Since yesterday traduction Espagnol
1,399 traduction parallèle
Not since yesterday.
Nada desde ayer.
Since yesterday you became a bit excited, today I want you to distance yourself from the events you're watching, as if you were only a witness, not an actual participant.
Como ayer se puso un poco nerviosa, hoy quiero que se distancie de los acontecimientos que va a ver, como si fuera tan sólo un testigo, sin participar en ello.
Gentlemen... as I believe you know... there's been a bit of shuffling of the deck here... since yesterday.
Quiero que sepan que desde ayer... Hubo un cambio de posiciones aquí.
Since yesterday, I think.
Desde ayer, creo.
Since yesterday everything is different And the streets have eyes
Todo ha cambiado desde ayer y la calle tiene ojos que miran a las ventanas.
The truth is, he is my dog, but just since yesterday.
La verdad es que es mi perro, pero sólo desde ayer.
How come when we checked with the American Embassy, they said they'd never heard of you, and told us the American Ambassador's wife had been in Paris since yesterday evening?
Entonces, cuando verificamos con la Embajada, ¿ por qué dijeron que no sabían nada de ti y nos dijeron que la esposa del embajador había estado en París desde ayer?
And she's sulked since yesterday's walk when I sent her out of your company.
Y está enfadada desde nuestra caminata de ayer Cuando le mande alejarse de nuestra compañía.
There's been no progress since yesterday.
No ha habido progreso desde ayer.
Only since yesterday.
Lo supe ayer.
Since yesterday?
¿ Desde ayer? Vamos a ver.
Since yesterday.
Desde ayer.
Mm, I know there's been something on your mind since yesterday.
Desde ayer, algo te preocupa.
Hmm. Come to think of it, I ain't seen hide nor hair of Granny since yesterday.
Hmm. pensándolo bien no se ve un pelo de ella desde ayer.
The mobilization of the forces that have been on alert since yesterday's unprovoked attack.
... la movilización de las fuerzas alertadas desde el ataque de ayer.
Because of you, since yesterday, I have but one word in my mouth.
Porque de tí, desde ayer tengo solo una palabra en mi boca.
you are speaking very beautifully since yesterday don't waste them on me, share them with others
Desde ayer estás diciendo cosas muy bonitas. No las desperdicies conmigo, compártelas con otros.
We've saved each other over and over since yesterday.
No hemos estado salvando una y otra ves desde ayer.
Not since yesterday.
No desde ayer.
- Since yesterday?
- ¿ Desde ayer?
You hogged down 1 1 chocolates since yesterday.
Te tragaste 11 chocolates desde ayer.
We've been traveling since yesterday morning.
Llevamos viajando desde ayer por la mañana.
How many ships have left since yesterday?
¿ Cuántas naves han partido desde ayer?
Since yesterday, 42 civilians, including children, died in PKK attacks.
Después de ayer, 42 personas civiles han muerto en atentados del PKK, Entre los que hay niños.
Not since yesterday. Sorry about Max.
No desde ayer.
- Yes? We've three suspects since yesterday 1 pm who were caught in an apartment taken in on suspected robbery with breaking in...
Tenemos tres índívíduos desde ayer a las 13 horas... que fueron detenídos en un pìso... por una tentativa de robo por írrupcíón.
Since yesterday
Desde ayer.
No ships for Narn have left since yesterday.
Ninguna nave ha partido hacia Narn desde ayer.
No-one's seen him since yesterday
Nadie lo había visto desde ayer. ¿ Qué ha pasado aquí?
Somebody been to the pawn shop since yesterday?
¿ Alguien estuvo en la tienda de empeños ayer?
He's called six times since yesterday.
Ha llamado seis veces desde ayer.
Apart from this lethal paper knife and the pince-nez, has anything been rearranged or removed in this room since yesterday morning?
¿ Aparte de este letal abrecartas y los anteojos han movido ó quitado algo en esta habitación, desde ayer a la mañana?
Yes, he hasn't left it since yesterday morning.
Si, el no salió desde ayer a la mañana.
- Since yesterday.
- Desde ayer.
Actually, I've been hiding Shawn up there... since yesterday afternoon.
En realidad, he estado ocultando a Shawn ahí arriba desde ayer por la tarde.
- Since yesterday afternoon.
- Desde ayer por la tarde.
She told me she hadn't seen him since yesterday afternoon at the racetrack.
Ella me dijo que no lo había visto desde ayer por la tarde en el hipódromo.
You're the third since yesterday.
Es el tercero desde ayer.
I've wanted to do that since yesterday.
Quería hacer eso desde ayer.
I haven't eaten since yesterday.
¿ "Desperdiciarlo"? No he comido desde ayer.
The jury has been out since early yesterday.
¿ Esa es la prueba de que soy un hombre deshonesto y calculador sin mencionar un criminal?
That is quite impressive, sweetheart... since your principal called and said that you have not been at school today... yesterday, or the day before.
Eso es bastante impresionante, cariño... desde el director llamó y me dijo que no ha estado en la escuela hoy... ayer o el día anterior.
Oh, er... since... since a week ago yesterday.
Oh,... Ayer hizo una semana.
I've been showing that piece of frozen French ice since day before yesterday.
Estoy exhibiendo ese pedazo de hielo francés desde anteayer.
But since you broke into my car yesterday, I knew you had to be stopped.
Pero ya que subiste a mi auto ayer... sabía que tenía que detenerte.
I figured it must be your voter registration, since Lowell Grippo got his yesterday.
Imaginé que sería tu registro del censo electoral, ya que a Lowell Grippo le llegó ayer.
Since Halloween was yesterday, you're gonna have to trick me.
Como Halloween fue ayer, tendrás que hacer un truco.
Since what, yesterday?
Mm-Hmm. Desde cuando, Ayer?
Apparently, Stuart and Brenda had a fight yesterday, and Stuart hasn't heard from Brenda since.
Aparentemente, Stuart y Brenda se pelearon ayer y Stuart no sabe nada de ella desde ese momento.
My client has been almost catatonic since I met him. - Yesterday was the first day- -
Mi cliente estuvo catatónico desde que lo conocí.
All details of the concert remain top secret, as Captain Jack Brim has kept Rembrandt tightly under wraps since his sudden reappearance here in San Francisco just yesterday with his mysterious entourage.
Todos los detalles del concierto siguen siendo alto secreto, pues el Capitán Jack Brim ha mantenido oculto a Rembrandt desde su repentina reaparición en San Francisco ayer con su misterioso entorno.
yesterday 1815
yesterday morning 105
yesterday at 16
yesterday afternoon 72
yesterday evening 39
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
yesterday morning 105
yesterday at 16
yesterday afternoon 72
yesterday evening 39
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since the beginning 22
since i met you 22
since when 864
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since the beginning 22
since i met you 22
since when 864
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65