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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ L ] / Let them try

Let them try traduction Espagnol

334 traduction parallèle
- Let them try and put us out.
- Nos quedaremos aquí.
But we'll let them try it for fun
Pero les dejaremos intentarlo por diversión
They got me in here, now let them try to put me out.
Me metieron aquí, ahora deje que traten de sacarme.
Just let them try...
Que se atrevan...
- Just let them try to warn me.
- Que intenten advertírmelo.
Let them try to shake the throne, I'll cut them to ribbons!
Que vengan a sacudir el trono y los haré pedazos.
Just let them try to get my vote. That's all.
Que intenten conseguir mi voto.
I'll pay for my own. Let them try to humiliate me, drinking to their boat.
Aunque celebren lo de su barco,... por molestarme.
Let them try.
- ¡ Señores!
- Let them try!
- ¡ Dejadle hacerlo!
Let them try to say it to me.
Que intenten decírmelo a mí.
- Let them try and take revenge because of last year...
- Que intenten vengarse por por lo del año pasado...
Let them try and find me.
A ver si me encuentran.
Let them try me for perjury, or an accessory, or...
Que me juzguen por perjurio, por complicidad o por...
- Or better yet... let them try me for...! Argh!
- O mejor que me juzguen por...
Let them try.
Que lo intenten.
Let them try. You think I don't know how to grasp a spear or a crossbow?
Si lo intentasen, ¿ crees que no tengo una lanza?
Let them try.
Déjeles que lo intenten...
Let them try!
¡ Qué vengan!
- Well, let them try!
- ¡ Que lo intenten!
Let them try it alone.
Dejen que Io intenten solos.
Let them try their tricks on others.
Que hagan sus jugarretas con otros.
Let them try.
Deja que lo intenten.
Let them try their wings? ? Little birds were born to fly?
Los pichones nacieron para volar
Let's try them all.
Vamos a probarlos todos.
Now, let's try to stick to one of them, huh?
Pues ciñámonos a una sola cosa.
Let's try them all.
Intentemos todo a la vez.
Try not to let them.
Intente no aislarse.
- Let's try to tell them a few words...
- Sí, hable.
Let me try them on.
Deja probármelos.
- But let's try and face them like rational people.
- Afrontémoslos como personas racionales. - ¡ Racionales!
Let me try them on you.
Y ven que los pruebe en ti.
Now, my little kittens, let's try them on
Bueno... y ahora mis gatitas, os las voy a probar.
Now, let's take two pieces of testimony and try to put them together.
Ahora, tomemos estos dos testimonios e intentemos unirlos.
- We sure could try it. Let me have them!
- De seguro podríamos intentarlo. ¡ Dejame tenerlos!
Let's try to be adult about this, work out some schedule where I can make my business calls and you can make your... whatever you call them.
Intentemos ser adultos, hagamos un plan para que yo pueda llevar a cabo mis llamadas de trabajo y usted las suyas de... como quiera llamarlas.
Let's plan to try to make them forget you were an employee there not remember it, shall we?
¿ Por qué no intentas que olviden que fuiste empleado allí... en vez de recordárselo?
- Marshal, let me try to talk to them.
- Marshal, intente hablar con ellos.
Let's try to avoid them from now on.
Intentemos evitarlos de ahora en adelante.
- Let me try them on!
- ¡ Voy a probármelos!
Let me try them again.
Déjame probarlos otra vez.
Come, let's try them on.
Ven, vamos a probarlo.
Let's try to capture one of them
Es mejor hacerlos prisioneros.
Let's try to pick them off.
Intentemos liquidarlos.
Now let's try and put them down.
Vamos a ponerlos un poco en el suelo.
We are loaded with unbreakable chains... let us try to bear them, Sister.
Nos han atado con cadenas que no podremos romper. Intentemos cargar con ellas.
Let's try to shake them in the bends.
Intentemos tumbarlos en el recodo.
Let's try and catch up to them.
A ver si les alcanzamos.
Let it fall into the sand first, then some hard object is pushed there with the foot suddenly add a level, chase after them, and try to catch the small animals and paint a Star of David on them.
Que caiga primero en la arena blanda, que tropiece luego con algún objeto duro... Intenta perseguir a los animales pequeños... Intenta alcanzarlos para pintar sobre ellos una estrella de David.
Let's try for them all.
Vamos a intentarlo con todos ellos.
Let me try and make contact with them.
Dejadme intentar contactar con ellos.

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