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Tell him to stop traduction Espagnol

464 traduction parallèle
Mildred, just tell him to stop them.
¡ Corre a detenerlos!
Tell him to stop!
¡ Dile que pare!
This time, Agatha, you've got to just tell him to stop.
Esta vez, Agatha, Tienes que decirle que pare.
¡ Un momento!
Chuck, tell him to stop!
¡ Chuck, dile que pare!
Maybe you'd better call Lou on the long distance and tell him to stop fooling.
Quizá fuera mejor que llamaras a Lou y le dijeras que se deje de tonterías.
- Tell him to stop calling me names.
- Dile que deje de insultar.
- Hilde, will you please tell him to stop it. - What's the matter?
Hilde, por favor, dile que pare.
I'll tell him to stop.
Le diré que no lo vuelva a hacer.
Tell him to stop bleeding for me. It'll run all over his pension.
Dígale que deje de preocuparse por mí, o se quedará sin pensión.
Look, go down and see what's... Tell him to stop the hammering, or muffle it somehow.
Vaya a ver a Watts... y dígale que deje de martillear o que lo haga más silencioso.
Honor! Tell him to stop it!
¡ Honor, dile que pare!
Tell him to stop it...
- ¡ Dile que pare!
- To tell him to stop!
- ¡ A decirle que se detenga!
Tell him to stop torturing me like this.
Dígale que no me haga sufrir así.
Should I tell him to stop by tonight?
¿ Le digo que venga esta noche?
Tell him to stop that shooting.
Encuentra a ese idiota borracho.
Tell him to stop jabbering and go shopping.
Dile que deje de farfullar y que vaya a comprar más cosas.
Tell him to stop it.
Dile que pare.
Takashi! Tell him to stop.
¡ Hermano, dile que pare!
Yes. Tell him to stop.
Sí di le para hacer alto
I'll tell him to stop it.
Le dije que parara.
Tell him to stop calling.
Díle que deje de llamarme.
Tell him to stop the car. Mr. Tressider, I'm sorry.
- Dígale que pare.
Tell him to stop!
¡ Dígale que pare!
Hey, Bobby, tell him to stop.
- Bobby, dile que pare.
Inspector, please tell him to stop kidding with me.
Inspector, dígale que deje de gastarme bromas.
- l shall tell him to stop.
- Le diré que deje de hacerlo.
If he's interested in the people, tell him to stop making pictures.
Si tanto le interesa el público, dile que deje de hacer películas.
Tell him to stop writing, and don't ever think of coming here because it's useless.
Dile que deje de escribir, y que no se le ocurra venir por aquí porque es inútil.
Alice, tell him to stop!
Alice, ¡ dile que se detenga!
Will you tell him to stop staring at me?
¿ Le puede decir que deje de verme?
You tell him to stop missing school or I'll have you.
- Dile que se aplique en la escuela.
Then tell him to stop the train when he gets there.
Dile que detenga el tren cuando llegue.
Tell him to stop pestering me.
Dígale que deje de molestarme.
Tell him to stop that.
Dile que pare.
Tell him to stop that transmission.
- Sí, señor. Dile que detenga esa transmisión.
Come here. Stop the baron going to Box A. Tell him to join us in Box B. Hurry. Hurry!
No permitas que el Barón vaya al Palco A. Que nos busque en el Palco B. ¡ Pronto!
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
Either you stop analyzing Alfred, or I go straight to Mr. Macy and tell him what a fraud you are.
- Deje esta oficina. - O deja de analizar a Alfred... o le diré al Sr. Macy que es un fraude despreciable.
Tell him not to be in such a hurry... to stop his brigade on the edge of the woods, come to detach a regiment.
Que se detenga en el bosque y que regrese.
Just tell George where you want him to stop.
Dígale a George dónde quiere que pare.
Listen, tell him I had to stop by the printing house and to call me in the morning before he leaves.
Oye... Dile que tuve que ir a la imprenta. Que me llame mañana antes de irse.
Why didn't you stop your husband and tell him to leave me in peace?
¿ Por qué no le pediste a tu esposo que me dejara tranquila?
Tell him we can't take his call and to stop bothering us.
Dígale que no le puede atender y que no moleste más. - Bien, señor.
- Tell him to stop that.
- el deber hacia Dios...
And next time I will tell him not to stop.
Y la próxima vez le diré que no se detenga.
Tell him to please stop the car and let us out.
Dile que pare el coche y que nos deje marchar.
I want to tell him... " Stop fooling yourself! .
Quiero decirle " ¡ Deja de engañarte a tí mismo!
- Tell him to stop! - Calm down.
- Hacedle callar.
And tell him that I'm going to San Diego... this evening with his father, but in the morning, on the way back, I'll stop by.
Y dígale que voy a San Diego con su padre... pero que a la vuelta le veré.

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