That way traduction Espagnol
114,734 traduction parallèle
How about that way?
¿ Qué tal de esa manera?
I thought that way about my family once.
Pensé igual sobre mi familia una vez.
Okay, well, for it to stay that way, it means that my dad does not find out.
De acuerdo, bien, para que siga de esta forma, mi papá no debe enterarse.
You just might have to fight to keep it that way.
Solo debes luchar para que continúe siéndolo.
Don't say it that way.
No lo digas así.
- When you put it that way...
- Cuando lo pones así...
I've never felt that way before.
Nunca me había sentido así.
Fix her that way?
¿ Y curarla así?
You... go that way.
Vosotros... id por ahí.
- I don't swing that way, bro.
- No voy por ese lado, tío.
But that way I'll have it while I'm making the world safe for democracy some more.
De esa forma lo tendría mientras hago que el mundo sea un sitio seguro para la democracia.
That way I can get to'em quick if something happens.
De esa forma puedo llegar a ellos rápidamente si pasa algo.
You want me to go that way?
¿ Quieres que vaya para allá?
Of whether what he is is who he is or whether he was made to be that way.
De si lo que es, es quien es o si fue hecho para ser así.
Do not look at me that way.
No me mires de esa manera.
Fate's a real bitch that way...
El destino es una verdadera perra de esa manera...
Yeah, good old major was pretentious in that way.
Sí, el buenazo de Major era pretencioso en ese sentido.
The way that you move your hands when you talk.
La forma en que mueves tus manos al hablar.
And I just knew that if I were ever to tell you about this whole Ben thing, you would spin out about it and I needed to have something for myself without you getting in the way.
Y sabía que si alguna vez te contaba lo de Ben, le ibas a dar vueltas y necesitaba tener algo para mí sin que estuvieras en medio.
That is the only way to describe it.
Es la única manera de describirlo.
That seems like a good way to start the day.
Me parece una buena manera de empezar el día.
And make sure that charmer cousin of yours follows your lead, not the other way around.
Y asegúrate de que ese embacaudor primo tuyo sigue tu camino, y no al revés.
I appreciate it. But if... you know, if you have friends that need any work done or anything, just send'em my way.
Pero... ya sabe, si tiene amigos que necesiten algún trabajillo o algo, mándemelos.
You know, whenever that man had a... choice, a choice between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing... he always broke the wrong way.
Siempre que tuvo una... oportunidad, una oportunidad de hacer lo correcto o no hacerlo... siempre eligió la manera equivocada.
Next week, we're going back to that bar, and one way or another, we're getting our money back.
La semana que viene, vamos a volver a ese bar, y sea como sea, vamos a recuperar nuestro dinero.
That would be... some way to leave us.
Sería... una forma de dejarnos.
No way. I could never tell them that.
¡ Jamás podría contárselos!
He informed me that he was outside my firm's building, and that he was on his way to up to my office and then he hung up.
Me informó de que se encontraba fuera del edificio del bufete y de que iba camino de mi despacho y después colgó.
No way am I going to turn round and say that somebody's been tampering with evidence.
De ninguna manera voy a ir por ahí diciendo que alguien ha estado alterando una prueba.
And it could never have happened the way that you said that it did!
Y no pudo pasar como dijiste que pasó.
And that the blood deposit supposedly found on Leonie Collersdale's body was contaminated in exactly the same way.
Y la salpicadura de sangre encontrada supuestamente en el cuerpo de Leonie Collersdale estaba contaminada exactamente de lo mismo.
That's it, out of the way!
Ya está bien, abran paso.
Is that the way it was before?
¿ Es como lo que pasó antes?
That I've ever had to do in my life, but it was the only way this mission would survive. Stopping operation marigold is more important than you or me.
Detener la Operación Caléndula es más importante que tú o que yo.
♪ I'm Britannica from the UK That's probably why I talk this way ♪
Soy Brittanica del Reino Unido Por eso hablo así
The only way she's gonna see that hooded figure is behind bars.
La única manera en la que va a ver al encapuchado es entre rejas.
When Robin... my Robin died, there was a feather that got lost on its way to me from him.
Cuando Robin... mi Robin murió, había una pluma que se había perdido de él para mí.
That you were on your way to becoming the person that you wanted to be.
Que ibas a convertirte en la persona que tú querías ser.
I mean, how did I not know that you felt this way?
Quiero decir, ¿ cómo es que no sabía que te sentías así?
Well, they feel the Scottish borders are a long way from their door and they shouldn't have to pay for a war that isn't their concern.
Bueno, sienten que las fronteras escocesas están muy lejos de su puerta y que no deberían tener que pagar por una guerra que no es su preocupación.
I know your children may not understand the sad life of a dowadger, or what would have lead... leadled me to this desperate akt... but please know that I am much happier this way.
Sé que ustedes, niños, quizás no entiendan la triste vida de una viuva, o lo que me ha llevado a este acto desesperada, pero por favor sepan que soy mucho más feliz así.
Well, that... A peculiar way of saying it, but, yes.
Bueno, esa es una expresión peculiar, pero no.
is a way of saying that a person looks at the world in a manner that is oversimplified and often incorrect.
es una forma de decir que una persona ve el mundo de una manera simplista y a menudo incorrecta.
The same way that fractals have...
Igual que el fractal...
I have a way to do that.
Tengo manera de hacer eso.
We don't know that, and there's still time to find a way to stop it.
No sabemos eso y aún hay tiempo para buscar la forma de detenerlo.
Wearing this... means that somehow, someway... you're always gonna find your way back to her.
Que lleve esto puesto... significa que, de alguna manera, en alguna parte, siempre hallarás la forma de volver a ella.
I guess I thought we would find our way back to each other... but I'm still stuck... in that moment.
Supongo que creí que nos volveríamos a acercar. Pero sigo atrapada... en ese momento.
I find that freedom is the best way to cope with my particular affliction.
Me parece que la libertad es la mejor manera de para hacer frente a mi aflicción particular.
That's a lovely invitation, but I think you'd prefer one of the other gentlemen who's about to come this way.
Es una encantadora invitación, pero creo que preferiría a uno de los otros hombres que vendrán por aquí.
But, if that's what you want, then from now on, I will do nothing but drink and whore my way through Scotland.
Pero si eso es lo que quieres, entonces desde ahora en adelante, no haré otra cosa que beber y acostarme con prostitutas por toda Escocia.
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way better 36
way ticket 45
way too much 31
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way better 36
way ticket 45
way too much 31
way up 26
way down 31
way mirror 27
wayward pines 19
way too long 22
way trip 38
way back 82
way out 21
way tie 16
way street 165
way down 31
way mirror 27
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way too long 22
way trip 38
way back 82
way out 21
way tie 16
way street 165
way i see it 33
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that was close 355
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
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that means a lot to me 54
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that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
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that means a lot to me 54
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that sounds fun 130
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
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that was stupid 112
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that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is good 189
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that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150