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Tell him everything traduction Espagnol

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I'll bargain with him, and perhaps I won't have to tell him everything.
Yo negociare con el y tal vez no tenga que decirle todo.
When I see that detective in the morning, I'll tell him everything.
Mañana por la mañana se lo contaré todo al sargento.
If Johnny leaves me because of your doings, I'll break my contract. And what's more, I'll tell him everything.
Si Johnny me deja rompo mi contrato, y le cuento todo.
I want to marry him. You think I should tell him everything?
Quiero casarme con él. ¿ Crees que tendría que contárselo todo?
- You don't have to tell him everything.
- No tienes por qué decírselo.
And he'll tell him everything!
¿ Qué vas a hacer?
I'm gonna tell him everything we got on this woman!
Le diré lo que tenemos contra ella.
I have to tell him everything!
¡ Debo contarle todo!
You've got to see Drake tomorrow and tell him everything.
Ve a ver mañana a Drake y cuéntale todo.
and I'll have to tell him everything.
Y tendré que contárselo todo.
Tell him what's happened. I'll be back in an hour, tell him everything. Understand?
Dile lo que sabes y que volveré en una hora.
Did you tell him everything?
¿ Le dijiste todo?
Marry him or tell him everything.
Cásate con él, o cuéntaselo todo.
If you go, they'll tell him everything.
Si vas se lo contarán todo a él. Deja pasar el tiempo.
Did Georges threaten to tell him everything?
¿ Georges le amenazó con contarlo todo?
I'm going to my father. I'm going to tell him everything.
Iré a ver a mi padre y se lo contaré todo.
- You should tell him everything.
- Deberías contárselo todo.
I'll tell him everything.
Se lo contaré todo.
If you go, I'll tell him everything.
Si te vas, se lo diré todo a mi marido.
I don't care at all, you know Tell him everything
No me importa nada, ¿ sabes? ¡ Cuéntaselo todo!
Give him the diamond and tell him everything.
Dale el diamante y cuéntaselo todo.
I can tell him everything now.
Puedo decírselo todo ahora.
But I'm sorry to deceive him so, at some point I was going to tell him everything.
Pero me molesta engañarlo así a punto estuve de decírselo todo.
I will tell him everything.
Se lo diré todo.
Tell him everything.
Cuénteselo todo.
Tell him everything, or tell him nothing.
No decir nada, o bien todo.
- Tell him everything will be ready.
- Dígale que estarán listas.
Why is it that every time a man gives a girl two fast drinks... he thinks she'll tell him everything she knows?
¿ Por qué cuando un hombre invita a una chica a un par de tragos... cree que ella le va a contar todo lo que sabe?
and tell him to do... everything possible for... my daughter
Le dirás que haga todo lo posible por por mi hija.
And tell him I know everything Now that I wanted to know.
Y dile que ya sé todo lo que quería saber.
When he gets back home and I ask him, he'll confess and tell me everything.
Cuando vuelva a casa, le preguntaré y confesará absolutamente todo.
Tell him Mimi says everything is all right, but that I've got to see him.
Dile que Mimi dice que no pasará nada, pero que tengo que verle.
Don't tell him I was here, you have to meet him by yourself and tell him that everything's going to be alright.
No hable de mí, debe ir allí sola y decirle que todo está arreglado.
I'll tell the boy everything when I see him, and hope he forgives you.
Cuando vea al muchacho, le diré todo
Show him that old document Tell him everything, the whole business.
Cuéntele toda la historia.
Oh, well, I watched him close... and I did everything that he did... and I'll bet you if you had your eyes closed you couldn't tell us apart.
Lo vi de cerca... hice todo lo que él hizo... y apuesto a que si tuvieras los ojos cerrados, no notarías la diferencia.
What did you tell him? All about robbing Phoebe, the Indian deal... everything.
Lo del robo a Phoebe, el trato con los indios, todo.
Tell him I'll write him a letter and explain everything.
Dígale que se lo explicaré todo por escrito.
That they will do everything that is necessary. Well, tell him we're not the guardian angels... Of every country in Europe too lazy to look after itself.
No somos los ángeles guardianes de los países demasiado perezosos para defenderse.
Tell me everything about him.
Debes decírmelo todo de él.
Just meeting him and talking to him will tell you everything.
Lo entenderán todo cuando lo conozcan y hablen con él.
And Alex tells him everything. But what can he tell him?
Pero ¿ qué puede contarle?
Tell him. Everything's all right.
¿ Va todo bien?
And you can tell him that everything you said about the Kellerson wasn't so No, Mum, don't
Somos muy blandos contigo.
And tell him we'll have a big coming-out party for him with a brass band and everything.
Y que haremos una gran fiesta en su honor con banda de música y todo.
Go with the nice administrator and tell him everything.
Cuéntale todo.
Speak kindly, tell him I'm grateful to him for everything,
Sé tan amable de decirle que le doy las gracias por todo.
I report to him, I write what happens in the office, photocopy documents, I tell her everything he does.
Hago informes para él, escribo lo que sucede en el despacho, fotocopio documentos, le cuento todo lo que hace.
Tell him to find out everything he Can about John J. MaCreedy.
Dile que averigüe todo lo que pueda sobre John J. Macreedy.
Get him to tell you everything to do this season.
Tienes que decirle qué se puede hacer esta temporada.
Tell him... Tell him I beg him to forgive... forgive me for everything.
Dile que le suplico que me perdone, que me perdone por todo.

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