Officer down traduction Espagnol
982 traduction parallèle
So has number 5, and there's a wounded officer down here who wants some help.
Hay un oficial herido que quiere ayuda.
We can discuss it later. In the meantime, will you please let the officer down from the tree?
Mientras tanto, deja bajar al agente.
An officer who was protecting you was shot down in front of your house. And you ain't allowing to go into court and be a witness against the murderer.. Then it ain't your country.
¡ Si a un policía que te protege lo tirotean ante tu casa, y te impiden testificar ante un tribunal, este no es tu país, sino el de los criminales y no eres más que un cobarde!
You forgot about hitting an officer on the head! You forgot about shooting a little girl down in the gutter. You forgot to tell me about killing one of the finest white men that ever lived.
¡ Que golpeasteis a un policía, disparasteis a una niña, y matasteis a un hombre ejemplar!
"Go down, Bridges," he says, "And tell the commanding officer from me..."
"Vaya, Bridges", dice, " y dígale al oficial de mi parte que...'
There's an officer of the Mounted Police down the street.
Hay una oficina de la Policía Montada más abajo.
Chief Officer sent me down to check the chronometers.
El primer oficial me envió a revisar los cronómetros.
Hey, officer, he's down on this terrace.
Eh, agente, está por esta terraza.
This voyage down without a second officer, standing watches.
Este viaje, sin segundo oficial, haciendo guardias.
Next morning the officer came down as we were breakfasting in the kitchen
Al día siguiente el oficial bajó cuando desayunábamos en la cocina
The 918th will stand down until the new commanding officer arrives.
La 918 permanecerá en tierra hasta que llegue un nuevo comandante.
Hey, Officer, will you bend down for a minute?
Agente, agáchese.
Last night a butcher shot down An army lieutenant and a peace officer.
Ayer un asesino disparó contra un teniente y un guardia.
Down to 41 men, one officer, 1200 rounds, 17 mortar.
Quedan 41 hombres, un oficial, 1.200 cartuchos y 17 morteros.
I don't like to see a young officer going over somebody's head, but I hate to see him back down from something he believes is right.
No me gusta ver a un joven oficial pasar sobre la cabeza de un superior, pero odio verlo arrepentirse de algo que cree que está correcto.
It strikes me that an escaping officer's main job is turning down crazy schemes cooked up by fellows halfway round the bend. Who the devil's that?
Me da que el trabajo de un oficial de fugas es rechazar miles de planes locos ideados por gente a quien se le ha ido la cabeza.
The guard! Lay down or you'll go to your death if the officer sees you!
Soldado raso, un brazo roto junto al general Kléber.
You all know about Officer Don Moore being deliberately run down and killed yesterday by a cab driver known as Lefty Jenkins.
Todos ustedes saben que el agente Don Moore fue atropellado y muerto deliberadamente ayer por un taxista apodado Leftie Jenkins.
If that officer had only the power to write down what each of his men really felt. And could then make the people who start these wars read about it.
Si este oficial pudiera escribir lo que en verdad siente y hacérselo leer a los responsables de este conflicto...
According to your story, the officer of the watch was drunk, failed to notify you in time of the change in weather conditions, and also failed to slow the ship down to a safe speed.
Según su declaración, el vigía estaba ebrio... no notificó a tiempo el cambio en las condiciones meteorológicas... y tampoco bajó la velocidad del barco en consecuencia.
After the loss of the Mary Deare, did you, in the French hospital to which you were taken, did you attack Mr. Higgins, the second officer, and knock him down?
Después del naufragio del Mary Deare... ¿ es cierto que Io llevaron a un hospital francés... y allí atacó y derribó al Sr. Higgins, su segundo oficial?
You're the officer sent down from General Nelson Miles'headquarters, aren't you?
Usted es el oficial que han enviado del cuartel general de Nelson Miles, ¿ no?
Third Officer Simpson's down with flu.
El tercer oficial Simpson tiene la gripe.
Officer Krupke We're down on our knees
Vaya, agente Krupke, le rogamos de rodillas
Oh, officer, there's a car down there parked right out in the road.
Ah, agente, hay un coche aparcado en la carretera.
