Pick her up traduction Espagnol
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What time do you want me to pick her up next weekend?
¿ A qué hora quieres que la recoja el próximo fin de semana?
I'll tell you where I live, so come pick her up, Mom.
I'll go pick her up tomorrow, so have her rest up there tonight.
así que déjala descansar allí hoy.
Eun Jo and Ki Hoon went over to pick her up.
Eun Jo y Ki Hoon fueron a buscarla.
So, you were in the neighborhood? Well, I drop Lizzy off, you pick her up, and
Siempre la dejo a Lizzy, tú la vienes a buscar.
I'll pick her up the usual time on Saturday.
La iré a buscar el sábado a la hora de siempre.
- So we got to go pick her up.
- Así que debo ir por ella.
Two agents are on their way right now to pick her up.
Dos agentes estan en su camino ahora mismo para alcanzarla.
Now, pick her up and walk.
Ahora, levántala y camina.
She called me on the telephone and asked me to come pick her up.
Me llamó por teléfono y me pidió que viniera a buscarla.
- Come on, I've got to pick her up in two hours.
- Venga, tengo que ir a recogerla en dos horas.
Pick her up at her hotel at 8 : 00 a.m. Take her down to Harlan to that town meeting.
Recógela en su hotel a las 8 : 00 A.M. Y llévala a su asamblea en Harlan.
It was about a little girl whose mother hasn't shown up... to pick her up from school, and she tries to go home on her own, and to find the way.
Era sobre una niñita cuya madre no aparecía... para buscarla en la escuela, y ella tenía que volverse a casa sola, encontrando el camino.
Was anyone unlucky enough to pick her up?
¿ Hubo alguien con tan poca suerte como para ligar con ella?
You can pick her up at 11 : 00 tomorrow morning.
Puedes recogerla mañana por la mañana a las 11 : 00
I'll pick her up tomorrow.
La recogeré mañana.
She can visit you, you can pick her up.
Puede visitarte, puedes recogerla.
Be there on time to pick her up.
Recogela a tiempo.
Hedeman's driver came to pick her up.
es Conductor de Hedeman vino a recogerla.
Pick her up.
Perhaps, she has a boyfriend who comes to pick her up daily on a bike.
Que ella tiene un novio que viene.. .. a recogerla en su moto.
I'm going to pick her up now.
Voy a ir a recogerla ahora mismo.
- Triple. And she can pick up a dime with her butt cheeks.
Y puede recoger una moneda con sus nalgas.
Let's call Mom from my place and tell her to pick you up.
Llamemos a mamá desde allí y le diremos que te venga a buscar.
I'm going to pick Unni up and drive back with her.
Voy a recoger a Unni y la llevaré a casa.
No, no, I came down to pick up my little sister from her music lessons.
Vine a recoger a mi hermanita de su clase de música.
I'll pick up a budget and a proposal and then I'll give it to you tomorrow after I huddle up with her on it.
Pediré un presupuesto y se lo entregaré mañana después de la reunión.
Mantn sight in the dam And I pick you up at six, and if not acostndote ESTs with her At least hblale good m.
Mantén la vista en la presa y te recojo a las seis, y si no estás acostándote con ella por lo menos háblale bien de mí.
♪ pick up a bottle and hit her ♪ ♪ upside her head now ♪ ♪'cause you're fine ♪
# Toma una botella y pégale # # en la cabeza ahora # # porque estás bien #
Pick up her son.
Ve a buscar a su hijo.
She'II drive on and pick us up on her way back.
Ella sigue y nos recoge al regreso.
All right? I have a half-hour to get to this party, pay off Karl, pick my girlfriend up off the floor, get you kids home, and be home in time for my mom to tell me how awesome her night was.
Tengo media hora para llegar a la fiesta, pagarle a Karl, levantar a mi novia, llevarlos a ustedes a casa, y llegar para que mi madre me cuente de su fantástica noche.
You pick up this phone, right now, you call your wife and you tell her what you did or... ... Or you give me a hundred thousand dollars in cash for my silence.
Toma este teléfono en este momento llama a tu esposa y dile lo que hiciste, o o dame cien mil dólares en efectivo por mi silencio.
You can pick up her things later.
Podrá recoger sus cosas después.
She's stopping by tomorrow afternoon to pick up her things.
Pasa mañana por la tarde para recoger sus cosas.
Go find my wife and tell her to pick up her goddamn phone.
Ve a buscar a mi mujer y dile que conteste al maldito teléfono.
So I called mom and asked if she could pick one up on her way home from work.
Así que llamé a mamá y le pregunté si podía recogerme una de camino a casa.
She wouldn't pick up when I called her, and, you know, she's been polite.
No ha querido contestar el teléfono cuando la llamé, y, ha estado, ya sabes, educada.
He didn't pick up, but she says he'll go to her place.
No contestó, pero ella dice que irá a su casa.
I think that he told her where the bomb is, and the only reason she didn't pick up that gun and follow suit is because she's gonna try something new.
Creo que él le dijo dónde está la bomba, y el único motivo por el que no cogió esa pistola y le imitó es porque va a intentar algo nuevo.
All this stuff going on, her text messaging me when she can pick up a telephone and call me like I'm a human being.
Todas estas cosas, su mensaje de texto cuando podía haberme Llamado como un ser humano.
Would you like me to pick up Tahereh, and bring her home?
¿ Quiere que pase a buscar a Tahereh? La llevo para la casa...
We could pick up her house for not much more than I'm offering you.
Podríamos tomar la casa de ella por no mucho más de lo que le estoy ofreciendo.
When she finally emerges from hiding, her shoulder almost healed, she is ready to pick up her life.
Cuando por fin emerge de su escondite, su hombro casi curado, está lista para recuperar su vida.
I'd leave in the morning for a meeting. Pick up a girl in the city throw her down, here in the car.
Si salía en la mañana para ir a una junta, recogía a una chica en la ciudad la arrojaba, aquí, en el coche.
- Can you pick up Magdalena from school and keep her tonight?
- ¿ Puedes recoger a Magdalena de clase y quedarte con ella esta noche?
Tomorrow morning we'll go pick up her mom.
Mañana por la mañana vamos a ir a buscar a su mamá.
Oh, Ms. Powell forgot the pies today. I told her one of us would come pick'em up.
Por cierto, encargue un pastel con la Sra. Powell y voy a ir a recogerlo.
I probably should have told her to pick some up.
Debería haberle dicho que traiga algunos.
He'd called herthe previous day to tell her a truck was coming to pick it up. - However...
Que la había llamado diciendo que mandaría una camioneta a buscarlo.
Well, in her marriage, she has to call her husband every time she has to work late or go across the country or she can't pick up her kids from school.
Pues, tiene un matrimonio en el que debe llamar a su esposo cada vez que se queda a trabajar hasta tarde cuando va al otro lado del país o si no puede recoger a sus hijos en la escuela.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up against the wall 84
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87
up to you 126
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up the stairs 74
up north 49
up we go 50
up now 50
up high 87