
after the crash 17
after the attack 17
after the fight 17
after the 38
the facts 28
the fact of the matter is 42
after the break 18
after the divorce 19
after the trial 23
after the crash 17
after the attack 17
after the fight 17
after the 38
the facts 28
the fact of the matter is 42
the fact remains 27
the fact is 486
the factory 30
facts 78
factory 30
factor 40
fact 190
factories 16
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the fact is 486
the factory 30
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