As First Officer I demand that he be punished as severely as is laid down in the Articles of War
Como Primer Oficial exijo que sea castigado con toda la severidad establecida en los artículos de guerra.
Look, officer, i have to wind the clock, you know, it's running down.
Mire, agente, tengo que dar cuerda al reloj. Se está parando.
Calais, he said, and the other officer knocked him down.
Calais, dijo, y el otro oficial lo noqueó.
They're looking for the guy who cut down that officer outside town.
Están buscando al tipo que mató a ese oficial en las afueras.
Only later did I grasp it all, when one day the British commanding officer came to apologise to me for their having bombed the Honorarius Church and destroyed the twelfth-century Crucifixion, when I would have given all the Crucifixions down the centuries
Sólo más tarde pude comprenderlo todo, cuando el comandante inglés vino un día a pedir disculpas por haber bombardeado S. Honorarius, y haber destruído la Crucificción del siglo XII, mientras que yo hubiera dado todas las crucificciones del siglo que sea
If you want police cooperation at Walliston, we've put in Inspector Mendel down there as our liaison officer.
Si quiere que le ayude la policía de Walliston, hemos pedido al inspector Mendel que sea nuestro oficial de enlace.
He said we had to go down and pick up the garbage, and also had to go down and speak to him at the police officer station.
Me dijo que recogiéramos la basura y que fuéramos a la comisaría a hablar con él.
CUSTOMS OFFICER : Why don't you sit down?
- ¿ Por qué no se sienta?
Lieutenant. Officer, I understand somebody tried to run down a Mr. Parks.
Me enteré de que intentaron atropellar a un tal Sr. Parks.
Officer, there's a sick man down on the platform, probably just a drunk.
Oficial, hay un hombre descompuesto en el andén. Seguramente está ebrio.
Officer, I understand somebody tried to run down a Mr. Parks.
Me enteré de que intentaron atropellar a un tal Sr. Parks.
I sent the officer who brought me up here back down for dinner.
Envié al agente que me trajo a cenar.
I killed an English Officer in a duel, and I'm going to Dublin until things cool down.
Maté a un oficial inglés en un duelo, y me dirijo a Dublín hasta que pase la tormenta.
Officer, why don't you put the box right down there.
Oficial, ¿ por qué no pone la caja por allí?
El oficial Golich persiguió al asaltante por el techo y por las escaleras de incendio.
Le dio la voz de alto y se identificó como policía, pero el sospechoso continuó por las escaleras de incendio.
Officer Williams, step down here by your car for me.
Oficial Williams, párese aquí al lado de su auto, para mí.
As a sworn officer of the law, I got no authority... to go on the reservation and hunt down Provo.
Como agente jurado de la ley, no tengo autoridad... para entrar y cazar a Provo.
Did she write down in her report the name of the officer for certain?
¿ Ella escribió en su informe el nombre del funcionario correctamente?
You wouldn't gun down a police officer.
No se atrevería a disparar contra un sheriff.
Well, dragging him down in a garbage bag may be your idea of a routine operation. God knows you people are good at it, but I'm a peace officer around here and it scares me.
De eso no me cabe la menor duda, de lo que me preocupa es como lo harán ustedes, ignoro sus operaciones de rutina, mi misión aquí es mantener el orden, no en provocar el terror.
Or rather 3 buddies held him down while the officer...
Dos o tres le sujetaban mientras el tío trabajaba.
Now, any time an officer comes up for promotion... the chief steals into that vault and runs down the list.
Cada vez que un oficial es propuesto para un ascenso, el Jefe del Estado entra en la cámara y ojea la lista.
Looky here, Officer. If you don't quiet down, I'm gonna have to run off and leave you.
Agente, si no para quieto, tendré que dejarlo aquí.
My partner, Jimmy Youngblood, fired that shot into that officer's face... then shot him again when he went down.
Mi compañero, Jimmy Youngblood, disparó a la cara del agente.
After the officer was shot down by Powell... someone, using Officer Campbell's gun... fired four shots into his chest.
Tras asesinar al agente alguien usó el revólver y le disparó 4 veces al pecho.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down on your knees 79
down the hall 119
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26