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Maybe we shouldn't traduction Espagnol

681 traduction parallèle
Maybe we shouldn't have come in.
Quizás no debimos haber entrado.
Maybe we shouldn't have come.
- Quizás no debimos venir.
Maybe we shouldn't leave her alone.
Quizá no debiéramos dejarla sola.
Maybe we shouldn't be havin'the dance anyway- - least not till we hear from the ore train.
No deberíamos haber celebrado el baile hasta saber qué ha sido de la caravana.
Maybe we should get rid of Sleepy Hollow, then... It shouldn't have been there in the first place!
Tal vez deberíamos librarnos de Sleepy Hollow nunca debió estar allí.
Well, what I mean is, maybe we shouldn't be too hasty.
Digo que no deberíamos tener tanta prisa.
Maybe I shouldn't even talk at all because... we were the only ship who never heard a word out of Dooley one way or the other.
Quiza no deberia hablar... fuimos la única nave que nunca oyó una palabra de Dooley en una direccion u otra.
Maybe we shouldn't have stopped here.
Quizás no deberíamos haber venido.
Maybe we shouldn't have come.
Quizás no deberíamos haber venido.
You know, Eddie maybe we shouldn't head for L.A.
Ya sabes, Eddie... puede que fuera mejor no dirigirnos hacia Los Angeles.
Well, honey, maybe we shouldn't rush into buying.
Bueno, carino, tal vez no deberíamos precipitarnos.
Manny said, maybe we shouldn't tell that again.
Manny dijo que tal vez no deberíamos volver a decirlo.
Maybe we shouldn't wait for her.
Tal vez no deberíamos esperarla.
Oh, Mario, maybe we shouldn't.
Mario, quizá no deberíamos.
Maybe we shouldn't get married right away.
Quizás no deberíamos casarnos enseguida.
Maybe we shouldn't ask him any more questions.
Tal vez no debamos hacerle más preguntas.
Puede que... hubiera alguien... o hubiera algo que se equivocó y nos dejó regresar cuando no debía ser.
Maybe we shouldn't be in such a hurry to move.
Quizá no debamos apresurarnos a mudarnos.
Maybe I shouldn't say this, but we can't go on for much longer.
Tal vez haga mal en decirlo, pero no resistimos más.
Maybe we shouldn't even leave the hotel together.
Quizá no deberíamos salir juntos del hotel.
Maybe we shouldn't splash things all over without Mr. Hamilton's approval.
Tal vez no deberíamos salpicar todas las cosas más sin la aprobación del Sr. Hamilton.
Maybe we shouldn't go out tonight.
Quizás no deberíamos salir.
- Maybe we shouldn't intrude.
- Quizá no deberíamos molestar.
Maybe we shouldn't go out together.
Tal vez no deberíamos salir juntos.
Maybe we shouldn't tell Shabnam about Aqil's death right now It's going to be a big shock for her
Maybe no podemos decirle a Shabnam nada sobre la muerte de Aqil seria un golpe muy grande para ella
Well, if you don't think we can, maybe we shouldn't try.
Bueno, si cree que no podemos, quizás no deberíamos intentarlo.
Maybe we shouldn't hit the trail with the bad weather coming.
Tal vez no sea el mejor momento para irnos de aquí. Ya sabes, ahora que llega el mal tiempo.
Maybe we shouldn't get Mike mixed up in this too directly.
Creo que no deberà ­ amos mezclar a Mike en nada de esto.
Maybe we shouldn't have given such a precise timing.
A lo mejor no teniamos que haber precisado la hora.
Maybe we shouldn't have let Dai go down by himself.
Tal vez no deberías haber dejado a Dai bajar por sí mismo.
Maybe we shouldn't have done it.
Quizás no debimos hacerlo.
Maybe we shouldn't trust you
¿ No cree que es de usted que tendría que desconfiar?
Well, maybe we shouldn't have listened to you, maybe Bensington was right.
No deberíamos haberte escuchado, quizás Bensington tenía razón.
Maybe we shouldn't have worried so much about whether he loved us or not.
Quizá no debimos preocuparnos tanto de que nos amara o no.
Maybe we shouldn't have that mass meeting tomorrow?
Será mejor que mañana no hagamos esa actividad.
Maybe we shouldn't?
Igual no deberíamos.
Maybe we shouldn't plan to go away right now.
Quizá no deberíamos planear viajes en este momento.
Maybe we really shouldn't look for him anymore.
Quizá es verdad que no deberíamos buscarle más.
Maybe, we shouldn't keep them waiting.
Tal vez no debiéramos hacerlos esperar.
Uh, Mr. Hazelrigg, Maybe we shouldn't
Uh, Sr. Hazelrigg, Tal vez no deberíamos
Maybe we shouldn't go anywhere.
- Quizá es mejor que no vayamos.
- Maybe we shouldn't do this, Ali.
- Quizá no deberíamos hacerlo, Ali.
Maybe we shouldn't.
Quizá no deberíamos.
- Hmm? - Maybe we shouldn't go through with this.
- Creo que no deberíamos hacerlo.
- Maybe we shouldn't.
- Quizá no debamos.
Maybe we shouldn't have stayed.
- Teníamos que habernos ido. - Sí.
Maybe we shouldn't, Nao-chan... The first time was by my biological parents.
quizá no debemos... fueron mis padres biológicos.
We haven't been able to talk to each other for a long time and maybe we shouldn't live together but I do love him.
No hemos podido conversar desde hace tiempo y quiz? no deber? amos vivir juntos, pero lo quiero.
Maybe we shouldn't have gone to the concert together.
Quizás no deberíamos haber ido juntos al concierto.
- Maybe we shouldn't tell her.
- Tal vez no debamos decírselo.
Maybe we shouldn't move.
Quizá no nos deberíamos mudar.

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