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Killing me traduction Espagnol

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Is killing me.
Se me está matando.
Don't tell Korra, but my back is killing me now.
No se lo digáis a Korra, pero la espalda me está matando.
I guess my only question is when you planning on killing me?
Supongo que mi única pregunta es... ¿ cuándo tienes planeado matarme?
~ No, it's killing me here.
- No, esto me está matando.
You're killing me!
¡ Me estás matando! ¡ Por favor!
The suspense is killing me.
El suspenso me está matando.
Killing me won't ease the pain.
Matarme no borrará el dolor.
It's killing me to be here.
Me está matando estar aquí.
If you want to find the one ultimately responsible for gutting Harold Cooper and killing Meera Malik, I suggest you help me find him.
Si quieres encontrar al único responsable de degollar a Harold Cooper y asesinar a Meera Malik, sugiero que me ayudes a encontrarlo.
You two are literally killing me every moment I'm forced - to spend with you.
Literalmente me matan cada momento que paso con ustedes.
First by killing me, and then by killing him.
Me matará a mí y luego a él.
- You're killing me. - Yeah, buddy.
- me estás matando - sí, amigo.
The suspense is killing me.
El suspense me está matando.
- You almost killing me?
- ¿ Que casi me mates?
It's killing me. I ran on that.
Me está matando. me encontré en eso.
- My dick is killing me.
- Mi polla me está matando.
And it's killing me to let you go.
Y me está matando dejarte ir.
You're killing me with it.
Me estás matando con esto.
What did it feel like killing me, Ellie?
¿ Qué sentiste al matarme, Ellie?
He's killing me.
Me está matando.
Fuck, my feet are killing me.
Mis pies me duelen mucho.
My curiosity is killing me.
Mi curiosidad me está matando.
It's killing me here, man.
Me está matando aquí, hombre.
I got three kids, mortgage is fucking killing me, House is under the water, I, I can't even fucking sell it,
Tengo tres hijos, alta hipoteca para cuchitril de mierda...
You're killing me, man.
Me estás matando, hombre.
- You're killing me.
- Usted me está matando.
My head is killing me.
Mi cabeza me está matando.
My head is killing me.
- Mi cabeza está matándome.
This job is killing me, man.
Este trabajo me está matando.
You're killing me, get away from me!
¡ Déjame!
Apart from killing Mexican-American fathers of six and leaving me to take the fall for it.
Fuera de que mataste a un padre de seis hijos mexicoamericano dejándome a mí ahí para ser inculpado por ello.
- You're killing me.
Me matas.
- You're killing me!
- Me matas.
It's killing me.
Está matándome.
That's why I thought that he was working his way up to killing me, but he killed his family instead.
Por eso pensé que estaba trabajando su manera de matarme, pero él mató a su familia en su lugar.
What will you get by killing me?
¿ Qué vas a conseguir si me matas?
I like a little killing now and then.
Me gusta matar de vez en cuando.
you're killing me!
¡ Me estás matando!
Despite the fact that my long list of dastardly deeds involves killing you, I'm glad you're alive.
Aparte del hecho de que mi larga lista de obras cobardes incluye asesinarte, me alegra que estés vivo.
They're killing my allergies.
La alergia me está matando.
You blamed me for killing his daughter.
Me culpaste por haber matado a su hija.
Killing a guy that owed me money?
¿ Matar a un tío que me debía dinero?
- I'm killing myself working two jobs To pay for a house that i pray you and the kids come back to.
Me estoy matando haciendo dos trabajos... para pagar una casa en la que rezo para que tú y los niños vuelvan.
The caller's killing people in order to frame me for murder.
El que llama está matando gente... para culparme del asesinato.
you know, a wise man once told me the day when killing someone doesn't affect you...
Sabes, un hombre sabio me dijo una vez... que el día en que matar a alguien no te afecte...
So... if you kill me.. Then you're killing all the rest of them.
Así que... si me matas... entonces las estás matando a todas...
I've been killing myself to make this movie great... and I won't stop working until it is perfect.
Me maté para que la película sea genial... y no dejaré de trabajar hasta que esté perfecta.
I'm tired of killing his slaves for him.
Ya me cansé de matar a sus esclavos por él.
And you tell me that you're not killing anymore?
¿ Y ahora me dices que ya no asesinas nunca más?
I sure hope so,'cause otherwise coming to save me and killing all these guys is sending some seriously mixed messages.
Realmente lo espero, sino venir a salvarme y matar a todos esos tipos está mandando unos mensajes realmente confusos.
I'll turn myself in, confess to killing those cops... if you agree to help Michael.
Me entregaré, confesaré que maté a esos policías si usted acepta ayudarle a Michael.

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