Line them up traduction Espagnol
310 traduction parallèle
- Line them up.
- Alinéalas.
- Line them up, boatswain.
- Fórmenlos, contramaestre.
Yeah, and line them up right here.
Sí, y póngalos en fila.
Get cabinets, desks, line them up against that door.
Bloquearemos esa puerta.
- Take those girls and line them up here.
Tomen a esas chicas y pónganlas en fila.
Line them up and search them! Get Pete!
¡ Pete!
Line them up.
- Line them up below, will you?
Póngalos aquí en formación.
Let them drink all they want and then line them up.
Deja que beban todo lo que quieran y después alinéalos.
Line them up and locate them all.
Encuéntrenlos y localícenlos.
Line them up neatly, not like last time.
Alinearlas, alinearlas con un poco de orden, que no suceda como la última vez.
All right, boys, line them up.
Bien, ponedlas en fila.
Very well, my friend. Bring me six double scotches, and line them up before me.
Tráigame seis whiskys dobles y póngamelos en fila.
Line them up and count noses.
Ponlos en fila y votarlo.
Crunch, line them up.
Crunch, ponlos en fila.
Let's line them up.
Pongámolos en fila.
We'd line them up on the kitchen shelf... -
Las alineábamos en la repisa de la cocina...
They will line them up against the wall and shoot them — my wife and my mother-in-law... and my sister-in-law and my brother-in-law.
Los pondrán contra la pared y los balearán... mi esposa, mi suegra, mi cuñada y mi cuñado.
I'll line them up against the wall and tell them what it was like here in Burma.
Les pondré en fila y les contaré esto.
You line them up facing the wall.
Vas a alinearlos de cara a la pared.
Line them up facing the wall with what?
¿ Y con qué los alineo de cara a la pared?
All right, sergeants, line them up.
Bien, sargentos, alinéenlos.
Now, you'll have to line them up exactly in order to lay out your induction field.
Tendrá que alinearlos con precisión... para aplicar el campo de inducción.
- Line them up!
- ¡ Alinéelos!
Line them up on the double!
¡ Linéelos a adelante en doble!
Line them up.
¡ Carguen los sacos, vamos!
Line them up there!
¡ Hagan una linea ahí!
- I told them to drop their tools and line up before me.
Les dije que dejaran las herramientas y se... formaran frente a mí.
- Leo, line them right up here!
- Leo, ¡ alinéelos aquí!
And, if I had my way, by gad I'd line up every official of the North, sir and have them shot.
Si pudiera pondría en fila a todos los oficiales del Norte y haría que los fusilaran.
A long line-up of our own women and children, with English soldiers hiding behind them, and using them as a protective barrier, as a shield!
Nuestras mujeres y niños, formando una larga fila... y detrás de ellos se escondían soldados ingleses... que los utilizaban como protección, como un escudo!
Take them back up the line.
- Sí, señor, pero...
Line them up over there.
Lléveselos ahí.
It'd be better to line up a bunch of pumpkins and yell at them than to try to get something across to a bunch of corrupt politicians.
Sería mejor gritar a un montón de calabazas, que tratar de conseguir algo de un puñado de políticos corruptos.
I had the line disconnected to shut them up.
He tenido que desconectar la línea.
Soon as the boys finish chow, I'll have them run a line up.
Haré que lo arreglen después de la comida.
Melekhov, line up your hundred and lead them to Yerokhin Gully.
¡ Mélejov, forma a la centuria y llévala al barranco de Erojinskaia!
Line them up, I'll help.
Lo prefiero.
No. They held them up all along the line.
No, los detuvieron enseguida.
You get busy with your contacts,... show them that film, and line up the best deal you can get.
Habla con tus contactos, muéstrales la película y consigue el mejor trato.
One in the Heights, two on the North Side, one of them we took over from Lorenz, a big one out on Diversey, and another new one we set up on the county line.
Una en la zona industrial, dos en el lado norte una de las que controlamos de Lorenz una grande en Diversey y otra nueva que instalamos en la frontera del condado.
Fauntleroy, let's line them all up for a do-si-do.
Fauntleroy, hagamos el baile dos a dos.
First, line up all the good talkies there are. I want to see them.
Primero, déme los buenos diálogos que haya, quiero verlos.
Yes, sir, I told them we're all scattered up and down the line.
Sí, señor, les dije que estábamos esparcidos por toda la línea.
I'll line up my 100 horses and have my men scrub them like crazy!
¡ Juntaré mis cien caballos y mis hombres los cepillarán como locos!
My dear friend, these lazy peasants, and what's most important is that there are hungarians between them, under the pretences that they wanted to work thier lands showed up in the line of fire
Querido amigo, esos campesinos, y lo más importante es que hay húngaros entre ellos, bajo el pretexto de querer trabajar sus tierras, se presentaron en la línea de fuego.
Get up to the line and tell them to grab some new prisoners.
Suba al frente y dígales que hagan prisioneros.
I've known them to turn up in Helsinki on that particular line.
A veces, han aparecido en Helsinki.
Get them out! Get over there! Line up!
¡ IVengan aqui!
At the starting line, the referees move up to inform them that this is five laps.
Los referís se acercan para informarles que son cinco vueltas.
And look at these two girls warming up, coming now to that starting line the referee lining them up.
Y miren a estas chicas que van hacia la largada donde el referí las alínea.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
upside down 57
up next 81
up yours 130
up top 130
up to you 126
up guy 119
up against the wall 84
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up guy 119
up against the wall 84
up call 187
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up and at' em 72
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87