That's good then traduction Espagnol
659 traduction parallèle
And then, someday, when he's an old man and his grandchildren ask him about Mata Hari he must tell a great lie, say that she was a wonderfully good woman.
Y entonces, algún día, cuando sea un anciano y sus nietos le pregunten sobre Mata Hari debe decir una gran mentira, que fue una mujer increíblemente buena.
he who wants to marry my daughter will have to be able to support her good. then I'll recruit as a grenadier in your majesty's army because I heard about his grenadiers, that the king of Prussia looks after them like a father
Quien quiera casarse con mi hija tendrá que saber mantenerla. Bien. Entonces voy a alistarme como granadero en el ejército de su Majestad.
Then he met a woman. That's too good a word for her.
Entonces conoció una mujer.
Then it's our good luck that you came.
Es una suerte que Ud. haya venido.
You think by then I'd be a good sport and come around, that's what you think, don't you?
Crees que para entonces seré un chico bueno... y entraré en razón, eso es lo que piensas, ¿ no?
Supposin they catch him. They'll bring him back, strap him down, then lock him up in a cage... That's ain't no good, George.
Imagínate que lo atrapo, me lo llevo, lo ato y lo meto en una jaula...
Then it's good that we were gone.
Mejor que no estuviéramos.
Good. Oh, that's all right then.
Entonces, descuide.
When you have a heart that loves children... that thinks only of others... that's capable of doing so much good... then you have a heart... that can laugh at the years.
Con un corazón que ama a los niños que sólo piensa en los demás y que es capaz de hacer tanto bien entonces, con un corazón así se puede desafiar a los años.
- And then... let's drink to that joyfully! - Very good.
Y ahora, ¿ porqué no vamos a gritar todos de alegría?
Then he didn't see her, that's good
Entonces no la ha visto, gracias a Dios.
Well, then. So peace and quiet came once again to Inisfree, and we were... Good heavens, what's that woman up to now.?
Y así la paz volvió de nuevo a Innisfree y estábamos... ¡ Santo cielo!
- That's no good, then.
- Entonces nada.
They weren't that bad then and they're not that good now so, who's crazy?
Ni eran tan malos entonces, ni son tan buenos ahora, así que, ¿ quién está loco?
Good, then that's settled.
Bien, quedó arreglado.
- The most romantic proposal ever - Good, then that's settled.
Es la declaración más romántica que he oído en la vida.
Well, if that's what his coming has done to me, killing your love, taking you away, the only good thing I ever had, then I hate him, too, even if I am his mother.
Si eso es Io que ha provocado su nacimiento, si ha acabado con tu amor y te aleja de mí, Io único bueno que he tenido nunca, entonces también Ie odio, aunque sea su madre.
Good. Let's do that, then.
Vale, quedamos así, entonces.
They prowl around looking for a good company that's having a little difficulty buy it up for practically nothing, and then they start pulling it to pieces.
Olisquean buscando una buena empresa que atraviese un mal momento la compran por cuatro duros y luego la van descuartizando.
Then along comes a joke that shouldn't be made because the show he's reviewing is a good show.
Un día hace un chiste que no debía porque la función sobre la que ha hecho la crítica es buena.
I know we are told every day that what's wrong is fear and suspicion and lack of good will and then you do things like this to make sure that everybody has got something to be frightened and suspicious about
Sé que cada día se nos repite que el miedo, la sospecha y la mala voluntad son errores históricos, y van ustedes y hacen esto, que levantará los temores y las sospechas de todo el mundo.
Well, then it's a good thing that it's really me!
Entonces es bueno que sea realmente yo.
Then tell me one good thing about this morning, except that it's your last one in London.
Entonces dígame qué tiene este día de bueno, salvo que es su último día en Londres.
- But then that's good, isn't it?
- Eso es bueno, ¿ no?
Yes, it's probably since then well in that case, you shouldn't worry this story has been a big shock to me but I think it was a good thing to tell me the truth
Sí, seguramente es desde entonces. Bueno, en ese caso, no deberías preocuparte. Ha sido un gran conmoción para mí, pero creo que es bueno que me hayas dicho la verdad.
That's good.Then go to him and have a man to man talk with him.Tell him everything.
Soy devoto. Está bien. Entonces te digo una cosa,... ve donde San Genraro, y háblale de hombre a hombre.
