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Tell him traduction Espagnol

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Can you perhaps call Mr. Blanding and tell him I am still waiting?
¿ Puede por favor llamar al señor Blanding y decirle que todavía estoy esperando?
- Will you tell him that Mary marsh says hi?
¿ Le dirías que Mary Marsh dice hola?
You tell him I'm not that guy anymore and I never will be again.
Dile que ya no soy ese tipo y que jamás volveré a serlo.
I just call him and I tell him- -
Le llamo y le digo...
I'll tell him we need a few days to get the money together.
Le diré que necesitamos unos días para reunir el dinero.
I am never going to tell him.
No voy a decírselo nunca.
I'll tell him.
Yo se las diré.
Go tell him I'll be there in ten minutes.
Ve a decirle que iré en diez minutos.
And the reason I know that is'cause I used to tell him his room smells like a "Soprano's" episode.
Y el motivo por el que lo sé es porque solía decirle que su habitación olía como en un episodio de Los Soprano.
- Tell him again!
- ¡ Repítaselo!
Tell him I sent you.
Pregunte de mi parte por el doctor Vega.
Tell him to come and see me.
Pues dígale que venga.
I'll tell him.
Yo se lo diré.
Tell him what you just told me.
Dile lo que me acabas de decir.
You need to get over there, tell him to take it down.
Te has de poner a ello, decirle que lo quite.
Tell him I'll miss our morning walks.
Dile que echaré de menos nuestros paseos matutinos.
Can you just tell him for me, please?
¿ Puedes decírselo por mí, por favor?
I did tell him differently last night, but only because I knew I wouldn't get this audience with you if I told him the truth.
Anoche le dije otra cosa, pero solo porque sabía que no obtendría esta audiencia con usted si le decía la verdad.
When Pallis gets here, you need to tell him what you just told me.
Cuando llegue Pallis, tienes que decirle lo que me has dicho a mí.
Tell him he set her free.
Dile que él la liberó.
Give him a hug and tell him the dead wife wants him to move on.
Abrázalo y dile que su mujer quiere que siga adelante.
Or I hang up this phone right now and I call John and I tell him that you just spoke to his daughter.
También podría colgar, llamar a John y decirle que acabas de hablar con su hija.
And if you see him, tell him we said hello and that Finland won the World Cup.
Si lo ve, salúdelo de nuestra parte y dígale que Finlandia ganó el Mundial.
If I came to your house and John took my handprint and I sat down across from him at the table and I told him that I wanted to talk to my kids, what would you tell him to say to me in his little earpiece?
Si fuese a vuestra casa y John tomase la huella de mi mano y me sentase con él en la mesa y le dijese que quiero hablar con mis hijos, ¿ qué le dirías por ese auricular que me dijese?
Can you, uh, give this to Senior and tell him I'm sorry I didn't put him in my fucking book?
¿ Puedes darle esto a Kevin Padre y decirle que siento no haberle incluido en mi puto libro?
Is there anything you want me to tell him?
¿ Quieres que le diga algo?
I think you should tell him about the book you wrote.
Deberías decirle del libro que escribiste.
Did you tell him anything?
¿ Le dijiste algo?
- Did you tell him?
- ¿ Se lo dijiste?
Did you tell him where I was, Laurie?
¿ Tú le dijiste donde estaba, Laurie?
Come on, you know I didn't tell him that.
Vamos, ya sabes que no.
Text and tell him you've been in an accident.
Dile por texto que tuviste un accidente.
I had to tell him about the text, okay, I had no choice.
Tenía que hablarle del mensaje, ¿ vale? , no tenía elección.
Tell him how much.
Dile cuánto.
Tell him to be here with the rest of the material.
Dile que venga con el resto del material.
I want to be able to tell him in person that I'm withdrawing from the race.
Quiero decirle en persona que me retiro de la carrera electoral.
We will tell him that you're gonna repair the drive, but instead, you're gonna erase it.
Le diremos que vas a reparar la memoria, pero, en vez de eso, vas a borrarla.
What are you gonna tell him?
¿ Qué le vas a decir?
Tell Tucker I'll buy him a new one.
Dile a Tucker que le compraré uno nuevo.
But can you tell me what you were thinking when you entered a vicious legal battle with your son's wife over the right to keep him on life support?
¿ Pero pueden decirme en qué estaban pensando cuando se enzarzaron en esa atroz batalla legal con la esposa de su hijo por el derecho a mantenerle con la respiración artificial?
One day I took him on a walk, and when we got back, he could tell me the license plate of every car we passed, moving or parked.
Un día le llevé a pasear, y cuando regresamos, podía decirme las matrículas de todos los coches que nos habíamos cruzado en movimiento o aparcados.
I know that he wouldn't want "Bathwater" lost forever, and I know that he wrote code, so I think he's trying to tell us where it is, or maybe who killed him or, I don't know, something else.
Sé que no querría que Bathwater se perdiera para siempre y sé que escribía en clave, así que creo que está intentando decirnos dónde está, o puede que quién lo mató o, no lo sé, otra cosa.
I mean, maybe he was trying to tell me who killed him?
Bueno, ¿ quizás estaba intentando decirme quién le mató?
Is there anything you can tell us about him?
¿ Hay algo que nos pueda decir de él?
What can you tell us about him?
¿ Qué nos puede decir sobre él?
Tell me about him. What's your connection?
Háblame sobre él. ¿ Cuál es su relación?
It's not so I'll keep my mouth shut and not tell my son you're writing an unauthorized fucking biography about him?
¿ No es para que tenga la boca cerrada y no le diga a mi hijo que escribes una biografía suya sin su autorización?
Tell Tommy I love him.
Dile a Tommy que le quiero.
Please tell me you're still tracking him.
Por favor, dime que seguís rastreándolo.
Tell me how you talked to him!
¡ Dígame cómo hablaba con él!
You need to tell me right now anything you know or you think you know that might help us find him.
Tienes que contarme ahora mismo todo lo que sepas o creas saber que pueda ayudarnos a encontrarlo.

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