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He was a doctor traduction Espagnol

838 traduction parallèle
You see, he was a doctor.
Verás, era médico.
The first time I saw him, I thought he was a doctor.
La primera vez que le vi, pensé que era médico.
He was a doctor and thought it wasn't good enough.
El señor no ha juzgado este oficio digno de él.
He was a doctor and he did something so they took his license.
Que era médico, pero hizo algo y le quitaron la licencia.
- He was a doctor.
- Era médico.
He was a doctor.
El era medico.
He was a renowned doctor with a large private practice.
Era un afamado médico con una amplia consulta privada.
Engineer Marcos Resende, son of the late urbanite and industrialist Dr. Romulo Rezende, was judged today by a jury in the court of this capital. As it is widely known, he killed his wife by shooting her several times on the very night of their marriage, when he discovered he had been deceived.
El ingeniero Marcos Resende, hijo del industrial doctor Rómulo Rezende, fue juzgado hoy por el Tribunal de esta Capital, pegándole varios tiros en la misma noche de bodas.
Doctor, he was a different man when he saw Flora leave the car.
Griffin cambió radicalmente cuando vio a Flora. No le hará daño.
A fellow-villager has come to Chapayev, he was a horse-doctor there.
Un aldeano vino a ver a Chapaev. Es veterinario de caballos.
It tells how, as a young doctor, he was summoned to the bedside of a dying girl dying because she'd been outraged by the Evremondes.
Dice cómo, cuando era un doctor joven, fue llamado al lecho de muerte de una chica que se moría porque había sido atacada por los Evremonde.
He must've come in here while I was out phoning for a doctor.
Debió haber entrado mientras llamaba a un médico.
I was a marquis, colonel, doctor, lawyer, industrialist, architect, bookmaker.
He sido marqués, coronel, doctor, abogado, arquitecto, ministro, librero...
I was wondering how a doctor kept in touch with his cases while he was away.
No sabía cómo un médico seguía sus casos mientras estaba fuera.
Page, your boss, was a good old doctor 3 years ago. He'll never do a hand's turn again.
Page, su jefe, era un buen médico hace tres años, pero no volverá a hacer nada.
You knew that he was not a doctor?
- ¿ Sabía Ud. que no era médico?
Doctor says he was shot with a.38.
Que le dispararon con un 38.
Well, you see, I, uh... There was a train, and then, uh... there was a doctor, and he told me that... [Coughs]
Bueno, había un tren, y luego... había un doctor, y él me dijo que yo...
You know Doctor, I was thinking what a great story it would make Doctor Livingstone discovers the source of Nile. New York Herald expedition was with him.
Doctor, he pensado que sería extraordinario que la expedición del New York Herald acompañase al doctor Livingstone cuando descubra la fuente del Nilo.
and I have here one of the letters Dr.Livingstone have supposed to entrust to Mr. Stanley and here is a letter which I personally know was written by Dr.Livingstone some 15 yrs ago when he was in England.
Ésta es una de las cartas que supuestamente entregó el doctor Livingstone al señor Stanley. Y esta es una carta manuscrita del doctor Livingstone de hace 15 años, cuando estuvo en Inglaterra.
When I told Mr. Stanley that Dr.Livingstone was dead, he refused to believe me.
Cuando le dije al señor Stanley que el doctor Livingstone había muerto, se negó a creerlo.
I remember once, on the Île-de-France, I met a beautiful London doctor. A woman's specialist, and that's just what he was.
Pero recuerdo una vez, en Île de France, conocí a un médico maravilloso, especialista en mujeres, y lo digo en todos los sentidos.
I wore the old man's stuff cut down until I got my first job and he was worn out at 48 and croaked because he couldn't afford a doctor.
Yo usé la ropa de mi padre hasta que conseguí mi primer trabajo. A los 48 estaba exhausto y murió porque no podía pagar un buen médico.
I went to the doctor today about these jitters I got... and he said it was the wagon for a month or a whole new set of organs.
Hoy fui al médico por unos temblores que tengo y dijo que dejara de beber por un mes o me harían falta órganos nuevos.
That's why he was such a fine doctor.
Es por eso que era un buen doctor.
And let me tell you another thing. If I'm not sick by tonight or tomorrow at the latest my fancy Dr. Schindler from Vienna will wish he was back in Vienna.
