For all i knew traduction Espagnol
312 traduction parallèle
For all I knew, you were lying in the gutter somewhere with a knife in your back.
Creí que estarías tirado en la calle con un cuchillo en la espalda.
Why, you're half-drunk. For all I knew he had your gun.
Estás medio borracho, te hubiera quitado la pistola.
For all I knew, he was right, I couldn't tell.
En el fondo tenía razón.
For all I knew, you were in on the whole thing.
No sabía que estabas enterada de todo.
For all I knew, we might be in for a very thin time.
Por lo que parecía, íbamos a estar escasos durante un tiempo.
It could have been Mars for all I knew.
Esa zona podría haber sido Marte para mí.
For all I knew, you were dead.
Pensaba que habías muerto.
Just imagine, throughout all these years I knew : There is no recovery for this man anymore.
Imagínese, todos estos años lo he sabido ese hombre ya no tiene salvación.
All I knew, you was a woman... who wanted to make a trip to Nome and couldn't wait for a passenger boat.
Sólo sabía que eras una mujer... que quería viajar a Nome, y no podía esperar a un barco de pasaje.
Well, I wouldn't have talked at all if I knew I was gonna do it for nothin'.
De haber sabido que era inútil, no habría hablado con usted.
When you've experienced all the disgusting things I knew as a young girl, It's madness to hope for a true love of your own.
Cualquiera que de chica hubiera pasado lo que yo estaría loca si intentara buscar el amor en otros
I knew all along he wouldn't want me for the part.
Hace mucho tiempo que sé que no me quería para el papel.
I knew a mule, used to beat his ears down, and for all I know this is him.
Tenía un mulo, solía darle entre las orejas, y creo que esto es del mismo mulo.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Como sé que está ansiosa por deshacerse de la propiedad... y todos los recuerdos relacionados con ella... pensé que, siendo el alcalde... podía tomarme la libertad de enviar por usted.
I knew they'd all be watching for me.
Sabía que me estarían esperando.
I knew you'd be in today, so I have it all wrapped and ready for you.
Sabía que venía hoy, así que está todo preparado.
I knew she hated me for that worst of all.
Sabía que ella me odiaba por eso.
I wish I knew of some way to break it off without hurting him... but all I can do is wait for him to get tired of coming.
Ojalá pudiera cortar la relación sin hacerle daño... pero sólo puedo esperar a que se canse de venir.
They all knew what to do for the baby, and they said I didn't.
Todos supieron qué hacer por el bebé y dijeron que yo no.
How many times as a child have I caught you in the blackcurrants when you knew perfectly well that I wanted all the blackcurrants for my own jam
De más joven, robabas las grosellas que yo guardaba para hacer confitura.
I knew that's what you been scratching for all along.
Sabía que te traías eso entre manos.
And the other day, when you drove up in that last straw I knew my goose was cooked, Here I had gone along figuring all the time that I was competing with your passion for fame,
Y el otro día, cuando me diste ese último golpe... he sabido que todo se había terminado para mí.
I knew you were looking for him all along.
Siempre supe que ibas detrás de él.
I knew all about the plans he and Cody Clark had... for taking over Medicine Bend.
Sabia todo acerca de los planes que el y Cody Clark tenian... para hacerce cargo de Medicine Bend.
All I knew was that the next time, I wasn't going to stop for anything. No matter what they put me up against.
Lo único que sabía es que en la próxima no iban a detenerme aún teniendo delante un regimiento.
I would if I knew where l could get food for the children, medical care, schooling, all that they need.
Lo haría si supiera dónde conseguir comida para los niños... cuidados médicos, escuelas, todo lo que necesitan.
We had, I guess altogether, about 150-200 people and early in the morning I had warned all the people - most of them knew me, because we'd worked together - that I was going to ask for quiet, as I always did,
Teníamos, calculo que en total, unas 150 o 200 personas, y por la mañana temprano había avisado a toda la gente, la mayoría me conocía porque habíamos trabajado juntos, que iba a pedir silencio, como hacía siempre,
And the more they reminded me, the more I knew I couldn't come back with the rest of my life all laid out for me. No, Maile.
Y cuanto más me lo recordaban, más sabía que no podría regresar con la vida solucionada.
And that ignorant quack of a cheap hotel doctor all he knew was I was in pain, it was easy for him to stop the pain.
Y ese médico charlatán ignorante de de hotel barato todo lo que sabía es que yo sufría dolor
Although all my life, since I had anything, I've thrown money over the bar to buy drinks for everyone in the house or loaned money to sponges that I knew would never pay back. But of course that was in bar-rooms when I was full of whiskey.
