He loves her traduction Espagnol
603 traduction parallèle
And I'm quite sure he loves her, too.
Y estoy segura que él le corresponde.
And he loves her.
Y... él la quiere. Lo sé.
Well, he loves her, Duncan.
Él la ama, Duncan.
¿ Por qué miente un hombre a una mujer?
I mean, he loves her.
Digo, él la adora.
And Gregory, he loves her.
Y Gregory, él la ama.
If he loves her, I think he has.
Si la ama, creo que sí lo tiene.
That's why he's incapable of harming you or her, for he loves her.
Pero por eso mismo es incapaz de hacerle ningún dano ni a usted ni a ella, porque Ia quiere.
He doesn't want her to work. He wants her dependent on him, because he loves her.
Ella dejó su trabajo, quiso depender de él porque le quería.
If he loves her not, and be not from his reason fallen thereon, let me be no assistant for a state... but keep a farm and carters.
Si no la ama, y ése no es el motivo de su extravío, no sea yo consejero de Estado sino granjero y carretero.
He only thinks he loves her. It's his first crush.
¡ Mick no ama a esa mujer!
Well, there's no law against a man telling his wife he loves her, is there?
No es ilegal que un hombre le diga a su esposa que la ama.
She says he loves her very much.
Claro que él también la quiere mucho.
Mr. Reavis... is good all you do for Sofia, for me - is good - but is only right for a man to take a woman as wife when he loves her.
Sr. Reavis... es bueno lo que ha hecho por Sofía, por mí... es bueno... pero sólo es correcto que un hombre tome a una mujer cuando la ama.
But, Sire, he loves her.
Pero, Sr, él la ama.
For instance, if the boy tells the girl that he loves her, he just doesn't say it.
Por ejemplo, si el hombre le dice a la mujer que la ama, no sólo lo dice.
Well, Peter may not be perfect, but he loves her.
Quizá Peter no sea perfecto, pero la ama.
- Pasca', they're young, and he loves her!
- ¡ Pascá, son jóvenes y él la quiere!
He can keep her if he loves her!
¡ Si la quiere, que se la quede!
He loves her!
¡ La quiere!
To tell the woman he loves how much he loves her.
"le diga a la mujer que ama cuánto la ama."
And he loves her!
Y él le ama!
And he loves her!
¡ Y él de ella!
Does he say he loves her?
¿ Y él, dice que la quiere?
Yes, if she loves her husband so much that she defends him after such a beating, he might as well keep beating her.
Sí, si ella ama a su marido tanto que ella lo defiende después de una paliza, bien podría mantener a golpearla.
He's leaving because he loves her, he wants to marry her, he wants her for life.
En cambio se va, porque la ama, quiere desposarla, la quiere para toda la vida.
He loves her.
La quiere.
"He who loves his wife leaves her at home."
"Quien ama a su mujer, la deja en casa."
Professor Manini's daughter, Inga, loves and adores her cousin Felix, but he only has eyes for Ysabel...
Inga, hija del profesor Manini, adora a su primo Felix, pero él suspira por Ysabel.
"l have told her, she loves you."
"Se lo he dicho todo. Te ama."
She loves children, and he'd be happy here with her little girl.
Adora a los niños, y él estaría a gusto con su hija.
Demetrius loves her, and he loves not you.
Demetrio la ama, y no te ama a ti.
Up to that point, I didn't see Daphne as the sort who would give her husband up so magnanimously, just because he thinks he loves someone else.
Hasta ese momento, Daphne no me parecía... alguien que entregaría a su esposo tan magnánimamente... sólo porque él cree que ama a otra.
I will not marry her if he loves you
No me casaré con ella si lo ama a Ud.
Sheila Lane doesn't mean a thing to him. Sure, he was married to her, but he loves me!
¡ Sheila fue su mujer, pero él sólo me quiere a mí!
Why, when a man loves a girl, he should take her in his arms, smother her with kisses... and tell her he adores her.
Cuando un hombre ama a una mujer... debe abrazarla, cubrirla de besos... y decirle que la adora.
Look at him, he still loves her.
Mírate, aún la amas.
But when a man really loves a woman... he doesn't wanna plaster her face all over the papers and magazines.
Pero cuando un hombre realmente ama a una mujer... no quiere ver su rostro en todos los periódicos y revistas.
He can love her like he loves a glass of liquor on a winter's evening.
Puede amarla como se ama a un vaso de licor, en una tarde de invierno.
He can love her out of some wicked instinct or in the same way he loves the meat of game birds and can kill for her if this flavour is taken away.
Puede amarla por un instinto malvado, como se ama a la carne de caza, que se la mata por placer.
He just loves her, that's all.
- Que la quiere.
Well, in some countries they'd know when a man's married because if he loves his wife, he beats her.
En algunos países, si un hombre casado ama a su mujer, le pega.
But if a woman truly loves her husband, she'd rather do as he likes.
Sigues siendo tan mema como antes.
He really loves her and she really loves him, and it comes out all right anyway.
Ellos dos se quieren, y al final se terminará sabiendo.
When a woman loves a man terribly and finds out that he doesn't love her like she thought he did what happens then, Mom?
Cuando una mujer ama así a un hombre y descubre que él no la quiere como ella pensaba ¿ qué sucede entonces, Mamá?
Looking glass's hut is on the ground. He loves his black foot daughter he would be very sad without her.
"Mirando el espejo" dice que ama a su hija pie negro y que estaría muy triste sin ella.
He thinks he's the only one who loves her and makes sacrifices I am the one who ruins her.
Yo la estropeo.
Look, Jill, when a man loves a woman... he doesn't wanna plaster her face on every billboard in town.
Mira, Jill, cuando un hombre ama a una mujer no quiere poner su rostro en todos los carteles de la ciudad.
I don't think he really loves her, but with you so far away...
Creo que él no la quiere, pero como no le dices nada.
"But he still loves her, demonstrated by his violent and gallant behaviour, that we all witnessed, at the wedding party."
"Pero él la quiere todavía, lo demostró con su actitud violenta y gallarda " - -si todo se ha de decir- - en el baile de la boda.
If he really loves her he won't care ifshe's poor.
Si de verdad la quiere, le dará igual que sea pobre.
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