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Get after him traduction Espagnol

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You'll get after him? ─ Certainly.
- ¿ Le hablará?
Get after him, now.
Las huellas son recientes.
Get after him! Hurry up!
¡ ld tras él!
Get him! Get after him!
¡ Daos prisa!
Get after him! But if you have to shoot, do it!
Disparad si es necesario.
Get after him!
¡ Atrapadlo!
- There. - All right, boys, get after him.
- Vayan detrás de él.
- Get after him, Wes.
¡ Duro con él, Wes!
Get after him, Chris.
Dale, Chris.
Why don't you order Ju Wal to get rid of him secretly? I will clean up the mess after that.
Ju Wal podría deshacerse de él sin que nadie se entere, luego yo me encargaré de limpiar todo.
My double makes a dash for the taxi the crowds swarm after him, give them a nice run up 5th Avenue, then I get out, get into my cab, in ten minutes I'm on the dock.
y en diez minutos estaré en el muelle.
Now, if you're any sort of a girl at all, and if you're worthy of the name of Trent, you'll get out of here and go after him.
Y ahora, si eres una chica como Dios manda, y digna del apellido Trent, saldrás de aquí e irás tras él.
They've been after him six years and they've yet to get him.
Lo han buscado por seis años y todavía no han podido echarle el guante.
Then get up, get into your clothes and go after him.
Entonces levántate, vístete y ve tras él.
Well, you could get the stewardess to look after him.
Podría ocuparse de él alguna azafata.
To bad we, uh-we didn't get rid of him and get him off up to Congress there... after him spending'that, uh, term in the state senate.
Lástima no habernos desecho de él enviándolo al Congreso... luego de su mandato en el Senado Estatal.
Tell him we bought Amalgamated, and we expect him to look after our interests until we get a man out there.
Dígale que compramos Petróleo Unido, y que esperamos que vele por nuestros intereses hasta enviar a alguien allí.
When we get in touch with him... He'll put us on the track to find the man we're after.
Debemos hablar con él, y nos dará la pista del hombre que buscamos.
Get out another ship and take after him.
Que otro avión vaya tras él.
I don't see him much these days you told me you get married after he passed the foreign service exam
Estos días no lo he visto mucho. Dijiste que te ibas a casar tras su examen de diplomacia.
Tell him to get going. We may need him after all. Move!
- Al final igual le necesitamos.
The fox comes after him and gets stuck! It's twisting and turning, but can't get free. What a calamity!
la liebre brincó entre dos abedules la zorra al perseguirla se quedó atascada en ellos
I sent him over to the laboratory to get some notes for me... that I want to work on after dinner tonight.
Le he enviado al laboratorio para que me traiga unas notas... en las que quiero trabajar después de la cena.
After what happened, I drove him to the country... to get him away from those people.
Después de lo que pasó, lo llevé a la campiña para alejarlo de esa gente.
After you see him go, come in and get me. I'll wait for you.
Cuando le veas salir, ven a por mí, estaré esperando.
I knew after that night, that wasn't the way to stop her. She'd just have to get over him. That's all.
Tenía que esperar a que se desilusionara de él.
I've written him time after time for an assignment. I don't get any answer.
Le escribo una vez tras otra para pedir un destino y no contesta.
If we go after him in the dark, somebody's gonna get hurt.
Si lo perseguimos a oscuras, alguien saldrá lastimado.
After our true talking, I realized we were lucky to get him, because he really was a very famous scientist besides being one of the most charming man I've ever met.
Tras nuestra conversación, me di cuenta de la suerte de haberle encontrado porque es un médico reputado, y además uno de los hombres más encantadores que he encontrado.
He was gone so long, I finally went after him. Will you get my bag, Professor?
Tardaba tanto que decidí ir a buscarlo.
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Traeremos el coche. Cuando estén dormidas, lo meteremos por la ventana.
Private Mulligan didn't get his reprieve letter till 10 days after they hung him.
- Eso no es nada. Al soldado Mulligan le llegó su carta con el indulto 10 días después de colgarlo.
How do keep him knowing these papers are a bluff until after I get Jarnac?
¿ Y cómo le hará creer que los papeles son un farol hasta que yo tenga a Jarnac?
After the concert, I'll get him to listen to you play... see who's right about your talent, you or me.
Después del concierto, le diré que te escuche tocar... para ver quién tiene razón sobre tu talento, tú o yo.
I sure hated to get up on that stand and talk about him leaving the house night after night when we used to sit on the porch and hear those sisters fighting.
No me hubiera gustado subir al estrado y tener que explicar como me sentaba en el porche y oía discutir a mis hermanas.
But the effort he made after he was shot to get hold of this match folder. We saw him yesterday.
Lo vimos ayer.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Tenemos que encontrar un doctor que esté dispuesto a arriesgarse, Tenemos que dárselo a Frankie una hora después de la ejecución, y tenemos que asegurarnos de que no se realiza la autopsia.
Funny how they never get tired listening to him. Night after night.
Lo raro es que nunca se cansan de escucharle, noche tras noche.
After I showed him how to knock this guy out, we get this big feed, see?
Y después de verle bloquear a aquel tipo vino el grandote. - ¿ Sí?
I want to get him out of the corner - and put him right. - And after that?
Quiero sacarlo de donde está y darle algo que lo cure.
Get him here by midnight. I can't do a thing after that.
Si lo traes a medianoche, haré lo que pueda, pero después será imposible.
Let's get him in here, after all we're not keeping any secrets from him now.
Metámosle aquí. Después de todo, no le estamos ocultando ningún secreto por ahora.
I'll get him up here for you. But after that, you're on your own.
Te lo traeré, pero por lo demás apáñatelas solo.
After midnight, as soon as everybody has had plenty to drink, we'll get him into the barn where Vetalo the woodchopper is waiting.
- Sí. Después de medianoche, cuando haya bebido mucho le llevaremos al granero donde el leñador le esperará.
But think how much nicer you'll look to him after you get dressed up.
Pero piensa en lo maravillosa que te verá cuando te vistas.
They knocked him off to get their dough back after you left.
Le mataron para quitarle el dinero cuando se marchó.
- Right there. If you go after him, you'll get him.
Si lo persigue ahora, lo atrapa.
Run after him! Get a policeman! Get two policemen!
Vaya a buscar a un policía o más.
So the guv'nor runs through there, this fella follows him, I go after them, just as I get into the warehouse, he fires at the guv'nor.
Así que mi jefe corre hacia allí, el tipo le sigue, y yo voy tras ellos,... y justo cuando entro en el almacén, el tipo dispara a mi jefe.
Get your guns and go after him!
Agarren sus armas y búsquenlo.
Get after him, Billy.
Habla con él, Billy.

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