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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / Have you been well

Have you been well traduction Espagnol

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Well, you have been useful.
has sido útil.
Well, there would have actually had to have been a date in order for me to tell you about it.
Bueno, de hecho debería haber tenido una cita antes para poder hablarte de ella.
OK, well, this has been fun, Danny, but if you have more to say, I suggest you call your own press conference.
De acuerdo, pues, esto ha sido divertido, Danny pero si tienes más para decir te sugiero que lo hagas en tu propia conferencia de prensa.
Well, I'm sure they just have to look at anyone she could have possibly been involved with, and once they get more information, you'll be cleared.
Bueno, estoy segura de que deben investigar a todo aquel que posiblemente pudo haber estado involucrado con ella y una vez que obtengan más información, quedarás limpio.
Well, if it had been up to me I would have broken up with you sooner.
Si hubiera dependido de mí habría terminado contigo hace mucho.
They may have been well-intentioned, but they were naive, and they were dangerous, and you know that.
Podrían haber sido bien intencionadas, pero eran ingenuas y eran peligrosas, y lo sabía.
Well, have you been checking in with him, like you promised?
Bueno, ¿ te has estado visitándolo como prometiste?
Well, we have so been lookin forward to meetin'you.
Hemos estado esperando conocerla.
I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would have been a very well-rehearsed story but since you can produce no witnesses of the event...
Lamento interrumpir lo que sería una historia muy bien ensayada, Pero como no puede traer ningún testigo del evento...
Well, don't forget, there are some people that have been good to you.
Bueno, no olvides, hay alguna gente que ha sido buena contigo.
Well, because you see, the last 10 hours of my life have been all about my vampire partner have nightmares of burning alive in the sun.
Bueno, porque verás, las diez últimas horas de mi vida... se han centrado en que mi compañero vampiro tiene pesadillas... sobre quemarse vivo por el sol.
Well, Mina had these big marks on her shoulders ; she thought they were from the woman's fingernails... but now that you mention it... it could have been from...
Bueno, Mina tenía una gran marca en sus hombros pensó que eran de las uñas de esta mujer pero ahora que lo menciona podrían haber sido de- -
Well, I realized that when I talked to you yesterday on the phone, I may have been a little insensitive.
Bueno, me di cuenta que cuando hablé contigo ayer por teléfono, fuí un poco insensible.
Well, too bad I didn't know you guys were out here. I've been bartending all night. I could have hooked you guys up with something.
Es una pena no haber sabido que estaban aquí, llevo trabajando toda la noche y podría haberme acercado por aquí.
Well you don't have to worry about that, Babette, because there's not going to be a salty nuts booth because the budget for the salty nuts booth has been reallocated to the hay-bale maze.
No debes preocuparte por eso, Babette, porque no habrá un puesto de nueces saladas, porque el presupuesto de eso ha sido recolocado al laberinto de heno.
Now, as you know all too well, our nation's schools have been blighted by the false kindness of namby-pamby, touchy-feely policies for far too long.
Ahora, como ya todos saben muy bien, nuestras escuelas han sido arruinadas por la falsa benevolencia de políticas sentimentalistas, por mucho tiempo.
Well, I've been on to a situation and I have come to a very troubling conclusion, though I'm not certain of the exact nature of the containment spell, I can tell you without doubt...
Bien, he estado al tanto de la situación y he llegado a una conclusión muy preocupante, aunque no estoy seguro de la naturaleza exacta del hechizo de contención... -... puedo decirte sin duda alguna- -
Well, have you ever been tested?
Bueno, no has sido probado jamás.
Uh, well, Logan, far be it for me to agree with your father, but you have been kind of irresponsible.
Bueno, Logan, lejos de estar de acuerdo con tu padre, pero... Has sido un poco irresponsable.
Someone as well-trained as you would have easily been able to leave your assigned location and return to your rendezvous point, with no one the wiser.
Alguien tan bien entrenado como usted podría haber abandonado con facilidad su locación asignada y regresado a su punto de encuentro, sin que nadie se enterara.
Well, gosh, I would hope that in the 14 or so years that we've been together, that once or twice between the two of us, our bed might have left the ground, but why do you ask?
Bueno, Dios, espero que en los 14 años que hemos estado juntos que una o dos veces entre los dos hayamos levantado nuestra cama del suelo. Pero, ¿ por qué preguntas?
- Lf there is something going around, you might have been exposed to it as well.
¿ Qué? Si hay algo por ahí, podría haber estado expuesto también.
Well, you have been causing a fair amount of trouble lately.
Has estado causando un buen montón de problemas últimamente.
It's very likely that some of you have been infected as well.
Es muy posible que algunos de ustedes estén contagiados también.
Well, you guys have been spending the last few nights apart.
Pasaron las últimas noches separados.
- Well, what food have you been eating?
