Won't work traduction Espagnol
4,716 traduction parallèle
It still won't work.
Sigue sin funcionar.
This won't work.
Esto no va a funcionar.
Won't work without it.
Aquí mismo. No funcionará sin él.
Sorry, badgering me won't work.
Lo siento, presionarme no funcionará.
I know you're going through something, but your... your half-baked legal arguments won't work.
Sé que estás pasando por algo, pero... tus argumentos legales medio preparados no funcionarán.
The plan won't work anymore. It can't.
El plan no va a funcionar, no puede.
She won'work for it and she won't fight for it.
No trabajará para conseguirlo y no luchará por ello.
Once I get a job, you won't need to work any more.
Una vez que tengo una trabajo, usted no tendrá que trabajar cualquier más.
She won't show up for work.
No irá a trabajar.
You won't have to work late any more, give him more time.
No tendrás que trabajar más hasta tarde, dale más tiempo a él.
Your plan won't work.
Su plan no va a funcionar.
The steam won't work.
El vapor no dará resultado.
- It won't work, Benedikt.
- No va a funcionar, Benedikt.
Because it probably won't work and it will probably get us both killed.
Porque probablemente no funcionará y probablemente nos matará a los dos.
Why won't my dick work? !
¡ ¿ Por qué no funciona mi pene?
Won't work.
No funcionará.
It won't work, mate.
No servirá de nada, amigo.
It won't work out. It's not okay.
No puede ser verdad, Ella tendría que saber eso.
Won't that make it easier to get your work done?
¿ No haría eso más fácil tu trabajo?
He's at work, but he won't answer his phone, and I think...
Está trabajando, pero no contesta su teléfono, y creo que...
- The sonic won't work on that. It's too primitive.
- El sónico no funcionará en eso, es muy primitivo.
- and almost certainly won't work.
- Y casi seguro no funcionará.
She functions as more than a secretary, but the hospital won't subsidize her for her research work because she's uncredentialed.
Ella se desempeña como más que una secretaria, pero el hospital no quiere subsidiaria para su trabajo de investigación porque ella no está acreditada.
Why won't my dick work? !
¡ ¿ Por qué no funciona mi polla?
It won't work.
No va a funcionar.
Yeah, well, you won't come inside, so I have to work with what I've got.
Sí, bueno, no querías meterte dentro, así que me las tengo que apañar con lo que tengo.
The bump " won't'work
El choque no va a salir bien.
That " won't'work.
Eso no puede ser.
My, uh... my key, uh... - doesn't work in my door. - It won't open.
Mi... mi llave... no funciona en mi puerta.
That won't work on the barn.
Eso no funcionará en el granero.
- It won't work.
- No funcionará.
They give you money so you won't do the police work?
¿ Les dan dinero para que no haga el trabajo policíaco?
It won't work, I know.
No funcionará, lo sé.
If you play personal, it won't work.
No está bien que pienses sólo en ti.
If the first decision only had two choices, you could have two crew or three crew, if you find after a few more decisions that two crew is not possible, it won't work, because you need
Si la primera decisión sólo tenía dos opciones, usted podría tener dos tripulantes o tres tripulantes, si usted encuentra después de un poco más decisiones que dos miembros del equipo no es posible, no va a funcionar, porque es necesario
That way, one weaver can work six at a time and it won't matter so much if her attention wanders.
De esta manera, una tejedora puede trabajar como seis a la vez y no importa lo mucho que se distraiga.
Look, if you're willing to work for free, there is some funk in that shower that just won't quit.
Mira, si estás dispuesta a trabajar gratis, hay mierda en esa bañera que no sale.
It won't work.
- No funcionará.
- Oh, this won't work.
- Esto no funcionará.
This guy won't let us work.
Este tipo no nos deja trabajar.
I've seen your work, and I won't let you hang for this.
He visto su trabajo, y no voy a dejarle colgado por esto.
We have a lot of details to work out... finances, visitations... though, given his schedule, he won't be around much and frankly,
Tenemos una gran cantidad de detalles para hacer ejercicio... finanzas, visitas... sin embargo, dado su horario, que no será por mucho y francamente,
You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for like a really, really long time!
Eres una princesa poni de un mundo alterno y la corona tiene un elemento mágico que tiene el poder de activar otros elementos mágicos que no funcionarían en tu mundo mágico y si no recuperas la corona esta noche estarás atrapada en este mundo y no podrás volver en mucho, mucho tiempo.
But the melting pot won't work if the government makes it easy not to melt.
Pero la fusión de culturas no funciona... si el gobierno facilita que no se mezclen.
Your stupid tricks won't work.
Tus trucos estúpidos no funcionarán.
It won't work.
No funcionará.
Don't stop because you don't like it or it won't work.
No lo dejes porque no te gusta o no funcionará.
It won't work.
No está funcionando.
It won't work for you.
No funcionará para ti.
If you still wanna work with Susan, I won't stand in your way.
Si todavía quieres trabajar con Susan, no me interpondré en tu camino.
Um, not that won't work, because his mother's in surgery, and I'm preparing a case.
No, eso no funcionará, porque su madre está en cirugía, y yo estoy preparando un caso.
work 1509
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
work your magic 26
work it 115
works 73
working 544
workers 297
worker 183
worked 56
work in progress 22
works like a charm 20
work your magic 26
work it 115
work for you 20
work stuff 34
works for me 181
working late 62
working hard 48
working together 81
work it out 99
work here 19
working on it 161
work hard 130
work stuff 34
works for me 181
working late 62
working hard 48
working together 81
work it out 99
work here 19
working on it 161
work hard 130