Well enough traduction Espagnol
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Come on. You know me well enough to know that I'm not leaving.
Vamos, me conoces muy bien como para saber que no me iré.
"If you can't explain it simply, " you don't understand it well enough. "
"Si no puedes explicarlo con sencillez, no lo has comprendido bien".
Do you feel well enough to go party Fritz?
¿ Te sientes lo suficientemente bien para ir a la fiesta de Fritz?
I don't know you well enough.
Pero yo no te conozco lo suficiente.
Well enough... but someday I might return here as a guest, who knows?
Bastante bien, pero un día podría volver como huésped, ¿ quién sabe?
Am I not acting well enough? Hey!
¿ No estoy actuando bien?
No, you don't know me well enough to bust my chops.
No, no me conoces lo suficiente para hacerme renegar.
"Oh, it's too soon. I don't really know him well enough. " We only been out a couple of times. "
"es pronto, aún no lo conozco bien, solo hemos salido un par de veces".
I like working in the shop well enough, but I don't want to be there forever.
Me gusta mi trabajo en la tienda, pero no quiero estar ahí para siempre.
No, absolutely not, I- - I'm not well enough.
No, absolutamente no. No, estoy bien de salud.
They got me just well enough to go to prison.
Me dejaron lo suficientemente mejor como para ir a prisión.
I knew him well enough to know that he was deeply affected.
Lo conocía lo suficiente para comprender que estaba profundamente afectado.
Ultimately I never liked life well enough.
Al final nunca me gustó tanto la vida.
You marry a sassenach, knowing well enough that none in the clan will support ye now as my successor.
Te casas con una sassenach, sabiendo muy bien que nadie en el clan te apoyará ahora como mi sucesor.
Well, fair enough, I guess.
Está bien, supongo.
Well, that's old enough that you ought to know that's not how it works.
Eres lo suficientemente adulto para saber que esto así no funciona.
Well, their credit actually isn't bad enough for him.
Su crédito no es suficientemente malo para él.
I mean, I thought, " Well, there's enough out there.
Yo pensé, " bueno, hay suficientes allá afuera.
- Well, you've taken enough, already.
- Bueno, han tomado suficiente, ya.
Last year, when Ivan got bedbugs and then came over to my place, and promptly gave my apartment bedbugs as well, they were generous enough to have me on their couch for about two weeks.
El año pasado, cuando Ivan se contagió chinches y vino a mi casa, y sin demora le contagió chinches también a mi apartamento, tuvieron la generosidad de dejarme dormir en su sillón dos semanas.
Well, give it enough time, everything in this dump's gonna break.
Bueno, dale tiempo suficiente, todo en este basurero se va a romper.
Well, first we'll need a computer powerful enough to calculate the intricacies of time travel.
Necesitamos una computadora que calcule las complejidades del viaje.
If you're not in REM enough, you're not sleeping well.
Si no estás lo suficiente en REM, no estas durmiendo bien.
You know, you meet people out here and they just well, they tell you what they want you to think they are, which is bad enough, or what they really think they are, which is worse.
Uno conoce gente aquí que es... Dicen ser lo que quieren que pienses, de entrada malo, o lo que se creen que son, que es peor.
Well, it's barely enough to meet our expenses.
Bueno, es apenas suficiente para cumplir con nuestros gastos.
Very well, send me the data and be careful, one tragedy's enough.
Muy bien... Envíame el data, pero ten cuidado. Una tragedia es suficiente.
The biggest problem with it, it's not clear enough, it's not alive enough, it's not iridescent enough, and, hello, it doesn't really move very well, so how can we fix that?
No hay sensación, pero no hay bulto. El mayor problema era que no es lo suficientemente claro, no se ve con vida, no es resplandeciente, y no se mueve muy bien, ¿ entonces, como lo arreglamos?
[JEFF] Well I don't make enough to get you a Porsche... and I'm not sure what "aforementioned" means.
No gano suficiente para comprar un Porsche... Y no sé qué es "mencionado".
Well, I wasn't naive enough to marry him.