Bueno, ¿ qué ha estado comiendo?
Well, now that you mention it, I have been feeling a little unchallenged.
Bueno, ahora que lo mencionas, me estaba siento un poco infrautilizado.
Well, I'm sorry that this isn't good enough for you, Charlie, but I have worked really hard. And now I feel stupid for even trying to be nice to you when you have been such a jerk!
Bueno, pues lo lamento si no es suficientemente bueno para ti, pero realmente trabajé duro en esto, y ahora me siento esúpida por siquiera querer ser amable contigo, cuando tu has sido tan antipática, y no sé por qué permito
Well, listen, you're definitely not the first person that's been a victim of an inside job, And metro just said that there may have been a third party involved, so...
Bueno, escuche, no es la primera persona a la que intentan robar desde dentro y la policía dice que hay un tercer complice, así que...
Well, Thomas More, I marvel that you have always been taken for so wise a man that you will now play the fool here in this close, filthy prison and be content apparently to be shut up among mice and rats.
Bueno, Thomas More me maravilla que siempre se te percibió como un hombre sabio y ahora harás el tonto aquí en esta prisión cerrada y asquerosa y aparentemente te conformas con estar encerrado entre ratones y ratas.
Well, Blaine and I have been friends for many years. And believe me when I tell you, no amount of money is ever gonna wash away the pain he is feeling right now.
Blaine y yo somos amigos desde hace años y creeme cuando te digo que ninguna cantidad dinero borrará el dolor que él ahora siente.
Well, you have been in a bit of a rut lately.
Últimamente estabas estancado.
Well, you must have really been following the Fatfighter diet.
Bien, debes haber estado siguiendo realmente la dieta Fatfighter.
- Well, how long have you been seeing her?
- Bueno, ¿ Cuánto hace que la estás viendo?
Well, Mrs. Dennison, there must have been something that gave him the idea you were more than friends.
Sra. Dennison, debe haber sucedido algo que hizo que él pensara que eran más que amigos.
Well, what have you been using then?
Bueno, ¿ y qué usas entonces?
Well, then maybe you shouldn't have been spending so much time with your boyfriend!
¡ Quiza no deberias haber pasado tanto tiempo con tu novio! ¿ Novio?
Well, we've been here before. You'll have to start eating right, sleeping, avoid strenuous activity, no riding.
Ya usted sabe, debe empezar a comer bien, dormir bien, y evitar actividades agotadoras.
Last night must have been pretty historic as well, considering when I came home, you hadn't.
Lo de anoche también debe ser histórico teniendo en cuenta que cuando regresé no estabas.
Well, someone had to die. Would you rather it have been you?
Bueno, alguien tenia que morir preferirias haber sido tu?
Not the boy you have always been well behaved.
No siempre fuiste un niño bueno.
That's impressive. Well, who have you been talking to at the company?
Impresionante. ¿ Con quién has estado hablando en la compañía?
Well, that might have been Bolger's idea, but I didn't know nothing about it till you all showed up here.
Quizá fue idea de Bolger. No supe hasta que llegaron aquí.
Well, yes, well, here you come to a concrete case for which I have been behind bars.
Bueno, sí, usted se refiere a un caso concreto por el que me pusieron tras las rejas.
You know, I've been thinking. Now that we have Daniel, well, maybe we should consider getting uh, getting him up. You know, we should- - Things are so complicated right now.
Sabes, estuve pensando ahora que tenemos a Daniel podríamos considerar darle ya sabes, podríamos...
Well, they said you were like a total mong, and I would have been so pissed if you were a vegetable and had to be switched off.
Bueno, decían que eras como un verdadero mongolo... Me habria molestado bastante si... te quedaras como un vegetal y tener que desconectarte.
Well, we have this perfectly lovely little Christmas tree stand that's been around since before you were born.
Bueno, nosotros tenemos este perfectamente amoroso arbol de Navidad. que ha estado en los alrededores mucho antes de que nacieras.
Well, you have been rather confused of late.
Bien, usted ha estado confundido.
It could have been avoidable, and I think he feels a great sense of personal failure at not having been able to communicate his beliefs well enough to more people so that they would have taken more care in terms of their, you know, sexual lives
Podía haber sido evitable, y creo que él siente un gran fracaso al no haber sido capaz de comunicar sus creencias lo suficientemente bien a más gente de tal manera que hubieran tenido más cuidado en lo que se refiera a sus, ya sabes, vidas sexuales
Well, if you're here to tell them that their sons shouldn't have been kept out of school, then don't.
Bueno, si está aquí para decirles que sus hijos no deberían haber faltado a la escuela, no lo haga.
And I'd be inclined to believe you, because, to do this, to inflict this amount of pain... and I am assured he would have been in extreme agony... well, there are simpler and less suspicious ways to dispatch a father.
Y estoy inclinado a creerle, porque, para hacer esto, para provocar todo este dolor... y me aseguran que padeció una agonía extrema... Bueno... Hay maneras más simples y menos sospechosas para despachar a un padre.

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