A pesar de todo, desde que tuve algo, siempre he tirado el dinero invitando a tragos a todo el mundo en los bares o prestando dinero a esponjas que sabía que no me lo devolverían pero claro eso pasaba en las barras de los bares cuando yo estaba lleno de whisky
I'm asking all the people who cared for me and knew me in the line of my duty, the blameless ones and the jailbirds, if you'll meet a martian one day by any chance, for writing to me inmmediately at the following address :
pido a todos los que me han querido... y conocido en el ejercicio de mis funciones, inocentes y encerrados, si por casualidad un día os encontráis a un marciano, escribidme enseguida a esta dirección :
You all took it for granted that I knew all there was about fishing.
Todos dieron por sentado que lo sabía todo sobre la pesca.
I knew he was innocent but because of my testimony, they sent him up for 10 years, that's all.
Yo sabía que él era inocente pero por mi testimonio lo condenaron a 10 años, eso es todo.
"The sun rises for you today." Yes! So I liked him, because he knew or felt, as was a woman. I knew I could always be by your side, giving all the pleasure I could.
sí por eso me gustaba porque vi que comprendía y sentía cómo era una mujer y yo sabía que siempre podría hacer con él lo que quisiere y le di todo el placer que pude teniéndole en ascuas hasta que me dio el sí
Well, I saw you looking around for something and I wondered what it was. And all of a sudden I knew.
Bueno veía que buscaba algo y me preguntaba qué sería.
I knew that your mania for bothering people would have brought all the misfortunes on us. I knew it.
¡ Ya sabía yo que tu manía de importunar a la gente nos iba a traer todas las desgracias! ¡ Lo sabía!
You could say we knew all this from the start and this is an excuse for me to get rid of you after I knew about your little defect.
además a un cierto punto tu podrías decirme que estas cosas ya las sabíamos desde el inicio.. .. y que esto sea solo un pretexto para librarme de ti,.. .. después de haber sabido..
I mean, for all Edmund knew, it could have been the murderer who would be the first person to open the safe.
Quiero decir : Edmundo sabía... que la primera persona en abrir la caja... también podría ser su propio asesino.
Of all the students of Zhishan I knew you'd be the only one to look for me
De todos los estudiantes de Zhishan... siempre supe que serías el único en buscarme.
Nah. For all she knew, I could have taken it back to the armoury.
Hasta donde ella sabía, yo podría haberla regresado al arsenal.
Sure wish I knew Bobby's technique For pulling in all the girls.
Quisiera conocer la tecnica de Bobby para atrapar chicas.
And where was a priest standing nearby, and for a minute there, I thought he had come to give me my latest rites, and i was afraid that all my family when knew that I was - -
Y cuando vi al sacerdote pensé que había venido a darne los últimos sacramentos.
If everybody knew you as I do, I should not have much to fear. I find in you enough to justify all I do for you.
No tendría miedo de nada si el mundo le viera con mis ojos, y encuentro en Vd. razones para hacer lo que hago por Vd.
I could have been the devil himself for all you knew.
Yo podría haber sido el mismo diablo.
I'm here at lunch with you, which I knew was the reason you invited me, and all I'm sitting here for is to get guilty with you.
Estoy comiendo contigo, y ya sé que me has invitado por eso, y sólo estoy aquí sentado para sentirme culpable.
I knew if you got my message in time, you'd all be here. Thank you for comin'.
Sabía que si recibían mi mensaje, vendrían.
I had to trade many, many horses to get her back, for I knew that this foal was to be the culmination of all our efforts.
tuve que comerciar muchos, muchos caballos para recuperarla, pues yo sabia que este potrillo iba a ser la culminacion de todos nuestros esfuerzos.
Look, Norm, if I knew you were going to charge me for all this,
Mira, Norma, si yo sabía que eras me va a cobrar por todo esto,
Every time Peg and I went out, it was there. Every time I saw it, I'd run like hell, but I knew that one day we'd have to settle this thing once and for all.
And the next thing I knew, all three were on me and I was fighting for my life.
Y lo siguiente que recuerdo, es que luchaba contra los tres para salvar mi vida.
And I had to ask myself why you did that, and got charged for it and all, when you knew it was gonna rain.
Y tuve que preguntarme porque hizó eso, y le encargo a todos, cuando usted sabía que llovería.
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all of us 271
for all i know 267
for all eternity 28
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all of you 34
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all of us 271
for all i know 267
for all eternity 28
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all of you 34
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew that 414
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew you would come 37
i knew you'd understand 40
i knew 590
i knew you were gonna say that 36
i knew it was him 16
i knew that 414
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew you would come 37
i knew you'd understand 40
i knew 590
i knew you were gonna say that 36