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Tell him to come traduction Espagnol

1,119 traduction parallèle
Get Stanley on the phone, tell him to come over right away. Use any excuse you want. - What are you going to do?
Llame a Stanley y dígale que venga con cualquier ex cusa.
Tell him to come over right away... Alone.
Dile que venga aquí ahora mismo, solo.
- Tell him to come in here right away.
- Dile que venga enseguida. - Claro.
Tell him to come to my place when he gets home.
Dile que venga a casa cuando llegue.
Tell him to come in.
Hazlo pasar.
Go down! Tell him to come at once!
¡ Dile que venga rápido!
If your captain wants to see Ben Gunn, tell him to come tonight, alone, to the top of Spy Glass Hill.
Si tu capitán quiere ver a Benn Gunn, dile que venga esta noche a solas a la cima de la colina Catalejo. Se lo diré.
When Luigi gets back, tell him Paolo was here. I wanna see him. Tell him to come right away to the restaurant.
Cuando vuelva Luigi, dígale que le busca Paolo y que vaya enseguida al asador del genovés, le espero allí.
Shall I tell him to come here?
¿ Le digo que venga aquí?
- He's a good sailor, the Portugee. Tell him to come down below.
El Portugués es un buen marinero, dile que baje.
Tell him to come back tomorrow.
Dile que vuelva mañana.
- Tell him to come or I'll go for him.
- Dile a Jorge que venga o yo iré a buscarlo.
Tell him to come back some other time.
Dígale que vuelva otro día.
I don't see any other reasons, besides the ones I've already said. That's why I'II tell him to come.
No veo más motivos que los que te he dicho, le diré que venga.
And if he hasn't left yet, tell him to come immediately!
¡ Y si no ha salido, decidle que venga inmediatamente!
Tell him to come in, poor dear
Dile que venga, pobrecillo
Tell him to come here.
Dile que venga.
Dame Ellen, find Sir Walter Blunt. Tell him to come to me in the garden.
Lady Ellen, busca a sir Walter, que se reúna conmigo en el jardín.
Tell him to come quickly.
Dile que venga rápido.
Please, send somebody to look for him... and tell him to come back immediately.
Por favor, envíe a alguien a buscarlo y que le diga que vuelva enseguida.
Tell him to come in.
- Dile que entre
No, tell him to come up.
No, dile que suba.
Tell him to come in.
Decile que pase.
You stay here, I'll tell him to come.
Tú quédate aquí, que yo le diré que venga.
Tell him to come for a second before going upstairs.
Dígale que venga un instante antes de subir.
~ Tell him to come around, he'll understand.
Dígale que se deje ver, él entenderá.
Tell him to come in.
Tell him to come in five minutes.
Que venga dentro de 5 minutos.
Tell him to come straight out of the chapel and let the police take over.
Dígale que salga de la capilla y deje que la policía se encargue.
Tell him to come see me tonight...
Dile que venga a verme esta noche.
Wait. Tell your friend to come to me, I'll talk to him.
Espera... dile a tu amigo que venga a mi encuentro.
Tell him I want him to come down to the station with me.
Dile que quiero que venga conmigo a la estación.
- Tell him to come in. - Come on in quick.
Dile que pase.
Tell him not to be in such a hurry... to stop his brigade on the edge of the woods, come to detach a regiment.
Que se detenga en el bosque y que regrese.
When he does come, you must tell him How helpful I've been to you.
Cuando venga, debe decirle... de cuánta utilidad le he sido.
# A young man will come when you call him # And leave when you tell him to go # But some day he'll guess a woman means yes
Un muchacho acudirá cuando lo llames, y se irá cuando lo mandes, pero algún día comprenderá que una mujer quiere decir que sí cuando dice que no.
I'II write to..... him to come right away here, and I'II tell him how things stand!
Le escribiré a Paolo para que venga y le explicaré lo que pasa.
Tell him : "Aunt Angela said to take her to the movies tonight." Come on!
Dile : "Tía Ángela ha dicho que la lleves al cine, esta noche."
Tell him we'll come to the city tomorrow, and that you want to talk to him for a couple of minutes.
Dile que vamos a la ciudad y que te gustaría hablar con él un momento. Prefiero no hacerlo.
Come on, eat something. Tell him to.
Ánimo, coma.
Tell him if anything happens to Jed Ringer, I'm going to come back and kill him.
Diga a él que si le pasa cualquier cosa a Jed Ringer, voy a volver y lo mataré.
Since we can not get in to see Nordstrom's secrets for ourselfs. We might induce him to come out and tell them to us.
Ya que no podemos acceder a los secretos de Nordstrom, debemos inducirle a que salga y nos los cuente.
tell him to come in here.
- Dile que suba el aquí.
Just tell him not to come.
No, es igual, dile que no venga.
Return, good Catesby, to the gracious duke. Tell him, myself, the mayor and citizens... in deep designs in matter of great moment... no less importing than our general good... are come to have some conference with His Grace.
Volved junto al gracioso duque, y decidle que el Corregidor, los regidores y yo hemos venido... a celebrar una conferencia... sobre cosas importantes, graves asuntos relacionados con el bien general.
Tell your Lord to come. We'll welcome him with swords in our hands.
Decidle a vuestro señor que venga.Le daremos la bienvenida con espadas.
Tell him all the Americans will come here to photograph the Graf Spee.
No quiero que los gringos hundan el acorazado para que se me queme el bar...
Tell him something important has come up about Dorothy... some new information... and I'm having to leave for Lupton now to talk to the police.
Dile que ha surgido algo importante relacionado con Dorothy. Una nueva información. Tengo que ir a Lupton para hablar con la policía.
Tell him you want to come over to the embassy right away, tonight,'cause we're going to leave London tomorrow.
Dile que deseas ir a la embajada esta noche porque nos vamos mañana.
Then tell your father that I've come to give him warning. Of what?
E dice a su padre que vine dar un reconocimiento.
I'll tell him to come.
Le diré que venga.

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