That being the case traduction Espagnol
198 traduction parallèle
Ward is right. That being the case, it is quite liable to recur, possibly with the same results. Well, that's a point I hadn't considered.
Y es muy importante porque con esta pobre chica hay que considerar no sólo esta tragedia, sino otras posteriores.
What I mean, yes, what I mean is that being the case....... we ought to console each other.
Lo que quiero decir, sí, lo que quiero decir es que siendo así, deberíamos consolarnos mutuamente.
That being the case, I'll take it up with the board of directors.
Entonces lo discutiré con la junta de directores.
Well, that being the case, we got to start changing things around here right away.
En ese caso, tenemos que empezar a cambiar las cosas aquí... ya mismo.
That being the case, why get overly excited in this heat?
Si ése es el caso, ¿ para qué alborotarse con este calor?
That being the case, Branwell shall not go to London.
Siendo este el caso, Branwell no irá a Londres.
That being the case, I charge you with the murder of my brother, James Earp.
Siendo así, te acuso del asesinato de mi hermano, James Earp.
Well, that being the case what's to connect me with the Belletier job?
Bien. Si tal es el caso, ¿ qué relación tengo con el robo?
That being the case, I'm happy to render your Excellency a service.
Me alegra poder prestar un servicio a su Excelencia.
That being the case, it is a pleasant evening and we will have a drink.
En ese caso, hace una noche muy agradable y lo será más con una cerveza.
That being the case, you should try to get as much money as you can out of those people.
Ese es el caso, tienes que conseguir tanto dinero como puedas sacarles a esta gente.
That being the case... he would have to string his guitar with the strings backward, upside down... the heavy strings in reverse of what they normally should be.
Él tenía que poner las cuerdas de su guitarra al revés, hacia abajo las cuerdas pesadas al inverso respecto a lo normal.
That being the case, and it also being part of my military philosophy, and a great many other people's, that you must not put troops into battle without giving them all possible physical and material support you can to give them the best chance of getting a success.
Siendo ese el caso, y también siendo parte de mi filosofía militar, y de mucha otra gente, de que no debes enviar tropas a batallar sin darles todo el soporte físico y material que se pueda de modo de aumentar sus probabilidades de éxito.
That being the case, we`ll now move on to the elections.
Siendo el caso, continuamos con las elecciones.
That being the case, we know, us Flatlanders about left-right and about forward-back but we have never heard of up-down.
Los habitantes de Flatland conocemos la izquierda y la derecha, el delante y el detrás pero desconocemos el arriba-abajo.
En ese caso, ¿ por qué no lo hacen ustedes mismos?
That being the case, boy-o, the wedding will have to wait till after you've had a chat with the police about a murder.
De ser así, amigo... la boda esperará hasta que hable con la policía sobre su asesinato.
That being the case I'm sure you will be in touch as soon as you have something to tell me.
Siendo así estoy seguro de que entrará en contacto conmigo en cuanto tenga algo que contarme.
Well, [Device Squealing] that being the case, Your Honor, since the law requires a trial by jury of one's peers, we have no choice but to... reluctantly accept these white jurors... as Lila's equals.
Pues si ése es el caso, Sr. juez ya que la ley exige que el juicio sea por un jurado de sus iguales no tenemos opción, excepto aceptar a regañadientes a estos jurados blancos...
And that being the case, I got a little present for you.
Por lo tanto, te traje un regalito.
That being the case, sir, then...
Siendo ese el caso, señor, entonces...
You know that being the case I'm gonna offer you, give you is more like it a set of six pictures and an ordinarily $ 5 walnut frame all for just the one price of $ 2.98.
Siendo ése el caso voy a ofrecerle, o más bien darle una serie de seis fotos y un marco de nogal del valor de $ 5 todo por el módico precio de $ 2.98.
The puzzle is, that being the case, why is he here at all?
El acertijo es, en tal caso ¿ por qué está aquí?
Well, that being the case I'd like to be allowed to work with it... to teach it how to shape-shift.
Quisiera trabajar con él, enseñarle a metamorfosearse.
That being the case, look for waters to rise 15 to 20 feet....
En ese caso, las aguas subirian mas de 100 metros por encima de lo normal
That being the case...
En ese caso...
That being the case, I think it's only right that I withdraw my statement.
En tal caso, creo que lo correcto es que me retracte.
- That being the case, what do we do?
- ¿ Siendo así, que haremos?
That being the case, he shot with the lenses wide open, f0.7.
Ése fue el caso, rodó con lentes totalmente abiertas, F0.7.
