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He was a friend traduction Espagnol

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I know he was a friend, Jack.
Sé que era tu amigo, Jack.
Yes, he came to visit us a few times in Lanzarote. He was a friend of Mike's.
Sí, vino a visitarnos un par de veces en Lanzarote.
Well, he was a friend of a friend.
Bueno, era amigo de un amigo.
- He was a friend of my brother.
- Fue amigo de mi hermano.
He was a friend of yours, correct?
Era un amigo suyo ¿ No es cierto?
Said he was a friend of hers.
Él dijo que era un amigo de ella.
Cleopatra was her father's daughter, and he was a friend of Julius Caesar.
Cleopatra era hija de su padre y él fue amigo de Julio César.
For years, in Venice, he was a friend of my father
Desde hace años, en Venecia. Era amigo de mi padre
And he was a friend.
Y era un amigo.
H is name was Fred Hale and he was a friend of mine.
Su nombre era Fred Hale y él era mi amigo.
Mom, we only ever saw Kenny because he was your friend's son.
Mamá, nosotros sólo conocimos a Kevin porque era el hijo de tus amigos.
Derek Brooker was in regular contact with Susannah Morton right up till when he died. So what's to stop Jack talking to her, off the record, as a friend of Derek's?
Derek Brooker estaba en contacto regular con Susannah Morton, hasta el momento que murió entonces que detiene a Jack de hablar con ella, informalmente, como amigo de Derek?
My mother was a childhood friend of his grandmother, who cared for him after he was born.
Mi madre era amiga de infancia de su abuela quien se hizo cargo después de él que naciera
In fact he was afraid and talked to the neighbor, his mom's friend.
A Paulinho le dio con miedo y fue hablar con la vecina que era muy amiga de su madre.
The only way you'd sell out a friend like that was if you knew he wasn't coming back.
Vos te hubieras atrevido a traicionar a un amigo de este modo sólo si estaba seguro de que no iba a volver.
My friend told me he showed you a number he was comfortable with, and you helped him out.
Mi amigo me dijo que te mostró un número con el que se sentía cómodo, y tu lo ayudaste.
He was a good friend. And then that's it... we're out.
Era un buen amigo.
Was he a close family friend?
¿ Era un amigo íntimo de la familia?
Said he was spending the night at a friend's house.
Dijo que iba a pasar la noche en casa de un amigo.
Maybe he was trying to save his friend.
Procuraba salvar a su amigo.
He told us he was in Norfolk with a friend the night of the murder.
Nos dijo que estaba en Norfolk con un amigo la noche del homicidio.
Right... Well, even though our friend there was, in many ways, a thief, he has brought me on to the next stage of the tour.
Aunque nuestro amigo fuera un ladrón, me dará pie a la siguiente fase del paseo
[scraping] He was just trying to protect his friend.
Él sólo estaba tratando de proteger a su amigo.
He was a great partner, a great friend to all of us and most of all, a great friend to the game of baseball itself.
Él fue un gran socio, un gran amigo para todos nosotros y sobre todo, un gran amigo del béisbol.
He's just a friend who was protecting me from Franz's groping.
Ok? Solo es un amigo estaba protegiéndome de Franz metiéndome mano.
I mean, I've never had a friend whose mother was dying of cancer.
Quiero decir, nunca he tenido una amiga cuya madre estuviese muriéndose de cáncer.
When he proposed, I told my best friend, and she was all, "You've only known him six months."
Cuando me propuso matrimonio, se lo dije a mi mejor amiga y ella me dijo : "Hace sólo seis meses que lo conoces."
He was a man that any one of us would be proud to call "friend."
Era un hombre que cualquiera de nosotros estaría orgulloso de llamar "amigo".
I haven't had a friend like that since i was 12 years old.
No he tenido una amiga desde que tenía 12 años.
I was not ready a bad friend, a bad father.
No he sido un mal amigo, ni un mal padre.
I was meeting a friend.
He quedado con una amiga.
I had a cousin that was my close friend, Henrique Lobo... and he was aspeaker at'Record'.
En la radio Record, yo tenía un primo... que era íntimo mío, amigo, además de primo... que era Henrique Lobo, que era locutor de la Record.
On April 8th 1 997 at 1 0 PM, while dining at an ltaewon burger shop with friend Robert J. Pearson and 4 others, the defendant Alex Turner Jung stated that he would show something in the restroom, wherein Jung stabbed the victim Jo Joong-pil 9 times, who was urinating at the time...
El 8 de abril de 1997 a las 10 p. m... mientras cenaba hamburguesas en Itaewon... con Robert J. Pearson y otros cuatro... el demandado Alex Turner Jung afirmó... que iba a mostrar algo en el baño... en donde apuñaló a la víctima Jung Jo Joong Pil 9 veces... quien estaba orinando en ese momento...
He was everything you could've asked for in a friend. Lardo?
But I figured he was your friend and he'd show up to hear you play.
Pero pensé que era tu amigo y que vendría a oírte tocar.
He was a good friend.
Era un buen amigo.
He was a good friend, good marine.
Era un buen amigo, un buen infante de marina.
I cried a lot because of that... he was a very good friend...
Yo lloré mucho debido a eso... él era un muy buen amigo...
He's my friend... and he was thrown away.
Es un gran jugador de ajedrez. Es mi amigo y lo tiraron a la basura.
He was a great mentor to me and he was- - He was my best friend.
Él fue un excelente mentor para mí y era mi mejor amigo.
I trusted him and he was a good friend.
Yo confiaba en él y era un buen amigo.
Was he a friend of yours?
¿ Era amigo suyo?
He told me that she was going to meet an older woman, a friend, that she'd offered her money for a job.
Dijo que se encontraría con una mujer mayor una amiga que le había ofrecido dinero por un trabajo.
And then he was murdered by his best friend in cold blood.
Pero su mejor amigo lo mató a sangre fría.
He was the closest thing to a friend that I had.
Eso fue lo que tuvo que cerrar a un amigo.
She was also having an affairwith a friend of mine and he was murdered the night Sumiko disappeared.
Ella también tuvo una aventura con un amigo mío y fue asesinado la noche que Sumiko desapareció.
I didn't need to see a weird reptile rip my friend apart to know he was in danger. I would try to make friends with the enemy and disarm them with the truth.
No necesité ver la rara reptil despedazar a mi amigo para saber que estaba en peligro trataría de hacer amigos con el enemigo y desarmarlos con la verdad.
I was on my lunch break and a friend of his turned up and he just ran off.
Estaba en mi hora de almuerzo y un amigo apareció y él se fue corriendo.
If he was our friend, no one would ever fuck with us again.
Vamos, sería increíble. Si él fuera nuestro amigo, nadie volvería a meterse con nosotros.
He's not a piece of trash that you just throw in a Dumpster. He was my friend.
No es una basura que tiras a un basurero. ¡ Era mi amigo!
Good friend of mine named David Naugle,... he was at a party and said... had his Mac with him,... and he said, I've got to show you something.
Un buen amigo mío llamado David Naugle, estaba en una fiesta y... llevaba su mac encima y dijo, "Tengo que enseñarte algo."

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