First comes the feeling crazy and then get as good that can not be avoided. There's nothing like a long hot kiss, which almost paralyzes us. And I hate to admit me with Father Corrigan.
cuando te sientes tan bien que no puedes evitarlo no hay nada como un beso largo y cálido en lo más profundo de tu alma que casi te paraliza y yo odiaba confesarme con el Padre Corrigan me tocó Padre qué tiene de malo
If no one thinks to take him out, then I will! That Captain's no good for us here.
Ese capitán no nos conviene.
That's me. I have a good yell but then that's the end of it
Ya conoces al abuelo, se enfada, grita, pero se le pasa.
Alright, then. You take it under protest. That's good.
Así es suficiente.
- That's good then.
- Entonces eso es bueno.
And I think that then... we could look back on all of this... and we could see all the good that's come out of this.
Y creo que entonces... podríamos recordar todo esto... y podríamos ver todo lo bueno que salió de esto.
That's the answer. You got to be placed into the dipper... and poured back down on the world, and then men will see your good works... and glorify God Jehovah.
Una persona tiene que ser puesta dentro de la Osa Mayor regresar al mundo y después los hombres verán sus buenas obras glorificando a Dios Jehová.
Let's see, that's good for about two hours. Then this afternoon they'll ask for a warrant, and, uh, like that.
La excusa vale para un par de horas, pero esta tarde pedirán... una orden de arresto.
Good, good, well, that's all sorted out then.
Todo solucionado.
That's good, then.
Eso está bien.
Then you acknowledge you are not so good after all and that's the beginning of success
Entonces reconocerás que no eres tan bueno despues de todo... y ese será el comienzo del éxito.
That town again. Good, then let's go as far
Entonces, vámonos lo más lejos que podamos.
Is that what he's good at, then?
¿ Es eso lo que se le da, pues?
But then again... maybe it's not a good idea - that you get a gun...
De todas formas... quizás no sea un buena idea que consigas una pistola...
Then you have a good excuse for yourself, that it's wet on the inside as well.
Así se tiene una buena excusa, para mojar el interior también.
But as long as he says he's against it, then I think we have to support him. Because he'll have to make good on that campaign promise for at least a few months and that might give us time to strengthen the anti-war coalition.
Pero mientras diga que está en contra, creo que hay que apoyarle, porque tendrá que cumplir esa promesa electoral... durante unos cuantos meses que nos darán tiempo... a reforzar la coalición contra la guerra.
Okay. I'd like to try just one more time... and then we'll call it a day. That's really very good.
Ha quedado muy bien.
Good, that's settled then, Donald. Thanks. I mean, well, thanks.
- Supongo que está todo arreglado.
Well that's good news then, right, Norm?
Bueno Eso es una buena noticia pues, derecho, Norm?
the Horde is evil, cruel and just the people hate us and with good cause some on the spell on her has weakened and I sense that there's something to do with that sword she holds then you must strengthen the speel
La Horda es maligna, cruel, injusta la gente nos odia y con buenas razones De alguna manera el hechizo en ella se ha debilitado y presiento que tiene algo que ver con esa espada que sostiene Entonces debes reforzar el hechizo
Well, that's what I want to talk to you about - OK Matthew, if its for Sunny - Good, then be there at 1 : 45pm
quiero hablar de ella contigo de acuerdo Matt lo haré por sunny entonces estaré allí a las 1 : 45pm esta bien nos vemos allí adiós
then mama got a wild hair one sunday and she decided to go make a lot of money off of it. took it out to the swap meet and sold it to lyndon johnson's top secret service agent. and he told a good personal friend of mine that he was going to sell it for even more money to the smithsonian institute.
Lo sacó al intercambio y lo vendió al servicio de agentes secretos de Lyndon Johnsons y él le dijo a un buen amigo mio que lo iba a vender por mucho más dinero al instituto Smithsonian.
- Good. That's settled then.
Esta arreglado entonces.
- Well, that's good, then, isn't it?
¡ Qué bueno! ¿ No?
- That's a good knife, then.
- Entonces, es un buen cuchillo.
that's good 7000
that's good to hear 161
that's good to know 269
that's good stuff 43
that's good advice 58
that's good enough 79
that's good thinking 31
that's good of you 16
that's good enough for me 105
that's good for you 38
that's good to hear 161
that's good to know 269
that's good stuff 43
that's good advice 58
that's good enough 79
that's good thinking 31
that's good of you 16
that's good enough for me 105
that's good for you 38
that's good work 61
that's good news 347
good then 21
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
that's good news 347
good then 21
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then leave 77
then you're right 18
then i'll wait 16
then do it 228
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then leave 77
then you're right 18
then i'll wait 16
then do it 228