Same as me traduction Espagnol
2,338 traduction parallèle
Don't put on that face, you think the same as me!
No se ponga esa cara, que piensa lo mismo que yo!
That's weird- - she's the exact same as me.
Eso es raro, ella es exactamente igual a mi
He's a.B.-Positive, same as me.
Es AB-Positivo, como yo.
She's a level five laser lotus, same as me.
Ella es "láser lotus nivel 5" igual que yo.
same as me.
Igual que yo.
Same as me.
Igual que yo.
Same as me?
¿ Igual que yo?
My sister is not the same as me because I'm a bit mixed race, and she's a lot more mixed race than me, because I'm the same as my father :
Mi hermana es diferente de mi porque yo soy un poco mestiza pero ella es más mestiza que yo porque yo me parezco a mi padre.
If she looks the same as she does on TV, I would eat her with pleasure.
Si es igual en persona que en la TV, me la comería con gusto.
My number looks the same to me as it does to you.
- Mi numero es el mismo.
And I know that moving forward, this image of her will stay with me, the same as another image of Maya in a different pretty white dress has stayed with me as well.
y se que al seguir adelante Esta imagen de ella quedará conmigo, la misma que otra imagen de Maya es un vestido blanco diferente ha permanecido conmigo tambien
I shall cut my hair on my birthday... same as every year.
Me corto el pelo en mi cumpleaños, igual que cada año.
And just as we got past the whole Jatherine Walters fiasco, I'm really worried that he's going down the same road with you.
Y en cuanto pasemos todo este fiasco de Jatherine Walters, realmente me preocupa que él siga el mismo camino contigo.
For me, it's the same as when you see someone Who's a bit odd - two heads or whatever.
Para mí, es igual que cuando ves a alguien... un poco raro, con dos cabezas o algo así.
# Will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid? # # Will I look back and say #
Temporada 01 Episodio 10
Same as nothing happened last night, which I would have told you about, if you hadn't hung up on me.
Lo mismo que no pasó nada ayer por la noche, que me habría dicho sobre, si tú no habías estado cogaldo de mí.
Excuse me, your appointment? Miss Lane, cake in the post office is not the same as the rights of man.
Srta. Lane, torta en la oficina de correos... no es lo mismo que los derechos del hombre.
I hide in plain sight, same as you. - Are we done?
Me oculto a simple vista, lo mismo que tú.
We came out at the same time as the punks and I thought they were splendid.
Salimos al mismo tiempo que los punks y me parecían espléndidos.
I'm just curious why you're not demanding Andrew do the same thing as well.
Sólo me da curiosidad que no le exijas a Andrew que haga lo mismo.
I am into epidermartistry as much as the next Gen Xer, but this guy... eesh, I'm just glad he's not breathing the same air as you, my fine furry friends.
Sé de arte sobre piel tanto como de la próxima Generación Xer pero este tipo - Me alegro de que no esté respirando el mismo aire que ustedes, mis divinos amigos de peluche.
He could demote me to Commander, which cuts my pension and puts me at the same rank as Taylor.
Podría degradarme a Comandante, lo que reduciría mi pensión y ponerme en el mismo rango que Taylor.
Seems I should be treated with the same trust as my brother and sister who have come before me.
Yo creo que debería recibir la misma confianza que mi hermano y hermana... que nacieron antes que yo.
I think Ricky has the same problem as, after 25 minutes, He was trying to wrestle me. "
Creo que Ricky tiene el mismo problema ya que, después de 25 minutos estaba intentando luchar conmigo "
If you're worried about someone a little less super-powered... Mera helped me realize that standing on the sidelines isn't the same as being in the game.
Si te preocupa que tenga menos superpoderes Mera me ayudó a entender que quedarse al margen no es lo mismo que jugar.
Same as the last time you asked me.
Igual que la última vez que me preguntaste.
That's sweet of you, mark, but unless they're telling me to [Beep] Myself... They won't be the same as the blob.
Esta bien de tu parte, Mark, pero a menos que me estén diciendo que me jodan no será lo mismo que la burbuja.
It's fascinating for me as a physicist to see how the same basic, simple laws of nature can play out in such radically different ways and produce such astonishingly varied, and beautiful, and violent, and dead worlds out there across the solar system.
Es fascinante para mí, como físico, ver cómo las mismas leyes simples y básicas de la naturaleza pueden actuar en formas tan radicalmente diferentes, y producir asombrosamente tales variados, bellos, violentos e inertes mundos ahí fuera, en todo el sistema solar.
I wish I were in the same place as him, or he here with me.
