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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / Hurt me

Hurt me traduction Espagnol

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You... hurt me.
Me... Lastimaste.
How much it hurt me.
Cuánto me dolía.
Don't hurt me.
No me haga daño.
Please... don't hurt me.
Por favor, no me lastimes.
I know he wouldn't hurt me. I know.
Sé que no me lastimaría, lo sé.
You wouldn't hurt me, would you, brahms?
¿ No me lastimarías, verdad Brahms?
Please, don't hurt me.
Por favor, no me lastimes.
He wants you to hurt me.
Quiere que me hagas daño.
- Please, don't hurt me.
Por favor, no me lastimes.
This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's ever gonna hurt me.
Esto va a dolerte mucho más, que lo que alguna vez me dolió.
Oh, don't hurt me.
No me abraces.
No, no, please, don't hurt me!
No, por favor, ¡ no me lastimes!
Stop, don't hurt me!
Alto, ¡ no me lastimes!
Don't hurt me!
¡ No me lastimes! ¡ Alto!
- Please don't hurt me.
- Por favor, no me hagas daño,
I don't understand how the truth can hurt me.
- Dije que no lo hice. La verdad no puede hacerme daño.
- Yeah, it's like it didn't want to hurt me.
Sí, es como que no quería hacerme daño.
Don't hurt me. I'll kill you, man!
¡ No me obligues a matarte!
Please! Please don't hurt me!
¡ Por favor, no me lastimes!
More often than not, when I gave myself away, it came back to hurt me.
Por lo general, cuando me entrego, termino pasándola mal.
Guy, buddy, please, please, don't let them hurt me, please.
Guy, amigo, no dejes que me hagan daño, por favor.
I never dreamed that somebody was gonna try to hurt me by hurting them.
Nunca pensé que alguien iba a intentar herirme hiriéndolos a ellos.
She wants to hurt me.
- Quiere lastimarme.
They hurt me.
- Me lastimaron.
As long as you promise not to hurt Lucy again.
Siempre que me prometas no hacer daño a Lucy.
My eyes hurt.
Me duelen los ojos.
Look, there's things that I wish I could tell you, but I can't because you could get very hurt.
Hay cosas que me gustaría poder decirte, pero no puedo, porque podrías terminar muy herida.
Please don't hurt me!
Por favor, no me lastimes.
Please... don't hurt me. You're just picking up a radio play from another channel, or kids playing with an old Cb.
Solo está recibiendo una señal de otro canal.
A tablet will not hurt.
Una píldora no me matará.
Hurt mingled with shame were overwhelming me, but I told myself : you can do it.
El dolor mezclado con la vergüenza me abrumó, pero me dije : " Tú puedes hacerlo.
But I swear to God, if you open that black ass mouth of yours to anybody, anybody about what you saw last night I'm gonna come back here and lay more permanent hurt on you, you feel me?
Pero juro por Dios, que si abres esa bocota negra tuya a alguien, a cualquiera de lo que viste anoche voy a regresar y dejarte con daño permanente,
I'm just worried you'll hurt yourself.
Sólo me preocupa que te lastimes.
You told me you weren't gonna hurt her!
¡ Me dijiste que no la ibas a lastimar!
- That fucking hurt.
- Todavía me duele.
My feet hurt.
Me duelen los pies.
My feet hurt!
¡ Me duelen los pies!
I'm sure it didn't hurt that you lied to them.
Estoy seguro de que no me duele que les mintió.
Daddy, I got hurt.
Papi, me lastimé.
A tiny bite won't hurt.
Una probadita no me hará daño.
A little bite won't hurt.
Una probadita no me hará daño.
- No, no, it doesn't hurt.
- No, no, no me duele.
So help me hurt him.
Ayúdame a hacerle daño, entonces.
I'm glad you didn't hurt his feelings.
Me alegro de que no hayas herido sus sentimientos.
Kalinka was a daughter to me never would I have hurt her.
Kalinka era una hija para mí nunca le hubiera hecho daño.
It really hurt, but I couldn't defend myself.
Me hacía daño, pero no podía defenderme.
Hurt me?
¿ Lastimarme?
- Will it hurt?
- ¿ Me va a doler?
- My feet hurt.
- Me duelen los pies.
Then believe me when I tell you, you're gonna hurt you're gonna bleed and you're gonna feel pain like you've never felt before.
Entonces créeme cuando te digo, que vas a lastimarte... vas a sangrar y vas a sentir dolor como nunca lo has sentido antes.
Everyone around me is getting hurt, killed...
Todos a mi alrededor están siendo heridos, muertos...

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