And that being the case, I shall shut up.
Por lo tanto, mejor me callo.
And with that being the case... you might want to sell the property now and enjoy the money.
Y siendo ése el caso... podrías vender la propiedad ahora y disfrutar del dinero.
By the way you gave your evidence. Now, I want from you, if I'm not being too indiscrete- - the inner history of that case.
Por supuesto que Bennett le comentó a usted... la cuestión del trabajo.
Being the severely pathological case that he is, he has no doubt already had some kind of contact with the authorities.
Siendo el severo caso patológico que él es, él sin duda ya ha tenido una especie de contacto con las autoridades.
Being a man would be very convenient if that were the case.
Sería muy cómodo ser un hombre, en ese caso.
If it please Your Honor... I shall be glad to satisfy my learned colleague that these documents are relevant to the issues of the case and are provable as being the private accounts and records of the defendant.
Con la venia de su Señoría estaré encantado de complacer a mi colega mostrándole que estos documentos sí son relevantes en el caso,... y que se puede probar que son las cuentas privadas del acusado.
In other words you are being instructed, by order, to condemn me just as, in that other case the minister of war dictated the acquittal of Esterhazy.
En otras palabras estaba instruyéndoles, ordenándoles, condenarme a mí tal como en aquel otro caso el ministro de guerra ordenó la exoneración de Esterhazy.
Well, in the event that she doesn't, a trust fund is being established.
En caso de que no se case, se creó un fondo fiduciario.
Because if a case such as this is not the memory of a past life, then somehow knowledge is being acquired by a sense other than the five that we know about.
Pero si un caso como este no es el recuerdo de una vida anterior entonces, de algún modo el conocimiento se adquiere por un sentido distinto a los cinco que conocemos.
That being the case, I...
Siendo así, yo...
That's the only case I can remember of anyone being executed, right before the end of the war.
Es el único caso que recuerdo... de alguien que haya sido ejecutado, a poco de terminar la guerra.
During its numerous interruptions, the defense has maintained, by means of absurd and deceptive argument, that this case, being tried under criminal law, is actually a political trial!
Durante sus múltiples intervenciones, la defensa intentó hacernos creer, a través de argumentos absurdos, que este proceso no era un juicio común, sin que se trata de un juicio político.
That case is now being appealed citing the case of the Daylight Book Co.
El caso está siendo apelado citando el caso de Daylight Book Co.
Ah, well, in that case, I do have the privilege of being Mr. Lovejoy's trusted ally and barker.
Ah, bueno, en ese caso, tengo el privilegio de ser... el aliado de confianza y portavoz del Sr. Lovejoy.
Isn't it the case that you were told to resign in return for formal charges being dropped against you?
¿ No es ese el caso en que se le dijo que renunciase a cambio de retirar los cargos contra usted?
In that case, being the peace-loving Narns we've all come to know and love except for a few planets on the fringe who say you've invaded them they shouldn't mind being scanned, should they?
En ese caso, siendo los Narns los amantes de la paz que todos hemos llegado a conocer y amar... excepto unos pocos planetas periféricos que aseguran que los invadieron... no debería molestarles la inspección, ¿ o sí?
- My colleague Chantalier and I felt that the case was being dismissed too readily.
Chantalier y yo creímos que el caso fue cerrado con demasiada prisa.
If I kiss somebody, it just means I'm being friendly. That may not necessarily be the case.
Si beso a alguien es porque soy amable, pero no tiene por qué.
In case you may have heard that Corny was being paraded around the S.C.U. campus, well it's not true.
Si escucharon que Corny era exhibido por el campus de la SCU, bueno... No es cierto. No es cierto.
Well, in that case I'm afraid you're going to have to stay here in the Sanctuary for the time being.
En ese caso, tendrán que quedarse aquí.
But in your case, being stranded halfway across the galaxy, that's impossible.
Al estar al otro lado de la galaxia, le resulta imposible.
TV news journalism like Primetime Live... and these shows that completely distort the facts... and shows like 60 Minutes being forced to go in the same direction... people don't knowthe facts about the case.
De periodismo de noticias de televisión como Primetime Live... y estos programas que distorsionan por completo los hechos... y muestra como el 60 minutos se ven obligados a ir en la misma dirección... la gente no CONOCE hechos sobre el caso.
that being said 144
the case 115
the case is over 17
the case is closed 84
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
the case 115
the case is over 17
the case is closed 84
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
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that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
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that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
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that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
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that is not the point 62
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that is all 319
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that is an order 68