Was it hard traduction Espagnol
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Was it hard?
¿ Fue difícil?
It was a hard lesson, but it would serve me well.
Fue una lección dura, pero me serviría mucho.
It was snowing so hard I was worried Jim wouldn't be able to see the rope.
Estaba nevando tanto que me preocupaba que Jim no fuera capaz de ver la cuerda.
Your mother was Russian, it was very hard.
Tu madre era rusa. Era muy difícil.
It was hard.
Fue duro.
It's hard to accept that a human being was willing to do that, and it's still difficult for all of us.
Es difícil aceptar que un ser humano estaba dispuesto a hacer eso, y aún así es difícil para todos nosotros.
Walking away, it was hard not to believe that there must be some truth to this.
El irse, era difícil no creer que tiene que haber algo de verdad en esto.
So, Axl was back for winter semester, and this time, he was hitting it hard. Ow!
Axl regresó a la universidad para el semestre de invierno, y está vez, le entró duro.
He was always nervous and it was hard to tell what he wanted to say.
Siempre estaba nervioso y le era difícil decir lo que quería.
It was a hard test too.
Era un examen difícil también.
It was hard to stay.
Era difícil quedarme.
I know that it must have been so hard for you to present her body to court like she was some kind of criminal.
Sé que debe haber sido muy duro para ti presentar su cuerpo a la Corte como si fuera una especie de criminal.
I want you to know, I understand how hard it was to tell Rachael to leave.
Quiero que sepas, que entiendo lo difícil que habrá sido... decirle a Rachel que se marche.
If it was this hard for the Loyalists to give them up, imagine how hard it will be for rebels from the same region to fire upon them.
Si es tan difícil para los leales entregarlas, imagine lo difícil que será, para los rebeldes de la misma región, disparar contra ellas.
It was kind of hard to tell whose was what, so I just, mm, paid'em all.
Era algo difícil decir de quién era cada una, así que simplemente, las pagué todas.
Look, I'm just saying I know what works on me because I'm hard working and I'm dedicated, but it would really be interesting to see if it worked on somebody who was almost completely sedentary.
Mira, simplemente digo que sé que me funciona porque trabajo duro y le dedico tiempo, pero sería muy interesante ver si funciona en alguien que fuera casi totalmente sedentaria.
I had some time to think about it, and, uh... I realized I was maybe a little bit too hard on you, okay?
He tenido tiempo de pensar en ello y me he dado cuenta de que quizás he sido demasiado severo.
all right. - look, dude, do you know how hard it was
- Muy bien.
It's hard to believe that this was once one of the most impressive homes in all of Virginia.
Es difícil de creer que alguna vez, esta fue una de las casas más impresionantes de toda Virginia.
It was a present for trying hard at school.
Fue un regalo por esforzarme en la escuela.
It was really hard to figure out.
Era difícil saber hacerlo.
It was hard for him, but he pulled through.
Fue duro para él, pero lo superó.
The detox was hard, but now that we're past it, I'm really glad we're making smarter food choices.
La desintoxicación fue dura, pero ahora que la pasamos, estoy realmente contenta de haber hecho pequeños cambios en nuestra comida.
I know it was hard for you, Daddy.
Se que fue duro para ti, papi.
It was hard.
Ha sido duro.
Was it the jock with the rock-hard abs or the mixed-race guy with the perfect skin?
¿ Fue el chico de las abdominales súper duras o el tipo de raza mixta con la piel perfecta?
It was hard enough with grandpa being sick and me suddenly in charge, but it was just one crisis after another.
Ya era duro tener al abuelo enfermo y de repente estar al mando, pero es que fue una crisis tras otra.
It was a... a little hard for her to swallow. Um...
Le fue un... poco difícil de tragar.
My dad's been so sad ever since my mom left, it was really hard on him.
Mi padre está muy triste desde que mi madre se fue. Lo dejó hecho polvo.
And... when you got to go, it was hard for me.
Y... Cuando tú lo hiciste, para mí fue duro.
But remember how hard it was for mom while dad was deployed?
