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Tell him i'm sorry traduction Espagnol

282 traduction parallèle
Tell him I'm sorry, Leopold.
Dígale que lo siento, Leopold
Arabel, tell Mr. Browning that I am very sorry but I'm not well enought to see him.
Arabel, dile al Sr Browning que lo siento pero que no me encuentro bien.
Tell him I'm sorry he couldn't make it.
Dígale que siento no haberle visto.
Tell him I'm sorry
Dígale que lo siento.
I'm sorry, Bob. Tell Frank I'll write to him from California.
Perdona, Bob, dile a Frank que le escribiré desde California.
I wish I could tell him I'm sorry.
Desearía pedirle perdón.
Please be kind enough to tell the manager this suitcase is of no interest to me... and I'm sorry to have troubled him.
¿ Tiene la bondad de decir abajo que esta maleta no es la mía? Y que siento la molestia.
Well, tell him I'm sorry, but I can't see him tonight.
Dile que esta noche no puedo recibirlo.
I'm sorry I behaved ungraciously and I came here to tell him so.
Siento haber sido descortés y he venido para decírselo.
Tell him I'm sorry, Steve.
Dile que lo siento, Steve.
Frazier i can't possibly come out for lunch today. Tell him i'm dreadfully sorry.
Dile al Sr. Frazer que no puedo ir a almorzar, que lo siento muchísimo.
To tell you the truth, I'm sorry for him.
A decir verdad, siento lástima por él.
Tell him I'm sorry and that I will do all I can to exit your prison father.
Díle que lo lamento mucho y que haré todo lo posible para sacar de la cárcel a tu padre.
I'm sorry, but I just wanted to tell you that we haven't been able to find him yet.
Lo siento, pero yo sólo quería decirle que no hemos podido encontrarle aún.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Dile que lo siento mucho.
Tell him I'm very sorry.
Dile que lo siento mucho.
Tell him I'm sorry to have taken up his time.
Dile que siento haberte hecho perder el tiempo.
Tell him also, I'm sure sorry I have to keep on going after him.
Y dile que siento tener que perseguirle.
I'm sorry, Eddie, but I did not know what to tell him.
Perdón, Eddie, pero no supe qué decirle.
But I'm sorry to deceive him so, at some point I was going to tell him everything.
Pero me molesta engañarlo así a punto estuve de decírselo todo.
I'm sorry. I'll tell him.
Lo siento, se lo diré.
Tell him I'm very sorry and I'll be there right away.
Dígale que lo siento y que enseguida voy para allá.
I'm sorry to hear that, senor, I will return to Don Pedro and tell him his generous offer has been rejected.
Siento oírlo, señor. Iré a decirle a Don Pedro que su generosa oferta fue rechazada.
Tell him I'm sorry.
No. Dígale que lo lamento.
Would you please tell him that I'm sorry about his nose.
Dígale que lamento mucho lo de su nariz.
- Tell him I'm here. - I'm sorry, Francis.
- Dile que estoy aquí.
Tell him I'm very sorry, but I'm used to going to bed early.
Dile que lo siento mucho, pero acostumbro acostarme temprano.
I'm sorry to tell you, if it was me and he was drunk, I'd ignore him too.
Si estaba borracho... no debía dar ni una.
Well, tell him I'm sorry, I just haven't had time.
Dile que lo siento, pero no he tenido tiempo.
Tell him I'm sorry it's overpriced.
Dile que siento que sea tan caro.
Tell him I'm sorry, but I'll slay him with one stroke.
Dile que lo siento, pero que le mataré de un solo golpe.
Tell him to stop the car. Mr. Tressider, I'm sorry.
- Dígale que pare.
- Tell him I'm sorry I goofed.
- Dile que lamento haber metido la pata.
- Tell him I'm sorry I couldn't bring it back.
Que lamento no haberla podido devolver. ¿ No lo harás?
Tell him... I'm sorry but I had to go.
Dile que lo siento por él, pero tengo que irme.
As a matter of fact, and I'm sorry to tell you this, recently a member of his family reported him missing.
¿ Está bien? Pues de hecho, lamento tener que decirle esto, recientemente un miembro de su familia lo reportó como desaparecido.
Tell him I'm sorry, but can not to get home tonight.
Dile que lo siento, pero no podré llegar a casa esta noche.
Tell your father I'm sorry I missed him. Good night.
Dile a tu padre que lo lamento Lo extrañe, Buenas noches
Call Phil and tell him I'm sorry.
Llama a Phil y dile que lo siento.
- Tell him I'm sorry. - No, tell him I'm not coming back.
No, dile que no regresaré.
I am going to give you absolution. While I'm giving it tell God that you are sorry that you have offended him.
Te voy a dar la absolución... mientras te la doy dile a Dios que te arrepientes de haberle ofendido.
Hoss, I got to see him and tell him I'm sorry about all that back there.
Hoss, tengo que verle y decirle que siento todo lo que pasó antes.
Tell him I'm sorry but I need help.
Te pido disculpas, pero necesito ayuda. ¡ Ve ahora!
Tell him I'm sorry.
Dile que lo siento.
I'm sorry, but I had to tell him.
Lo siento, pero tuve que decírselo.
If something happens and we have to stay, will you tell my dad I'm sorry I made him angry, and... that I miss him?
Si ocurre algo y tienen que dejarnos aquí ¿ le dirá a mi padre que siento haberlo enfadado y que lo quiero?
I need to tell him that I'm sorry, I gotta tell him that I want to pay for it.
Debo hablar con él. Debo decirle que lo siento. Que quiero pagar sus gastos.
Tell Spencer I'm sorry about last night and I shouldn't have kicked him out.
Dígale a Spencer que siento Io de anoche y que no debí echarlo.
I'm sorry. Please tell my child that I love him so much Take good care of him and please tell my mother I'm sorry.
lo siento por favor, dile a mi hijo que le quiero cuídalo muy bien dile a mi madre que lo siento mucho
Tell him I'm sorry?
¿ Decirle lo siento?
tell him I'm sorry.
Dile que lo siento.

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