They didn't make it traduction Espagnol
299 traduction parallèle
But didn't they make it clear to him that this may mean all the difference between life and death?
¿ Pero no le han explicado que sería la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte?
It's just that I'd rather they didn't make up things about me to you.
Es sólo que preferiría que no te inventaran cosas de mí.
They didn't even make a good job of dyeing it!
¡ Ni siquiera los tiñeron bien!
A lot more people are gonna die before this is over, and it's up to the ones that come through to make sure that they didn't die for nothing.
Van a morir muchas personas más hasta que esto se acabe... y el deber de los que sobrevivan será... procurar que no hayan muerto en vano.
They didn't want to make it too easy.
Debía de querer hacerla difícil.
They didn't make it, Uncle Shiloh.
No lo lograron, tío Shiloh.
- They didn't make it.
- No han llegado.
And you knew somehow that it didn't matter how much you kicked people, how much you despised them. If they can get up and make a pure, natural noise like that, there's nothing wrong with them.
Sabía que, en cierta forma, no importa cuánto machaques a la gente, o los desprecies, si pueden levantarse y sacar un sonido tan puro y natural, no tienen nada de malo.
We didn't think he'd make it but they're bringing his car up now and he will be in the race.
Pareció que no lo iba a conseguir pero ya está aquí su auto listo para tomar la salida.
They didn't make it across.
No consiguieron cruzar.
I wish I didn't have the feeling that they'll never make it... that the whole thing's impossible.
Desearía no tener la sensación de que nunca lo lograrán de que todo esto es imposible.
Everyone was killed except me, and I suppose it didn't look too good in dispatches, a whole company being wiped out, so they decided to make a hero of the survivor.
Los mataron a todos, excepto a mí. Supongo que... no quedaba muy bien que hubieran acabado con toda una compañía. Decidieron convertir en héroe al superviviente, al que había huido.
All those little details, they just didn't make it.
Todos esos detallitos no alcanzaban.
Even if it was a revolutionary play, they didn't make the revolution the next day!
Incluso si eran piezas revolucionarias, ¡ no hacian la revolucion al dia siguiente!
So, I've been wondering if they didn't make some kind of a mistake out there at that hospital in Minnesota because it-it's hard to believe that it can be true.
Me he estado preguntando si no habrán cometido algún error en el hospital de Minnesota. Porque es difícil creer que sea verdad.
They didn't make it,'cause they weren't married.
No lo hacían porque no estaban casados.
But by putting it into the situation where Esther was looking for the boy... and he didn't make it and they had to leave without him... and she was downhearted.
Pero la pusimos en el momento en el que Esther está buscando al chico... y él llega tarde y tienen que partir sin él... y ella estaba preocupada.
Now, you need copper to make brass, and we in England didn't have very much of that, so some german miners, with an eye to what they might make out of it, came over, and in 1566, found copper.
Pero se necesita cobre para hacer bronce, y nosotros en Inglaterra no teníamos mucho de eso, entonces unos mineros alemanes, con la vista puesta en lo que podrían obtener de ello, vinieron, y en 1566, encontraron cobre.
- They didn't make it back?
¿ No lograron regresar?
I could call the forest rangers first and tell them that we're coming. so that they could start searching for us in case we didn't make it.
Podría llamar a los guarda bosques y decirles que vamos para allá para que puedan empezar a buscarnos por si no lo conseguimos.
They say we were dishonest and didn't fill their order, but it's not very honest to make an order like that.
Dicen que hemos sido deshonestos, que no hemos cumplido el encargo, pero no es demasiado honesto hacer un encargo semejante.
'It didn't make sense but they had to have something to do with each other.
No tenía ningún sentido, pero tenía que haber alguna relación entre ellos.
D.E.A., F.B.I., your county, city, your technologies, your computers- - they can't catch one little man... who didn't make it past the fourth grade.
La DEA, el FBI... tu condado, tu ciudad... tus tecnologías, tus computadoras... no pueden atrapar a un hombrecito... que no pasó del cuarto grado.
- They just didn't make it.
- No hicieron su parte.
It's too bad they didn't make you so you could wind yourself up.
Es una lástima que no te construyeran para que pudieras darte cuerda tú mismo.
Then they didn't make it.
Entonces no lo van a conseguir.
They didn't think we'd make it this fast.
No pensaban que se iría tan rapido.
If they didn't make it, like Bill Foy, they were reassigned to other duties.
Si ellos no lo hacen, al igual que Bill Foy, que se reasignaron a otras tareas.
When you were 24 you wrote your first book, and you didn't make a copy because you didn't think anybody would take it seriously. But they did.
No hiciste una copia cuando escribiste tu primer libro porque no creías que nadie se la tomaría en serio.
If it ever did come to that, I'd make sure they didn't tie you up in red tape, Ben.
Si alguna vez llegamos a eso, me aseguraré de que no te aten con cinta roja, Ben.
Look, sorry I didn't make it earlier but they had me out at 5 : 30 this morning.
Vera, siento no haber venido antes pero hoy tuve que salir a las 5 de la mañana.
Hágalos jurar que ellos no lo hicieron.
Yeah, right, and in kindergarten they told me... it didn't make a difference where you put the round peg.
Sí, claro, y en la guardería me dijeron... que no hacer una diferencia en la que pone la clavija redonda.
They didn't make it.
No lo consiguieron.
If they didn't make it, we're fighting for a lost cause.
Si no lo han conseguido, luchamos por una causa perdida.
They didn't make it.
No lo lograron.
They sealed the bridge immediately but they can't be sure he didn't make it across.
Sellaron el puente inmediatamente pero no están seguros de si pudo atravesarlo
- They didn't make it.
- No lo consiguieron.
There must have been times when you didn't think they'd make it.
Seguro que a veces pensó que no lo conseguirían.
So they said, " it's ok we didn't make it to california.
Dijeron : " Está bien que no llegamos a California.
I didn't think they'd make it this far. Flip!
Oh, no pensé que llegarían tan lejos.
They didn't make it.
No han sobrevivido.
Looks like they didn't make it.
Al parecer, no sobrevivieron.
They didn't make it.
No lograron sobrevivir.
- They didn't make it.
- No han sobrevivido.
I thought for a while there... I didn't think I'd make it either but they kept all the leaders alive.
Pensé que no lo contaria, pero dejaron con vida a los jefes.
- They didn't make it.
- No sobrevivieron.
They didn't make it.
No pudieron salir.
They didn't make it.
No sobrevivieron.
The Birches didn't know what to make of their peculiar, little disappointment. So they made nothing of it at all.
Los Birch no sabían qué pensar de su pequeña desilusión así que evitaron pensar en él completamente.
They wanted me to make this kind of statement but they didn't get it from me, even though twice I was sent to the punishment cell.
Ellos querían que hiciera este tipo de declaración pero no la obtuvieron de mí, incluso a pesar de que fui llevado dos veces a la celda de castigo. "
they didn't 372
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't do anything 22
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it up 16
make it last 17
make it work 61
make it two 94
make it stop 329
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it up 16
make it last 17
make it work 61
make it two 94
make it stop 329