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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He was just leaving

He was just leaving traduction Espagnol

142 traduction parallèle
- But he was just leaving.
El Inspector General decidirá eso.
Say, he was just leaving when you came in.
Salía cuando ha entrado usted.
No, he was just leaving.
No, ya se iba.
He was just leaving. Weren't you, honey?
- Ya se iba. ¿ Verdad, querido?
- He was just leaving his hotel.
- Salía del hotel.
And we met in the park today... Uh-huh. ... and he was just leaving.
Nos hemos conocido en el parque, y estaba a punto de irse.
He was just leaving, Steve.
Estaba por irse, Steve.
- He was just leaving, Mrs Bird.
- Estaba a punto de irse.
He was just leaving as I arrived.
Salía de aquí cuando yo llegaba.
He was just leaving.
Justo se iba.
He was just leaving.
Se está yendo.
He was just leaving.
Ya se iba.
- He's a salesman and he was just leaving.
- Es un vendedor y ya se iba.
- He was just leaving.
- El sólo se iba.
That's your butler? - No, he's just a friend, he was just leaving
- Un amigo, justo se estaba yendo.
- No, he was just leaving.
- Callate.
The pastor came to see us, and he was just leaving
El pastor vino a vernos, y ya se estaba yendo.
He was just leaving anyway.
Igual, ya se iba.
He was just leaving, Mama.
- Ya Se iba, Mamá
Anyway. he was just leaving.
No, mamá. Como sea, ya se iba.
He was just leaving the parking garage and he pulled over to meet me.
Iba saliendo del estacionamiento y se detuvo para hablar conmigo.
Anyway, he was just leaving so he said he'd bring me.
Él se iba, y dijo que me traería.
- He was just leaving.
- Ya se iba.
He was just leaving.
Él ya se iba.
- It's okay, he was just leaving.
Está bien, ya se marchaba.
Just as he was... leaving... he told me to tell you... that he did his best to - to win his spoys.
Justo cuando se... marchaba... me dijo que le dijera... que hizo todo lo posible para ganarse sus trofeos.
We grabbed the kid just as he was leaving the hotel.
Lo atrapamos justo cuando dejaba el hotel.
Mr. Smith was just leaving. He has to be back on ship by 12.
El Sr. Smith debe regresar a bordo.
So could I come in just as he was leaving?
¿ Podía yo hacer mi ingreso en el momento en que él salía?
I wasn't leaving it. I was just picking it up.
No he venido a dejarlo, sólo lo he recogido.
We'd been going together about a month or so, and then one afternoon, he came in and said he was leaving town just like that.
Llevábamos un mes saliendo juntos... y luego, una tarde, pasó a decirme que se iba de la ciudad... sin más ni más.
Just as I was leaving he said to me that if ever I could give him any any private information of real value he would make me a very rich man.
Al marcharme, me dijo que si yo le proporcionaba información confidencial y valiosa me convertiría en un hombre muy rico.
I told him you was just leaving, and you wanted him to stay with me. Being such a good friend of Ray's, I told him you didn't want me to be alone.
Le he dicho que te vas y quieres que se quede conmigo para que no esté sola.
- Nothing. Just that he was leaving.
Nada, que se iba.
We've got here just as he was leaving.
Justo a tiempo, ahí está.
I was just leaving the Institute, I heard shouting in the distance.
He salido del Instituto y he oído gritos.
Yes, just now as he was leaving.
Sí, cuando salía de aquí.
He hated them because they were of no help, instead made him ridiculous, leaving him in his home town and just the way he always was.
Las odiaba porque no servían de ayuda, le hacían ridículo, dejándole en su ciudad y de la forma que siempre fue.
The time I was with him, just prior to leaving him, he was right into it.
El tiempo que pasé con él, antes de dejarlo, estaba en su música.
He was being delivered to the mortuary just as I was leaving.
Lo estaban llevando a la morgue justo cuando yo salía.
He's my friend and I was just leaving.
Mi amigo y yo nos íbamos.
And just as he was leaving, he placed his hand... on my stomach... like this.
Y justo cuando se estaba yendo, Impuso su mano... En mi estomago...
I was just playing with him, and we were doing the "Alphabet Song" which he used to be good at. Suddenly, he's leaving out E and F.
Estaba jugando con él a la "Canción del Alfabeto" y, de pronto, olvidó la E y la F.
"You're just very busy." Then they made up. He said he was leaving for Kermanshah to ask for leave, then he'd be back.
"Sólo que estás demasiado ocupado." Dijo que se marchaba a Kermanshah para pedir un permiso, luego volverá.
He was only a child when his father died on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, leaving William, just eight years old, as his heir.
Era sólo un niño cuando su padre murió en una peregrinación a Tierra Santa, dejando a Guillermo, con ocho años, como su heredero.
- I said you was just leaving and he hung up.
- He dicho que ya te ibas y colgué.
- Yes, I was just leaving and I saw it.
Sí, iba a salir y lo he visto.
He was just saying that we'll be leaving in a couple of seconds, so put your seatbelt on, make sure they're tight.
Dijo que saldremos en unos segundos. Así que ajústense el cinturón de seguridad.
It was his decision, it's just now he's leaving.
Fue su decisión, pero ahora se va.
Just that he was leaving town.
Solo que se marchaba de la ciudad.
I was just in here, and I was leaving, and he put his...
Yo estaba aquí y ya me iba,

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