The poor thing traduction Espagnol
850 traduction parallèle
And you listen. The poor thing got so thin you could blow through her.
La pobre había perdido tanto peso.
Take a good look at her, because in half an hour, the poor thing will be Mrs. Robert Strike.
Echenle un buen vistazo, porque en media hora, la pobrecita será la señora de Robert Strike.
She's sleeping at last, the poor thing.
Al fin duerme, la pobrecita.
The poor thing has had her life all mixed up but I've come over expressly to straighten it all out for her.
La pobre tiene una vida muy complicada pero vine a solucionársela.
Julie will finally have something to live on, the poor thing.
Julie tendrá algo definitivamente y podrá vivir, pobrecita.
The worst of it is that the poor thing has to have peace and quiet and I must entertain on the porch, as I'm doing tonight.
Lo peor de todo es que el pobre necesita paz y tranquilidad y yo debo recibir visitas en el porche como lo hago ahora.
- Lauretta, the poor thing!
- ¡ La pobre Lauretta!
You can't expect the poor thing to be cooped up at home all day.
No puedes pretender que esté todo el día encerrada.
The poor thing didn't want to go, but I spoke bluntly.
Ella no quería irse, pero le hablé claro.
But the poor thing's so weak.
Pero la pobre está muy débil.
I'm sorry too, the poor thing.
Lo siento mucho, pobrecilla.
- The poor thing is all ready and dressed!
- ¡ La pobrecilla ya está vestida!
Only now the poor thing will have to lie in Potter's Field.
¿ Para qué? ¿ Para que acaben todos en el cementerio?
We've been having the most wonderful time. Grandmama's jewels, her wig, the poor thing can't leave her room without it.
Las joyas de la abuela, la peluca, ya sabes que no sale sin ella.
Yes, but the poor thing was in a hurry.
Sí, pero la pobrecilla está en un apuro.
The poor thing is going to suffer so much.
Pobrecita, lo que va a sufrir.
The poor thing works and you drink the money.
La pobre trabajando y tú bebiéndote el dinero.
I won't say anything about the other thing, because i think it's beneath dignity to notice it, but to turn poor people out of their cottage is a shame.
No pienso mencionar el otro tema porque no creo que sirva de nada. Pero no está bien echar a esa pobre gente de su casa.
It's just struck me, I have the very thing... - for your poor ill husband.
Acabo de acordarme de que tengo precisamente lo que necesita su pobre marido.
She nearly killed the poor little thing.
- Casi mata al pobrecito.
Do be nice to the poor little thing.
Sea amable con la pobrecita.
The boy will take me to the courthouse. Poor thing.
No hay más que decir.
I said the same thing, but his eyes, poor man, because he could no longer speak.
Me dijo lo mismo, pero con sus ojos, pobre hombre, porque ya no podía hablar. ¡ Y qué ojos!
- I just picked off the ground the thing that was there... and now you all say I stole it. I'm a poor man, Your Honor. I
Soy un hombre pobre, Su Señoría.
in old times, the devil bought the poor student's soul we don't have such a thing nowadays
en los viejos tiempos, el diablo compró el alma del estudiante pobre no tenemos tal cosa hoy en día
The main thing is to take care of these poor men and women.
Lo más importante es cuidar de esta pobre gente.
Why don't you admit, poor thing, that you left the Salvation Army to lead a life of sin.
¿ Por qué no admite, que abandonó el ejército de Salvación para llevar una vida de pecado.
It was the smartest thing the poor guy could do.
- Lo más inteligente que pudo hacer.
- But the poor little thing's so sleepy.
La pobrecita tiene tanto sueño.
The poor little thing's hungry.
Este pobrecillo tiene hambre.
Perhaps our Timba will adopt the poor little thing.
Tal vez Timba adopte a este pobre.
What right to throw love away for the poor fancy thing you felt for him?
¿ Por qué cambiaste el amor por el pobre capricho que sentías hacia él?
That's the only terrible thing about being poor.
Eso es lo terrible de ser pobre.
Yes, but think about it, poor thing. Why would I want to give that monster reason to bother the angel who wrote me such a nice letter?
¿ Te parece justo que expulse a quien ha escrito una carta tan bonita?
Oh, the poor thing.
It would kill him if he saw her the way she is. Poor thing.
Le mataría verla en ese estado.
- The poor little thing.
- Qué pena.
The first thing that went through my poor empty brain was just,
Lo primero que pasó por mi pobre cerebro vacío fue,
You let Rome burn and all the time this poor little thing might catch something from Ken.
Tú dejas arder a Roma y todo el tiempo esta pobre cosita podría pillar algo de Ken.
¿ No es "benditos sean los pobres de espíritu"?
- But of course, it's not nice to be alone at the cinema, poor thing.
- Se aburrirá sola en el cine, la pobre.
- Poor thing, it's not his fault that there was a hole in the field.
- No es su culpa que hubiera un hoyo en la pista.
Poor thing, she was so sad on the way to the bank.
Pobrecita, ¡ qué triste se fue hoy para el banco!
Milord, when the trick fails, when it's exposed, the magician's a poor thing.
- Mi señor cuando falla el truco, uno queda expuesto y el mago es poca cosa.
And the next time you come here on a Sunday evening... and start pawing me about and saying love's the most glorious thing in the world for rich and poor alike... you're going to get such a smack in the face you'll wish you'd never been born.
Y el próximo domingo que vengas a manosearme y a decirme que el amor es lo más glorioso en el mundo, te daré tal bofetada que desearás no haber nacido.
The poor little thing.
The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow and what will poor Patrick do then, poor thing?
El viento del norte soplará, y tendremos nieve ¿ y qué hará el pobre Patrick, pobrecillo?
The poor little thing comes back trustingly after all these years in the other world -
La pobre vuelve a casa confiada después de todos estos años en el otro barrio...
The main thing is to get the money for those poor men and women.
Lo principal es conseguir el dinero para esos pobres hombres y mujeres.
It's the whole thing, not the poor, poor Jews.
Es todo. No los pobres judíos.
Do not waste time with this stupid thing... while the poor lieutenant is getting lost in the jungle.
No perdamos el tiempo con este bicho estúpido mientras el pobre teniente está perdido en la selva.
the poor 64
the poor man 23
the poor guy 24
poor things 42
poor thing 558
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
the poor man 23
the poor guy 24
poor things 42
poor thing 558
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things are looking up 44
things to do 42
things are going well 18
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things are looking up 44
things to do 42
things are going well 18