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During the night traduction Espagnol

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He fled... during the night.
Huyó durante la noche.
During the night, though, I get so scared.
Durante la noche estoy tan asustada.
It'll dry during the night.
Se secará durante la noche.
Keep alert during the night.
Mantente alerta durante la noche.
The Monsieur Bailey took away the key of her suitcase, during the night.
Monsieur Bailey se la robó hábilmente de su bolso imagino qué en algún momento durante la noche.
Say, it's below zero during the night only About ten hours
Digamos que cae por debajo de cero sólo de noche, unas 10 horas diarias.
I phoned during the night
He llamado durante la noche.
Keep an eye on the Russians during the night - so they can't dig their way into the trenches.
Vigilo a los rusos durante la noche para que no puedan cavar un camino a través de las trincheras.
I walked around like you investigating the endless star. And in my net during the night I woke up naked. The only thing caught?
Anduve como vosotros escarbando la estrella interminable... y en mi red, en la noche, me desperté desnudo... única presa, pez encerrado en el viento. "
"And in my net during the night, I awoke naked- -" Isn't that what you do?
"Y en mi red, en la noche, desperté desnudo- -" ¿ No te dedicas a eso?
This means he's gonna try and spring something on us during the night.
Esto significa que va a intentar entrar en acción durante la noche.
During the night, sir, when Professor and Madam Cluj were in your bed, he entered their room and pierced their hot-water bottle with a sharp implement.
Anoche, señor, cuando estaban en su cama el Prof. y Madama Cluj... entró en su cuarto y les agujereó la botella de agua caliente con un objeto punzante.
I should have told you, Mama, Mr Glossop likes to have a few meals during the night.
Debí informarte, mamá. ¡ El Sr. Glossop almuerza varias veces... durante la noche para aguantar hasta el desayuno!
Did you sleep soundly, sir, or did you happen to wake up at any time during the night?
Así es Durmió bien señor ó se despertó alguna hora de la noche?
I understand from the news that he died during the night, which regrettably means that one of the last calls he made in his life was to me.
Escuche en la mañana en el radio que murió durante la noche. Y por lo tanto, lamentablemente una de las últimas llamadas que hizo en vida fue a mi.
This went on during the night.
Continuó durante la noche.
... throughout yesterday and even during the night, the rescue operations continued.
... durante todo el día de ayer y aún durante la noche, han continuado las operaciones de rescate.
During the night their bodies cooled and now they must warm up quickly in order that they can become active and start feeding.
Durante la noche sus cuerpos enfrían y ahora tienen que calentarse rápidamente con el fin de que puedan llegar a ser activa y comenzar a alimentar.
That's when I do my best thinking, during the night.
Es cuando pienso mejor, durante la noche.
So why did not The Major, dispose the body during the night?
¿ Entonces, por qué no se deshizo del cadáver durante la noche?
No, little elves snuck in and helped me during the night.
No, unos pequeños duendes me ayudaron durante toda la noche.
So anyone can visit it during the night?
Así que cualquiera podría visitarla por la noche.
And then during the night she just took off.
Y durante la noche ella se fue.
- that during the night... - ( Knocking )
- que durante la noche...
So why did not The Major, dispose the body during the night?
Entonces, ¿ por qué no se deshizo del cadáver durante la noche?
Diggs apparently feigned illness during the night... and when the prison doctor was called, seized him as a hostage.
Al parecer, Diggs fingió estar enfermo a la noche y cuando llegó el médico de la cárcel, lo tomó de rehén.
If you need anything during the night, you just call.
Si necesitas algo durante la noche, sólo llámame.
Yeah. And he'd do that a couple of times during the night, wouldn't he?
¿ Hacía eso un par de veces durante la noche?
Otis says that your story about crossing back and forth... during the night. Meanwhile.
Por otra parte.
... to my desk in the middle of a stormy night during which I have been tossed from exultation to exhaustion and back again.
... al escritorio en medio de una noche tempestuosa durante la cual he alternado desde el éxtasis al agotamiento y de vuelta otra vez.
Thanks, Mom. Oh, by the way, on party night, I want you two in your room by 7 : 00, and no coming out during the party.
Estaba saliendo de la I-94, escuchando a Toscanini, que combinaba perfectamente con el sonido... de mi fina maqinaria automotriz alemana, cuando un conductor imprudente me adelantó!
He cried during Family Feud last night. I could barely hear the questions.
Anoche lloró durante un programa de concursos y casi no se oían las preguntas.
Alcoholic during the day and impotent at night...
Alcohólico de dia e impotente de noche.
And during the day, they sleep in a coffin... and at night they turn into a bat.
Por el día duermen en un ataúd y por la noche se convierten en murciélagos.
I remember, my granddaddy told me how when you're lost in the desert you should sleep during the day and walk at night.
Recuerdo que me abuelito me contaba que cuando te pierdes en el desierto, Debes dormir durante el día, y caminar durante la noche.
Eight hours at night, eight hours during the day.
Ocho horas por la noche, ocho horas durante el día.
At night you write, during the day you meet those scoundrels.
Por las noches escribe, de día trata con esos canallas.
I'll sit next to you during the day and check your room at night. I even booked your seat on the plane right next to mine.
Ni siquiera podrá ir al baño sin mí, y nos sentaremos juntos en el avión.
I like nights better so I can spend the day with Julie during the day, he tells me of his night
Prefiero la noche... así paso el día con Julie. Durante el día, me cuenta su noche.
During the day he tells me about his night And at night, I wander around Paris
De día me cuenta su noche... y yo, de noche, deambulo por París.
During the day he tells me about his night
De día me cuenta su noche.
At night, I think of Jack and during the day he's with me
De noche, pienso en Jack... y, de día, no hace falta, porque está conmigo.
So instead, what we did, was to let the computer run all night, all last night, and we've got a "fossil record" of all the webs that were built during that time.
En lugar de eso, dejamos al ordenador trabajando toda la noche, y registramos las redes surgidas durante ese tiempo.
He suggested that although chameleons are mostly active during the day we should look for them at night because most of them turn pale in the dark and are therefore easily picked out in the light of our torches.
Sugirió que, si bien los camaleones son en su mayoría activos durante el día hay que buscarlos en la noche porque la mayoría de ellos palidecer en la oscuridad y son por tanto fácilmente elegido a la luz de nuestras antorchas.
The environment was very bad during the whole night. It was how if something was fermenting.
Hubo muy mal ambiente durante toda la velada... como si algo se estuviera cociendo.
You'd never see Gandhi during a hunger strike sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night.
Osea, uno nunca veria a Gandi en una huelga de hambre escaparse a la cocina en el medio de la noche.
I know what it feels like to clean hotel rooms during the day... and go to school at night to get the high school diploma I didn't get.
Y sé lo que se siente limpiar las habitaciones de un hotel en el día... y estudiar durante la noche esperando obtener un diploma que jamás me dieron.
Not always, just during the day, Then, when I leave at night, I'll,
Voy a dejar la moto aquí, o te desinflan los neumáticos,
One night... during the crossing of the Indian Ocean... in the main room on the big deck... there had been a sudden burst... of a waltz by Chopin.
Una noche... durante el cruce del Océano Indio... en la sala principal de la cubierta grande... hubo una explosión repentina de un vals de Chopin.
You could live with me, go to the academy during the day, patrol with me at night until you finish the training.
Puedes vivir conmigo, ir a la academia durante el día y patrullar conmigo de noche hasta terminar tu adiestramiento.
Brad said I could go to the academy during the day and patrol with somebody at night.
Brad dijo que podía ir a la academia de día y patrullar con alguien de noche.

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