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He was an asshole traduction Espagnol

147 traduction parallèle
He was an asshole.
Es un idiota.
There was a lot of love in the beginning. - He was an asshole.
- Estábamos enamorados al principio.
I told you he was an asshole.
Te dije que el tipo es un imbécil.
- Because he was an asshole.
- Porque era un gilipollas.
He was an asshole.
Vamos. Era un gilipollas.
My ex-husband, Hank, he was an asshole.
Mi exmarido, Hank, era un gilipollas.
He was an asshole.
Era un desgraciado.
He was an asshole!
¡ Él era un hijo de puta!
He was an asshole.
Él era un idiota.
He was an asshole before.
- Antes era un bastardo.
He was an asshole, but he didn't deserve to die.
Era un imbécil, pero no merecía morir.
He was an asshole.
Era un idiota.
- He was an asshole.
- Era un cabrón.
I thought he was an asshole!
¡ Pensaba que para ti era un idiota!
Told you he was an asshole.
Te dije que era un gilipollas.
She'd think he was mocking her with his sweet nature... and decide he was an asshole... the way she had decided all men were assholes.
Creería que se burlaba de ella con su dulzura y decidiría que era un imbécil ya había decidido que todos los hombres eran imbéciles.
- He was an asshole.
- El era un idiota.
He was an asshole.
El era un tarado.
- He was an asshole when I met him.
Era un imbécil cuando lo conocí.
He was an asshole.
Era un imbécil.
He was an asshole.
Él es un idiota.
Besides, he was an asshole.
Y además, él era un imbécil.
He was an asshole.
- Era un imbécil.
It's one of the most famous gay bars in Manhattan. You said this guy swung at you first, he was an asshole, blah blah, blah.
Tú dices que él te golpeó primero, que era un idiota, bla, bla.
Ivan met Nastase and said he was an asshole.
Ivan se vio con Nastase y dijo que era un idiota.
So he was an asshole when you were growing up.
Entonces cuando estabas creciendo era un idiota.
He was an asshole.
Era un mal nacido.
He was an asshole and he was u-gly!
¡ Era un imbécil y era horrendo!
I don't quite agree. I think he was an asshole.Areal asshole.
Estoy en desacuerdo. Pienso que él era un tarado. Un verdadero tarado.
- He was an asshole murderer!
- El tipo era un asesino.
You said he was an asshole.
Tu dijiste que el era un tarado.
What if he was an asshole?
¿ Y si es un cretino?
He was an asshole... but wishing him dead and killing him are two different things.
Era un imbécil. Pero desearle la muerte y matarlo son dos cosas distintas.
Oh. I thought you said he was an asshole.
- Sí. Creí que habías dicho que era un imbécil.
I thought Cooper was an asshole, but he was a sweetheart next to Rhodes.
Creía que Cooper era un idiota pero era un ángel.
He was supposed to. He acted like an asshole.
Stevie se comportó como un imbécil.
He thought this was cute at first and built an act around it... but the asshole would eat its way through his pants and start talking on the street... shouting out it wanted equal rights.
Le pareció gracioso y montó un acto con eso, pero el culo le comía el pantalón y vociferaba en la calle, reclamando iguales derechos.
What was he doing with an asshole like you?
No veo lo que podía hacer con un chapero como tú.
He was a crazy, good-natured, desperate asshole... with a life expectancy of about a half an hour.
Era un loco, y desesperado hijo de perra... con una expectativa de vida de cerca de media hora.
- He really was an asshole.
- De veras.
The guy was an asshole, sir, and he deserved it, if you'll excuse me.
El tipo era un cabrón, señor. Se lo merecía.
He was such an asshole to you. Not really.
En realidad no.
- He was an asshole!
- ¡ El era un idiota!
No. He was probably an asshole.
No, tenía que ser un poco gilipollas.
No shit Lisa, he was just being an asshole, guys are like that..
Nada de eso, sólo fue un imbécil, ellos lo hacen.
Not really. He was an asshole.
Era un maldito.
He was acting like a bit of an asshole, too, by the way.
Y ya que estamos, se comportaba como un cretino.
- How much of an asshole was I this morning?
- ¿ He sido un idiota?
How how much of an asshole was I this morning?
Cuanto de gilipollas he sido esta mañana?
Well, he was sort of an asshole before he did. But I was a brat too.
Bueno... el era medio idiota antes de que le pasara... pero yo también lo era.
Robert, everybody knew Mo was an asshole, but he wasn't the one who threw your friendship away.
Robert, todos saben que Mo era un gilipollas,... pero no fue él quien rompió la amistad.

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