Y deja que te diga otra cosa... si no me pongo muy enfermo esta noche o mañana como muy tarde... más que vale que ese fantástico Doctor Schindler se vuelva a Viena.
- He was a brilliant doctor, Drake.
- Él era un médico brillante, Drake.
I heard he was a great doctor who could help people that other doctors couldn't cure.
Oí que era un gran médico... que podía ayudar a la gente que otros médicos no podían curar. ¿ Él?
So I beat it, when he was phoning for a doctor.
Escapé mientras telefoneaba al doctor.
Dr. Roland F. Stauffer, the department's medical examiner, Said the attractive, young waitress was a victim of what he termed a kiss of death.
El doctor Roland Stauffer, del departamento de medicina legal,... ha dicho que la joven y hermosa camarera fue víctima de lo que calificó como un beso mortal.
He was planning on using this doctor's diagnosis as a license to murder his wife.
Planeaba utilizar este diagnóstico como licencia para asesinar a su mujer.
It was the claims manager himself and he didn't bring a doctor.
Era el encargado de siniestros mismo y no trajo a ningún médico.
Riedenschneider holed up here. He was broke. I let him use one of the rooms for a couple days.
El doctor se presentó sin un centavo y le di hospedaje por unos días.
He was very nice about it, but he made me feel like a third-class witch doctor.
Lo dijo con amabilidad, pero me hizo sentir como un médico de tercera.
- He was a doc.
- Era un doctor.
If the doctor's brain was put in a jaybird, he'd fly backward.
Algunos medjcos no deberian ejercer.
The doctor at the hospital's a friend, and he told me he had the impression... that Michel's fall was no accident.
El médico del hospital, que es amigo mío, me ha dicho que tiene la impresión de que la caída de Michele ha sido voluntaria.
He didn't say what his name was, but I can tell a nut doctor when I see one.
No me dijo su nombre, pero reconozco a un psiquiatras cuando los veo.
The doctor was saying it would be just a waste of time to operate, wasn't he?
Está bien. El médico estaba diciendo que operarlo era perder el tiempo, ¿ verdad?
When he became a graduate doctor and saw what was going on around him, doctors caring more for money than for medicine, he decided to quit.
Cuando se graduó como doctor y vio cómo funcionaban las cosas,... los médicos más preocupados por el dinero que por la medicina,... él quiso abandonar.
If he was that easily disillusioned, he shouldn't have become a doctor in the first place.
Si se desilusionó tan fácilmente,... en primer lugar no debió haberse graduado como doctor.
That nice, old man Who missed his calling in life, was the doctor.
Si he visto a hombres que yerren en su cometido, son los médicos!
Well, the patients might get a bit upset if the doctor said he was popping to the pub, but if he says he's going to chapel, they're quite impressed.
Bueno, a los pacientes puede parecerles mal... que el doctor les diga que ha estado en el pub, pero si dice que va a la capilla, se quedan bastante impresionados.
He never was a doctor. Few weeks!
Ése no es médico. ¡ Unas semanas!
He bribed a doctor and he was discharged from the Army for medical reasons
Ha conseguido sobornar a un médico... y le han declarado inútil para el servicio militar.
My father was a country veterinarian, and he, soon will be a doctor.
Ni padre era un veterinario de pueblo, y él pronto será médico.
It was a tremendous relief when we telephoned the doctor next morning... and he told us you were simply in a state of shock... and would come out of it all right.
Fue un gran alivio cuando llamamos al médico por la mañana y nos dijo que se encontraba en estado de shock pero que iba a recuperarse.
The doctor said he was to remain in the dark for several weeks yet.
El médico dijo que aún debe pasar unas semanas a oscuras.
The son of an Ohio country doctor, a child who refused to follow in his father's footsteps because he was also a child of the 20th century.
El hijo de un médico rural de Ohio, que se negó a seguir los pasos de su padre porque era un hombre del siglo XX.
Dr. Hallen is dead, and he was killed by some sort of a monster.
El doctor Hallen está muerto... y fue asesinado por una especie de monstruo.
He told me that his wife was sick. - She is ill. She'd had an asthma attack and the doctor had given her a shot.
Me dijo que su mujer estaba enferma, acababa de tener un ataque de asma y el doctor había venido a ponerle una inyección.

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