Bueno, yo no era tan ingenuo como para casarse con él.
So, come on down Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st... that's Halloween night and if you're brave enough... to ride in our ride of terror and survive... well then you might just get to meet Pitchfork.
Así que, vamos hacia abajo viernes 30 y sábado 31... es la noche de Halloween y si Eres lo suficientemente valiente... para montar en nuestro viaje de terror y sobreviven... bueno, entonces que sólo podría obtener para satisfacer Pitchfork.
Well, Emma, now you know enough to bring me down.
Bueno, Emma, ahora usted sabe lo suficiente para bajarme.
Well, clearly what you're doing isn't good enough!
¡ Es evidente que lo que están haciendo no es suficientemente bueno!
Well, I suppose that's... strange enough, isn't it?
Bueno, supongo que eso es muy extraño, ¿ no?
Well, there aren't quite enough zeros in a King Bros. salary to survive, but they need scripts like an army needs toilet paper.
Bueno, no hay suficientes ceros en un "King Bros". Sueldo para sobrevivir, pero necesitan guiones, como un ejército necesita papel higiénico.
Well... you play long enough, the house always wins.
Bueno, si juegas el tiempo suficiente, la casa siempre gana.
Well if you dig enough.
Bueno si se cava lo suficiente.
Well, you know Mr. Cohen already makes me paranoid enough.
No, el Sr. Cohen me hace sentir paranoica.
I was here just long enough to realise you can do good or you can do well.
Estuve aquí el tiempo suficiente para darse cuenta de usted puede hacer el bien o que puedo hacer bien.
Well, we have to run a few more tests on Natalie to make sure she's strong enough for the donation.
Bueno, tenemos que hacer algunas pruebas más a Natalie para asegurarnos que ella es lo suficiente fuerte para la donación.
Well, that's awesome, and it's good enough for me.
Bueno, eso es genial, y es suficiente para mi.
Well, the owner of this cabin is obviously a crackerjack survivalist, and we found enough guns here to start World War III.
El ex-dueño de esta cabaña era un loco de supervivencia. Así que, encontramos estás armas para detener la tercera guerra mundial.
Well, it looks quiet enough.
Bueno, se ve bastante tranquilo.
Well, it looks sound enough, provided those things don't slice it in half.
Bueno, me parece suficiente. Olvidando el hecho de que una mordida de esas cosas lo partirá por la mitad.
And secondly, I can't imagine Sweet Dave lifting his fat ass out his chair long enough to fetch well water unless Minnie was laying a frying pan upside his head let alone take a trip to the north side.
Además, no me imagino al Dulce Dave levantándose de su silla ni siquiera para ir al pozo por agua sin que Minnie le estuviera dando sartenazos ya no digamos para ir al lado norte.
Well, that's not good enough.
Eso no es suficiente.
You can't ever leave well-enough alone.
Nunca te conformas si las cosas están medianamente bien.
Well, enough about that.
Ya basta. Es aburrido.
Well, he seems manly enough to me.
Bueno, parece lo suficientemente varonil para mí.
Well, lucky enough for me, he's about as good a shot as Helen Keller, her being blind and all.
Bueno, suerte para mí, él es tan bueno un tiro como Helen Keller, su ser ciego y todo.
Well, no, but this family has enough mortgages without you mortgaging your life.
- Claro que sí, hijo. No, pero bastantes hipotecas tiene esta familia como para que tú hipoteques también tu vida.
Well, if you make it small enough, uh, maybe it'll be easier to swallow.
Bueno, si lo achica más, será más fácil de tragar.
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough chitchat 25
enough of this 129
enough said 73
enough talking 31
enough now 40
enough of this shit 25
enough games 17
enough already 193
enough's enough 35
enough of this nonsense 22
enough talk 56
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
enough already 193
enough's enough 35
enough of this nonsense 22
enough talk 56
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well uh 21
well it's 16
well yeah 97
well i never 20
well yes 116
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well uh 21
well it's 16
well yeah 97
well i never 20
well yes 116