Me gustaría estar en el mismo lugar que él, o que él estuviese aquí conmigo.
I've never met anyone before who had the exact same idea as me about what to do with Palestine.
Absolutamente. Nunca había conocido a nadie que tuviera exactamente la misma idea que yo sobre que hacer con Palestina.
"And I hope, when my life doesn't go as I plan... " which it certainly won't... " I can handle myself with the same grace and strength
Y espero, cuando mi vida no vaya como planeo... la cual ciertamente no hará... soy capaz de manejarme con la misma gracia y la fuerza que mi madre me enseñó.
All summer, I've been sitting in front of my favorite manet and reading Colette in the park, hoping that I'll lock eyes with somebody who's doing the same thing as me and feeling the same things I am.
Todo el verano estuve sentada en frente de mi Manet favorito..... y leyendo Colette en el parque esperando clavarle la mirada a alguien que esté haciendo lo mismo que yo y que sienta las mismas cosas.
But you should at least know the single ones. # When I grow up to be a man, # # will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid?
Pero al menos deberias saber los nombres de las solteras.
Couldn't tell you. ♪ when I grow up to be a man ♪ ♪ will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid?
No podría decirte.
Nah. * will I dig the same things that turn me on as a kid?
Jefe, ¿ como vamos a llamar el evento de ventas del Sabado? ¿ Excedentes, liquidación? Te lo dejo a ti... porque este fin de semana, estaré relajando en mi "cabaña / spa al aire libre"
I learned with watercolours, and computers came along, when I was older, so I could never get the same feeling out of a computer as I could get out of a water colour.
Aprendí con la acuarela, y la computadora también me llegó de grande, entonces la sensibilidad que le puedo sacar a la acuarela nunca se la pude sacar a la computadora.
B-but not quite the same thing as catching the lunatic who's trying to kill me.
P... pero no tanto como atrapar al lunático que intenta matarme.
You're a nice guy, Tyler... but I don't have the same feelings for you as you do for me.
Eres un gran chico, Tyler pero no siento lo mismo que tú sientes por mí.
What, you can't be stuck on the same floor as me?
¿ No puedes estar en la misma planta que yo?
He had the same build as me- - lacking only my regal bearing and leonine grace.
Tenía mi misma complexión, sólo le faltaba mi porte real y gracia leonina.
I find it more and more difficult to believe what I was taught as an undergraduate- - that all these different cultures just coincidentally came up with the same concepts independently of each other.
Encuentro más y más difícil de creer en lo que me enseñaron en la escuela... todas estas distintas culturas que llegaron por coincidencia a los mismos conceptos de modo independiente.
It happened to me as well two years ago with my wife, the same...
A mí me pasó lo mismo hace dos años con mi mujer, lo mismo...
Well, I'm in the same boat as you and I'm not complaining.
- Bueno, estoy en el mismo bote que tú. Y no me quejo.
The idea of gravity was worked out by sir isaac newton Who had the same job as me here at cambridge university
La idea de la gravedad fue creada por Sir Isaac Newton Quien tuvo el mismo trabajo que tengo yo.
Because that would be the same thing as trying to harm me.
Porque eso sería lo mismo que intentar dañarme a mí.
- You're lucky that phony fest isn't the same night as raiders, because if you flaked on that, so help me, God.
- Tienes suerte que esa falsa fiesta no sea la misma noche que "Cazadores" ( Indiana Jones ) porque, si me fallas en esta, que dios me ayude.
But not as sweet as that same boy choosing to walk me home instead of to getting his balls drained by a half a dozen slags.
Pero no tan dulce como ese mismo chico que elige acompañarme a casa en lugar de tener sus bolas drenadas por media docena de escoria.
If I was made of antimatter, I would look exactly the same as I do today.
Si estuviese hecho de antimateria, exactamente me parecería a lo que hoy por hoy me parezco.
But you might as well treat me like one, Because it's gonna be the same advice.
Pero deberias tratarme como tal, porque sera el mismo asesoramiento.
Uh, Dr. Mallard wanted me to inform you that our current John Doe shares a lot of the same injuries as Mason's previous victim.
El doctor Mallard quería que les informase de que nuestro actual desconocido comparte un montón de heridas con la víctima anterior de Mason.
As far as me going into the session with Dr. Bunny, my self-esteem, I believe, is just the same.
Desde que inicie el período de sesiones con la Dr. Bunny, mi autoestima, creo yo, es exactamente la misma.
same as usual 40
same as yesterday 19
same as before 48
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as always 89
same as yours 16
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21
same as yesterday 19
same as before 48
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as always 89
same as yours 16
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21