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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ C ] / Cover yourself up

Cover yourself up traduction Espagnol

93 traduction parallèle
Cover yourself up, it's cold outside.
Cúbrete bien, fuera hace frío.
Lie down and cover yourself up.
Acuéstate y cúbrete.
Peppinello, cover yourself up!
Peppinello, abrígate.
All I expect you to do, miss, is cover yourself up.
Lo único que espero, es que se cubra.
- Go cover yourself up.
- Cúbrete un poco. - No tengo frío.
Cover yourself up!
¡ Tápatela!
Go on. Cover yourself up.
Anda, cúbrete un poco.
Cover yourself up :
Abrígate bien
Come on, cover yourself up or you might get sick as well.
Y date prisa y crece, de lo contrario este papá será su abuelo.
Hey, girl, cover yourself up! And get down right now!
¡ Vístete y baja inmediatamente!
Cover yourself up, or God's wrath will burn you to ashes!
¡ Cúbrete antes de que la ira divina te fulmine!
Cover yourself up and regret!
¡ Cúbrete y arrepiéntete!
- To cover yourself up...
- Para cubrirse...
Cover yourself up.
Cover yourself up!
¡ Y tápate!
Now we'll cover yourself up well.
Ahora tápate muy bien.
Now please be so kind : cover yourself up and come back to your bedroom.
¡ Vamos! ¡ Dame gusto, tápate y vuelve a tu habitación!
That sounds like my sister, Cordelia. Cover yourself up.
Esa parece mi hermana Cordelia, ¡ tápate!
Cover yourself up. - Big deal.
Cúbrete con esto.
You're... You got heat prostration, and you cover yourself up with a blanket.
Tienes postración por el calor y te cubres con una manta.
You " re ill, you must cover yourself up and take a rest. Do you realize that?
Tú tienes fiebre, tienes que cubrirte, descansa. entiendes?
Good thing they gave you that washcloth to cover yourself up.
Por suerte te dieron esa toalla.
Cover yourself up!
¡ Cúbrete!
- I wish you'd cover yourself up, Mum.
- Mamá, tápate un poco.
Get in here and cover yourself up!
Ven aquí adentro y tápate!
- And fucking cover yourself up!
- ¡ Y ve a taparte, joder!
Cover yourself up, love.
Tápate, amor.
Come on, cover yourself up.
Venga, tápate.
Cover yourself up!
Cover yourself up, Avi.
Escóndete, Avi.
And you, cover yourself up!
y tu ¡ abróchate!
Cover yourself up.
¡ Tápate!
Cover yourself up.
Cover yourself up!
- Cover yourself up!
- Cubrete! - Hay, Hugo.
Have you gone nuts? Cover yourself up.
¿ Te has vuelto loco?
the way you cover yourself up, I really love it
La forma en Que Te tapas, Me encanta
Cover yourself up. For God's sake!
Cúbrete. ¡ Por el amor de Dios!
Can you cover yourself up, miss?
¿ Puede cubrirse, señorita?
- What's the matter? - Would you please just cover yourself up?
Por favor, vistete!
Cover yourself up!
Cover yourself up.
Puedes cubrirte.
Cover yourself up.
Cover yourself up with a blanket.
Tápense con una manta.
The years added layers to cover it up... but it was still there and made you hurt yourself.
Los años añadieron capas para cubrirlo pero estaba ahí y la hizo lastimarse.
You disguised yourself as a samurai like an actor in a cheap comedy in an attempt to evade the police and cover up your true identity as a yakuza.
Se disfraza de samurái como un actor en una comedia barata en un intento para evadir a la policía y disimular su identidad verdadera de pandillero.
- Shameless cow, cover up yourself!
- Vaca desvergonzada, ¡ Cúbrete!
Cover up, it is best to cover yourself!
¡ Cúbrete, es mejor que se cubra! .
You can just cover up by yourself.
Tu puedes cubrirte por ti mismo.
Cover up yourself well before you come out.
Cúbrete bien antes que salgas.
If Kip screws up, you're wiped out, so I can understand how you'd cover up for him, and maybe you're even desperate enough to kill her yourself.
Si Kip lo arruina, tú estas acabado. Entonces puedo entender cómo podrías cubrirlo, y tal vez, te hayas deseperado lo suficiente como para asesinarla tú mismo

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