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For a minute there traduction Espagnol

682 traduction parallèle
For a minute there, you had me thinking you were going in for independent production.
Creía que ibas a dedicarte a ser una productora independiente.
You know, for a minute there I had you wrong.
Sabe, por un segundo le confundí.
To see you for a minute there...
Por verte un minuto allí...
If you can get away from that phone for a minute there's an important call for you on the private phone in the library.
Si puede dejar ese teléfono... tiene una llamada importante en el teléfono de la biblioteca.
For a minute there, I thought it was the sergeant himself talking.
Por un momento, me pareció que estaba oyendo hablar al sargento.
I thought for a minute there you said you were married.
Por un momento he pensado que habías dicho que estabas casada.
For a minute there I thought you were dead.
Pensaba que habías muerto.
For a minute there you had me believing it.
Por un momento me lo había creído.
It's just that you caught me off guard, you know, not knowing too muoh about you, because you always make me talk about myself all the time, so that for a minute there, I wasn't very bright on the uptake.
- Me tomaste por sorpresa. No sé mucho de ti porque siempre me haces hablar de mí. Así que no fui muy brillante.
For a minute there I thought it was a stickup.
Durante un momento pensé que era un atraco.
For a minute there, I thought this was something out of Inner Sanctum.
Gracias. Por un momento pensé que esto Se parecía a un cuento de misterio.
- You know, for a minute there, I thought...
- Por un instante creí que...
For a minute there.... When I saw that red jacket, I thought....
Por un momento cuando vi la chaqueta roja, pensé- -
For a minute there... thought we was gonna be on the receiving end of a grenade. But I guess they was just getting their breaths.
Durante un instante... pensé que iban a lanzarnos una granada... pero supongo que sólo estaban recobrando el aliento.
You go on in there for a minute, will you?
Quédese allí un momento, ¿ quiere?
Just go in there for a minute.
Quédese allí un momento.
I'd do it in a minute if there is any reason for it or the slightest temptation, but there isn't.
Lo haría de inmediato si hubiera razón para ello o una ligera tentación, pero no es así.
You had me there for a minute.
Me engañaste por un momento.
Good, let them wait next door for a minute. I'll be there shortly.
Bien, déjelos que esperen ahí un momento, ahora estoy con ellos.
Wait a minute. There's no need for you to get mixed up in it.
Correréis mucho riesgo.
Funny, I was so depressed for a minute, and as soon as you're there, it's over.
Hace un momento me sentí muy desgraciado, pero al verte aquí...
And helping ourselves to $ 1.88 for every pound we can lay our hands on. Wait a minute-i ain't going back down south there for no $ 1.88.
Y nos ganaríamos un dólar con 88 centavos por cada medio kilo al que echáramos el guante.
Mr. Rhett grab his gun and run out there and shoot that poor pony... and for a minute I think he going to shoot hisself.
Por un momento pensé que iba a pegarse un tiro.
but don't think for one minute there's any more doubt in my mind.
Y de cabeza a los japoneses. Mejor se para en Oklahoma City. Voy a bajar a por los pasaportes.
You stand there on tenterhooks for a minute or two.
La dejaré en ascuas un rato.
You'd better go in there and see them for a minute first.
Mejor vas a verlos primero un momento.
Sabe, me había desconcertado por un momento.
Now wait a minute, Tom. There's no necessity for that.
En ese caso no habrá objeción a que lo comprobemos.
There's a parcel for you, too, in the back room... if you'll wait a minute, please.
También hay un paquete para usted en la trastienda. Si espera un minuto, por favor.
I waited for you. There might be a boat sailing'any minute.
Tal vez algún barco zarpe pronto.
But there isn't. Not just for a minute, that is.
No la hay, al menos por un minuto.
You boys just cool your heels there for a minute.
Muchachos, quédense donde están.
There was a chance every minute of every day for four years, and don't you forget it.
Fue posible a cada minuto durante 4 años. No te olvides.
There should be a real tree, for a minute.
Debería haber un árbol de verdad por un momento.
- You had me scared there for a minute.
- Me asustaste por un minuto.
Make her stop for a minute, Charles. There's something I want to say before I go.
Que pare un minuto, Charles, quiero decirte algo antes de irme.
I'm going over for a minute or there'll be murder.
Voy un momento a ver qué cuenta Marcello.
You know, for a minute, I thought you were going to stand me up there.
Por un minuto pensé que me ibas a dejar plantado.
Thought for a minute you were gonna have trouble there, Robbie.
Pensé que ibas a tener problemas, Robbie. No.
You go over there and let me sit here for a minute.
Ve allá y espera un momento.
- Can you stand there for a minute? - Yeah.
Keep those guys quiet down there for a minute!
Que los muchachos no hagan ruido allí abajo.
You had me worried there for a minute.
Por un momento me habías preocupado.
You had me worried about it there for a minute.
Me preocupaste hace un momento.
The minute this gun was loaded, one of you brave boys might decide to go for the ride, just to fire it and if you did, it might alert a few state cops down there and the game would be over.
En cuanto lo cargue, algún valiente podría decidir ponerse a disparar para alertar a los policías de ahí abajo y eso sería el fin.
You had me scared there for a minute.
Por un momento me asustaste.
He was happy there for a minute.
Por lo menos ha sido feliz por un minuto.
Well, looked like you had a point there for a minute about Clem Wilson.
Parece que por un instante tuviste un argumento contra Clem Wilson.
- Sit over there for just a minute, please.
- Siéntese allá un momento, por favor.
There's something else I'd like to talk about for a minute.
Hay una cosa más que quisiera comentar en un minuto.
Maxie, will you stand over there for a minute? Please?
Maxie, quédate aquí un rato, por favor.

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