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Screwed up traduction Espagnol

6,673 traduction parallèle
Look, I screwed up.
Mira, la fastidié.
I screwed up.
- Metí la pata.
I screwed up, dad.
Lo arruiné, papá.
~ I screwed up and Gill knows it.
- Fallé y Gill lo sabe.
Look, I screwed up!
Mira, ¡ la he fastidiado!
I screwed up.
La he fastidiado.
You totally screwed up my book.
Fregaste totalmente mi libro.
I screwed up.
Metí la pata.
I screwed up, okay?
La cagué, ¿ vale?
I know I screwed up.
Sé que la cagué.
I don't know how it all got so screwed up!
¡ No sé cómo se fue todo a la mierda!
I completely screwed up, Ducky.
La fastidié completamente, Ducky.
Ashley, look, I screwed up.
Ashley, mira, la he cagado.
I'm nervous and needy and screwed up, and I know that's not what you need or want, so I'm going away for a while, to get myself together.
Estoy nerviosa y necesitada y asqueada, Y sé que eso es algo que no necesitas o quieras, así que me voy por un tiempo, para recomponerme.
Kid, you screwed up, big-time.
Chico, has desperdiciado un gran tiempo.
We screwed up, boss.
La hemos cagado, jefa.
You think I'm screwed up now?
¿ Crees que ahora estoy arruinado?
So the most important day of our lives got screwed up.
Así que el día más importante de nuestras vidas se fue a la mierda.
"returned screwed up my wi-fi."
"Los retornados estropearon mi wi-fi."
- Incompetent framer screwed up again!
- ¡ Ese enmarcador incompetente ha vuelto a cagarla!
I screwed up.
Lo arruiné.
Sweet Baby LeBron James, I screwed up.
Dulce Lebron James, la he cagado.
I screwed up everything, but now everyone's happy.
Yo lo fastidié todo, pero ahora todo el mundo está feliz.
So, like, if you keep doing something too much, eventually there's, um, a dopamine up, right, and you're kind of screwed up for life.
Así que, si sigues haciendo algo durante demasiado tiempo, al final la dopamina te arruina, ¿ sí?
That you're disappointed in me, that I screwed up, that I'm grounded.
Que te decepcioné, que lo eché a perder, que estoy castigada.
Truthfully, as screwed up as that is, I love that feeling.
A decir verdad, pese a lo jodida que es, me encanta esa sensación.
Who at Axelrod screwed up big-time, sent that e-mail, and then tried to cover their tracks?
¿ Quién en Axelrod la arruinó en forma? Mandó esos correos y luego trató de cubrir sus huellas.
Yeah, he screwed up.
Sí, la fastidió.
Haven't you ever screwed up?
¿ Alguna vez no la has fastidiado?
No, I screwed up huge, obviously.
No, la he fastidiado enormemente, por supuesto.
I messed up, but I'm not like your father, and I'm not gonna let you push me away because of how screwed up our families were.
La he cagado pero no soy como tu padre y no voy a dejar que me alejes porque sabes lo taradas que estaban nuestras familias.
We're both screwed up because of our families.
Ambos estamos así por culpa de nuestras familias.
But I've screwed up everything I ever tried to build...
Pero he cagado todo lo que siempre traté de construir...
We screwed up the entire "Annie, Jake, Kay, Dennah, Gil" dynamic.
Estamos jodidos de seguridad de todo el "Annie, Jake, Kay, Dennah, Gil" dinámico.
I know you screwed up my life.
Sé que me arruinas la vida.
And the present is that I'm not gonna always assume that you screwed up.
No voy a asumir que simpre lo hechas a perder.
Look, I screwed up, and I think you should take over command of the precinct.
Escucha, la he cagado y creo que tú deberías asumir el mando de esta comisaría.
And I screwed up.
Y yo metí la pata.
Because that's not totally screwed up.
Porque eso no está completamente jodido.
I screwed up, okay?
La cagué, ¿ de acuerdo?
I really screwed things up with Jane, Xiomara.
Realmente fastidié las cosas con Jane, Xiomara.
Look, I don't know what they did to you people during hazing in Alpha Chi, but it really screwed you up.
Mira, no sé lo que les hicieron durante la iniciación en Alpha Chi, pero esto realmente las enloqueció.
I screwed it all up.
Lo arruiné todo.
Zhao Jingzhong, you already screwed it up.
Zhao Jingzhong, estás acabado.
The girl who picks up Jesse after he's been screwed sideways for hacking Physanto is the daughter of a bioengineer who works there.
La chica que eligió Jesse... luego de que lo jodieron por hackear Physanto... es la hija de un bio-ingeniero que trabaja allí.
The girl who picks up Jesse after we've been screwed sideways for hacking Physanto, is the daughter of a bioengineer who works there.
La chica que está con Jesse... después de que nos han jodido por hackear Physanto, es la hija de un bio-ingeniero que trabaja allí.
But she screwed it up, right?
Pero ella la cagó, ¿ verdad?
My clocks were all screwed up because of this TST thing, and...
Mis relojes estaban mal con eso de la HT.
I may have screwed that up, but that's why I'm here, and you're my hero!
Puede que la haya cagado, pero por eso estoy aquí, ¡ y eres mi heroína!
I know you wanted the perfect Thanksgiving, and I know I screwed that all up for you, but when you think about it, isn't this holiday about being with people you love?
Sé que querías el Día de Gracias perfecto y sé que lo fregué completamente para ti pero cuando lo piensas ¿ acaso esta festividad no es para estar con gente que quieres?
" He screwed me up, he ruined my life.
" Me ha jodido, me ha arruinado la vida.

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