¿ Pero recuerdas lo difícil que fue para mamá mientras papá estaba destinado?
It was hard.
Fue difícil.
It's hard- - it's hard to explain, but I-I promise I didn't think I was leading him on.
Es difícil... de explicar pero te aseguro de que no pensé que le estaba dando falsas esperanzas.
I didn't think it was gonna be so hard to get, but after I spent the only 40 bucks I had trying to grab that sucker, I started borrowing Edna's change.
No pensé que fuera a ser tan difícil de conseguir, pero después de gastar los únicos 40 dólares que tenía tratando de coger a ese mamón, empecé a tomar prestada la calderilla de Edna.
And what I did was, is that I started giving him stuff, and I never expected anything for it, and, you know, with me, I was always like, you know, I work really hard to have nice things, and is it a crime that I want my family to have nice things?
Pero empecé a darle cosas, y nunca esperaba nada a cambio, y yo siempre fui de pensar que me esfuerzo mucho para tener cosas lindas,
It was hard to tell with him.
Era difícil hablar con él.
It's like they don't seem to appreciate all your hard work and effort. It was the way he was so dismissive of me, you know?
Era su forma de rechazarme, ¿ sabes?
It was just kind of hard to see.
mi francotirador en su prisionero Fue una situación difícil de ver.
It's hard to prove what was stolen when the contents are unknown.
Es difícil probar lo que robaron cuando el contenido es desconocido.
It's hard to prove anything was stolen if the thieves blew up.
Es difícil probar que robaron algo si los ladrones explotan.
I mean, it must have been so funny that I was... I was laughing so hard that I... I couldn't even look at the screen then.
Quiero decir, era tan gracioso que yo... me reía tan fuerte que... jamás he podido mirar la pantalla.
We're in an old commercial paint shop, so it's hard to get a solid result, but there was definitely a cook here.
Estamos en una vieja tienda de pinturas, así que es difícil obtener un resultado sólido, pero definitivamente cocinaban aquí.
It was hard, but I called my boys.
Fue duro, pero llamé a mis chicos.
It was hard for him, but he pulled through better than I- -
Fue duro para él, pero lo superó mejor que yo...
It was really hard for me to make this place look old but not in any way comfortable.
Sí. Fue muy difícil para mí hacer este lugar ser viejo pero no de cualquier manera cómoda.
Just, you know, that it was hard to let me go, but I can tell that she's holding something back.
Bueno, que fue difícil dejarme pero sé que oculta algo.
Yeah, it was hard.
Si no podias llevarlas a ninguna parte?
Especially when I became a stand-up and it was like, stand-up, you're going around on tours, quite rock'n'roll, there would be groupies and stuff, but it's very hard to pull a groupie when your mother has driven you to the gig.
Sí, fue duro, especialmente cuando empecé con las comedias stand-up Y hacía stand-up, saliendo de giras, todo genial... Había groupies y todo, pero es difícil "levantarse" a una groupie...
It was kinda like a Die Hard movie, if they ever let girls do cool stuff in those movies.
Fue como en la película "Duro de Matar", si dejaran a las mujeres hacer cosas emocionantes en esas películas.
It was a hard no.
Un no rotundo.
It was a hard no.
Era un no rotundo.
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it bad 29
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was it her 21
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hardware 22
hard 725
hardy 174
was it an accident 37
was it bad 29
was it not 62
was it him 59
was it her 21
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hardware 22
hard 725
hardy 174
hardly 502
harder 533
hardman 24
hardcore 24
harding 62
hardison 43
hard pass 21
hard kill 18
hard times 35
hard day 29
harder 533
hardman 24
hardcore 24
harding 62
hardison 43
hard pass 21
hard kill 18
hard times 35
hard day 29
hard work 70
hardly ever 25
hard to tell 74
hard to starboard 26
hardworking 26
hard worker 16
hard right 23
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hardly at all 16
hard to believe 105
hardly ever 25
hard to tell 74
hard to starboard 26
hardworking 26
hard worker 16
hard right 23
hard to explain 19
hardly at all 16
hard to believe 105