I told him no traduction Espagnol
5,477 traduction parallèle
I told him not to fall in love with her.
Yo le dije que no se caiga enamorado de ella.
Because I told him not to.
Porque le dije que no lo hiciera.
I told him not to blame himself.
Le dije que no se culpara.
I told him no, it was red frosting from the birthday cake I made for him.
le decía que no, que era glaseado rojo del pastel que le había hecho.
I told him not to.
Le dije que no.
I told him not to.
Yo le dije que no lo hiciera.
[Sniffs] She told me that Kurt wasn't the guy that she thought he was, so I told her "leave him," but she wouldn't.
Me dijo que Kurt no era el tipo que ella pensaba que era... le dije "déjalo", pero no lo hizo.
I haven't told him yet.
No se lo he dicho aún.
When I told you where Alan was, it was so you could get him out of there, not so you could kill him.
Cuando te dije dónde estaba Alan, lo hice para que lo sacaras de ahí, no para que pudieras matarlo.
And you think I haven't told him that, do you?
¿ Y cree que no se lo he dicho, cierto?
I told him I thought it was a bad idea to contact him.
Le dije que no me parecía buena idea que lo contactara.
I told him I was relieved. That we could have taken action if he didn't comply.
Le dije que era un alivio, que podíamos haber actuado si no hubiera aceptado.
I told you I have not seen him.
Les he dicho que no le he visto.
After you told me you saw him, you know, when he was supposed to be in Vermont, I got panicked he was lying, so I went to see if he was there, which he wasn't.
Después de que me dijeras que le viste, ya sabes, cuando estaba supuestamente en Vermont, me asuste de que estuviera mintiendo, así que fui a ver si estaba allí, que no estaba.
I told him, "I don't know." And he said, "You Jewish?"
Contesté "No lo sé." Y él dijo, "¿ Eres judío?"
I haven't told him yet.
Todavía no se lo he dicho.
The vervain will be out of his system soon, and I've kept him out of sight for two days, so he hasn't told anyone.
La verbena pronto saldrá de su sistema, y le he mantenido fuera de vista durante dos días, así que no se lo ha dicho a nadie.
But then I guess he went out and got a little drunk pretty loaded, actually, and I didn't know what to do, so I told Dani, and she went out and found him.
Pero supongo que entonces salió y se emborrachó... bastante, a decir verdad, y no sabía que hacer, así que... se lo dije a Dani, y ella salió y le encontró.
- I told him I can't leave here.
- Le dije que no podía salir de aquí.
I told him, you know, he couldn't just go on and take stuff for free, but he said he's your kin.
Se lo dije, sabes, que no podía ir y tomarse lo que quisiera gratis, pero dijo que es pariente tuyo.
I shouldn't have told him about the tape.
No debería le he dicho lo de la cinta.
I don't know what he was going to do with that database, but I heard from a friend of his that Aaron had told him that he was going to analyze the data for evidence of corporate funding of climate change research that led to biased results, and I totally believe that.
No sé lo que iba a hacer con esa base de datos pero oí de un amigo de él que Aaron le dijo que iba a analizar la información para encontrar evidencias de financiamiento corporativo sobre investigaciones del cambio climático que conducirían a resultados tendenciosos, y yo creo totalmente esta versión.
I got rid of him, I told him "get back on that piece of shit " motorbike you couldn't afford when it first came out,
Me deshice de él, le dije : "vuelve a subir a esa mierda de motocicleta... que no podías comprar cuando salió a la venta... y aléjate de Forest Hill".
But if Brittany told him that I'm really Deb and he believes her, I... I wouldn't blame him for never wanting to speak to me again.
Pero si Brittany le dijo que soy realmente Deb y él le creyó, no... no lo culparía por nunca más querer hablarme.
Yes, I told him that he wouldn't receive early release unless he admitted guilt, but I can now prove his innocence.
Si, le dije que no le soltarían rápido a menos que admitiera su culpabilidad, pero puedo probar su inocencia.
Were you not listening just now when I told you I went to see him, told him what would happen if he ever came back?
¿ No me estabas escuchando cuando te dije...? ¿ Qué fui a verlo y le dije lo que pasaría si volvía?
I told him I was fine with waiting.
Le dije que no me importaba esperar.
It's not because Sekiya-san said so, but, I told Souta-kun that I like him.
No es porque Sekiya-san lo haya dicho así, pero... le dije a Souta-kun que me gusta.
I should have told him sooner about all of it, but he was unprepared.
Debería haberle contado todo antes, pero no estaba preparado.
I told him to honk because I wasn't sure if I was ready for the streams to cross just yet.
Le dije que tocara la bocina porque no estaba segura si aún estaba lista para pasar por esto.
- I didn't tell him what you told me to say.
No le dije lo que me dijiste que le dijera. ¿ Qué?
Well, I haven't told him yet.
Bueno, no le he dicho nada.
It's not as if I specifically told you to keep him here!
- No, tienes razón. No es como si yo específicamente le ha dicho a mantenerlo aquí!
One of the first things I told him... and I think we have agreed on, that words are not going to be enough.
"INSPIRADA EN HECHOS REALES" Una de las primeras cosas que le dije... y creo que hemos estado de acuerdo, es que las palabras no van a bastar.
I told you, I hadn't met him, not until yesterday!
¡ Te lo dije, no lo había conocido hasta ayer!
I guess you haven't told him yet.
Supongo que aún no se lo has dicho.
No, I told him my dad did.
No, le dije que mi padre lo creía.
Well, I called Mike and told him that she's never coming anywhere near our kids, ever again.
Llamé a Mike y le dije que no va a acercarse a nuestros hijos otra vez.
[Stef] I called Mike and I told him that she's never coming anywhere
He llamado a Mike y le he dicho que no va a acercarse
No, I told him that he couldn't post anything about you and Daphne.
No, le dije que no podía publicar nada sobre ti y Daphne.
I told him he had no cause for jealousy, but he insisted there was something between us.
Le dije que no tenia por que estar celoso, pero insistió en que había algo entre nosotros.
I told you, he wouldn't leave me alone. Were you still in love with him?
Te lo dije, no quería dejarme en paz.
That's why I told him that he couldn't drop out of this race.
Y es la causa por la que no le dejé abandonar la Campaña.
I'm the one who told him... not to come.
Yo fui la que le dijo que no fuera
You cannot expect me to sit down with a complete stranger. A... A man, no less and tell him the things that I have told you.
No puedes esperar que me siente con un completo extraño, un hombre, nada menos, y le cuenta las cosas que he estado contándote a ti.
I told him flat out that I don't want the job, and that you are the candidate I wanted to put forward.
Le he dicho que no quería el empleo, y que tú eres el candidato que yo elegiría.
I don't know what Major Hewlett told you or what was said to him, but the fault with this lies with...
No sé qué es lo que te ha contado el Comandante Hewlett o le que se le ha comunicado, pero el responsable ha sido...
Yes, but I told him I wouldn't be able to go.
Sí, pero le dije que no podría ir.
I told him that you are a poet, not a militant.
Le dije que eras un poeta, no un militante.
I haven't even told him how old I am yet.
Aún no le he dicho la edad que tengo.
I told him we're not sleeping together.
Le dije que no nos acostábamos.
i told him not to 24
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you to go 23
i told you already 105
i told you about it 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you the truth 55
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you guys 40
i told you already 105
i told you about it 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you the truth 55
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you guys 40