It matters to me traduction Espagnol
469 traduction parallèle
Do you think it matters to me whether I'm a gentleman or not?
¿ Crees que me importa si soy un caballero o no?
- But it matters to me! Juanillo, why don't you throw it away and forget all about it?
Juanillo, ¿ por qué no lo tiras y te olvidas completamente de eso?
It matters to me. And smile, will ya?
Pronto te irás de aquí...
Well, it matters to me.
Bueno, a mí me importa.
Well, it matters to me.
A mí me importa.
It matters to me.
A mí sí.
It matters to me!
¡ A mí sí! ¿ Lo entiendes?
Eh? It matters to me a lot! The Marshal is almost my master.
Me importa porque el mariscal ya es mi medio patrón.
It matters to me.
Me importa a mí.
- It matters to me, me!
- ¡ Soy yo el que quiere saber!
I don't know if it matters but it matters to me.
No se si es importante pero para mí lo es.
- It doesn't matter. - It matters to me. - I got my Waldorf salad.
- Ya tengo la ensalada.
- It matters to me.
- Para mí sí.
Do you think it matters to me?
¿ Crees que me importa?
Yeah, it matters to me.
Sí, me importa.
But it matters to me.
Pero a mí, sí.
It matters to me.
A mí me importa.
A distinction that has no relevance for lawyers. But it matters to me.
A los abogados esa distinción no les importa pero a mí sí.
I mean, it matters to me... but you're the one who really needs to hear this now.
O sea, me importa, pero tú eres quien realmente necesita escuchar esto.
It matters to me.
A mi me importa.
It's nothing to me how you take it. But it matters a heap to me, ma'am, how you understand.
Me da igual lo que le parezca... pero sí me importa lo que Ud. Piense, señorita.
And if I seem to touch on matters that are how shall I say it, too intimate, you must forgive me it is because of my duty.
Y si parece que hablo de asuntos cómo decirlo, demasiado íntimos, debe perdonarme es por mi deber.
But to me, it matters.
Pero a mí, sí me importa.
You're the only one that it matters to, Zee, one way or the other,
Ahora todo lo que me importa eres tú, Zee.
Certainly. It matters a lot to me.
Lo haré con mucho gusto.
It distresses me to bother you with these personal matters... but de Vargas has already made one attempt upon my life.
No quiero molestarle con asuntos personales pero De Vargas ya intentó matarme una vez.
When it comes to something that really matters, I'm still kept out of it.
Cuando ocurre algo realmente importante, me dejas al margen.
That's the only thing that matters a damn in life to me. It doesn't matter a damn that your wife will hang with you?
¿ No tiene ninguna importancia que ahorquen a su mujer con Ud.?
Believe me, in these delicate matters, 37 00 : 04 : 38,190 - - 00 : 04 : 40,557 it's much better to seek the help of a specialist. Of a profesional.
Créame, para los casos delicados, es mejor pedir la ayuda de un especialista.
It's your opinion that matters to me.
Lo que me preocupa es su opinión.
It's all that matters to me.
Es lo único que me importa.
Forgive me, but wouldn't it have been simpler to solve the problem without complicating matters by discussing them in public?
Monseñor, perdóneme, pero no es más simple de solucionar el problema sin complicarla discutiéndola en público?
- It matters very much. But it also matters to me what happens to Gillis.
Me importa mucho, pero también lo que le ocurre al padre Gillis.
I'm at the point where it matters very little to me whether i live or die.
Estoy en un punto en el que me importa muy poco si vivo o muero.
Madam, in matters of debauchery it was I who lured him and I didn't need anyone to lure me away from the duties I owe you.
Madame, en cuestiones de libertinaje, era yo quien le engatusaba a él... y yo no necesitaba que nadie me engatusara... para alejarme de los deberes que os debía.
It matters very much to me.
A mí me importa mucho.
It makes me proud to think that a boy from Milan has something to teach a girl from Paris in these matters.
Me enorgullece pensar que un milanés tenga algo que enseñar a una parisina en este género de cosas.
While you're here, Miss Barrett, it's come to my attention that there are matters of form which you've neglected to fill out.
Ya que está aquí, sta. Barrett, me he dado cuenta que hay formularios que no se ha molestado en rellenar.
- Jim, when I suggested to Spock it was time for his routine checkup your logical, unemotional first officer turned to me and said : "You will cease to pry into my personal matters, Doctor, or I shall certainly break your neck."
- Jim cuando le sugerí a Spock que se hiciera su chequeo de rutina su primer oficial, siempre lógico y falto de emociones, me miró y dijo "Debe dejar de entrometerse en mis asuntos personales, doctor o de seguro le cortaré el cuello."
First I tell you to keepyour nose out of ourfamily matters, and now I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.
Primero le digo que deje de entrometerse en nuestros asuntos familiares y ahora me estoy metiendo donde no debo.
There is a scientific explanation for it. But all that really matters is that you can see me, and talk to me, and... we can go on from there.
Tiene una explicación científica, pero lo único que importa ahora es que me ves, puedes hablar conmigo y... ya veremos.
It seems to me that an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is the part that matters to the Apache.
Teniente, esa frase de "ojo por ojo, diente por diente" es lo único que va bien con los apaches.
And I should like to begin this inquiry, if I may, by discussing certain matters arising from it.
Y me gustaría comenzar esta investigación, si me permite, debatiendo algunas cuestiones que se derivan de ella.
When it comes to religious matters, I'm in over my head.
Lo que me ocurre es que las cuestiones religiosas me superan.
♪ Now if I help you it matters that you see ♪ ♪ These sordid kind of things are coming hard to me ♪
Si te ayudo, quiero que entiendas que estas cosas sórdidas se me hacen difíciles llevar
It really matters to me!
Es realmente importante.
You could tell me how much the judge charges in these matters... and I give you the money, and you give it to the judge. How's that sound?
¿ Qué le parece?
It sounds fair to me, and what I think is all that matters.
A mí me parece justo y lo que yo piense, es lo único que importa.
Well, my dear, I think you'll find it's all a question of what you want to believe in and I happen to have more experince of these matters than you I think.
Bien, querida mia, creo que descubriras que todo es una cuestion de que me concedas que en este caso yo tengo mas experiencia en estos asuntos de lo que tu imaginas.
And just to clear up matters - l talked Joe Minelli into canceling that appointment with you, and I don't feel guilty about it.
Sólo para dejar esto muy claro. Yo hablé con Joseph Minelli sobre su cita con usted. Y no me siento culpable.
When it's something that matters to me, I control myself.
Sé controlarme cuando algo realmente me importa.
it matters 145
it matters not 21
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
it makes me feel 18
it makes sense to me 16
it makes no sense 207
it makes me happy 38
it matters not 21
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
it makes me feel 18
it makes sense to me 16
it makes no sense 207
it makes me happy 38