You got him traduction Espagnol
8,933 traduction parallèle
So you got him off the street.
Así que lo sacaste de la calle.
And you got him to hire you?
¿ Y conseguiste que te contratara?
'Cause you got him in you.
Porque lo tienes dentro ti.
He's mine'? You got him for me'?
¿ La compró para mi?
- You got him?
- ¿ Le tienes?
You got him!
¡ Lo tienes!
What happened after you got him in the van?
¿ Qué pasó después de que entrara en la furgoneta?
- You got him.
- Lo eliminaste.
I'm impressed you got him to bend for you.
Me impresiona que lo tienes que doblar para usted.
Tell me you got him.
Dime que lo tienes.
You got him?
¿ Lo tienes?
You got him breathing.
¿ Lo tienes respirar.
- You got him?
- ¿ Lo tienes?
And you got him a fucking drink?
¿ Y le diste un maldito trago?
- Please tell me you got him.
- Por favor, dime que lo tienes
You got him?
- ¿ Lo tienes?
You got him.
Lo atrapaste.
Three o'clock low. You got him?
A las tres en punto abajo. ¿ Lo ves?
But I'm sure that you've got a way to track the mayor's cell phone whenever you need to find him, right?
Pero estoy seguro de que tienes una forma de rastrear el teléfono del alcalde siempre que necesitas encontrarlo, ¿ verdad?
You've got to turn him in.
Tienes que entregarle.
I'm sure you got a taste of him, too.
Estoy seguro usted consiguió un gusto de él, también.
He's got plenty of reason for the way you all treat him.
Tiene muchas razones por cómo lo tratan todos ustedes.
You've just got him curious.
Tiene curiosidad.
It's a bit like you and Billy, you know, he gets frustrated when you're not there to translate for him, and I think that's what we've got with this poltergeist.
Es un poco como lo que ocurre entre Billy y tú, ya sabes, se siente frustrado cuando tú no estás ahí para traducir lo que dice, y yo creo que eso es lo que tenemos que hacer con este Poltergeist.
Come on, I got you. It's all right, Lily. Just go with him.
Está bien hijita ve con él,
Yes, sir, but if he's not your son, you got to cut him loose.
Sí señor, pero si no es tu hijo, tienes que cortarlo suelto.
You haven't got a number for him, have you?
No tienes su número, ¿ cierto?
I don't wanna embarrass him, but you've got to talk to him, give him some man advice.
No quiero avergonzarlo, pero tienes que hablar con él, darle un consejo de hombre.
I've been dating him longer than you even knew Gus before you got married.
He estado saliendo con él más de lo que tú conocías a Gus antes de casarse.
I know he was talking stuff about me, and you got into it with him.
Sé que estaba diciendo cosas de mí, y te peleaste con él.
Wanda, Wanda, all you got to do is take him to a room and scrub him down.
Wanda, simplemente llévalo a un cuarto y dale un baño.
You think you're the only one around here that's got dirt on him?
¿ Crees que eres el único por aquí que tiene mierda encima?
You got to break this pony, put a saddle on him.
Tu tienes que domar a este pony, Ponle una montura.
I didn't want to move him until you guys got here.
Yo no quería moverlo hasta que ustedes llegaron aquí.
He's had a pretty messed-up life, but, you know, I got to give him credit.
Se tuvo una vida bastante desordenado-up, pero, ya sabes, tengo que darle crédito.
So you got out of your car, and you walked straight up to this guy, and you asked him what he was doing?
Entonces te bajaste del auto, y fuiste derecho hasta este hombre, ¿ y le preguntaste qué estaba haciendo?
You know, it's not like we got divorced'cause I hated him.
Sabe, no es como si nos divorciáramos, porque le odiara.
Bring everything you've got to him.
Tráele todo lo que tengas.
He's got more to say, but he's not saying anything if you're sending him back to Mexico.
Tiene más que decir, pero no dirá nada si lo envían de vuelta a México.
So the old woman rejects him, he kills her... bang, you got a serial killer with a "Mommy didn't love me" complex.
Así que la anciana lo rechaza, la mata, tienes un asesino en serie con un complejo de "mami no me quería".
Have you got something on him?
Tienes algo sobre él?
You finally got him.
Finalmente lo atrapaste.
Yeah, because you tied him up so tight, he got compartment syndrome.
Sí, porque lo amarraste tan fuerte, que le dio síndrome compartimental.
I got this red sweater for him, it's so beautiful, you have to see it.
Le compré un abrigo rojo, es muy hermoso, tienes que verlo.
Get him the same deal you got me, all charges dropped.
Dale el mismo trato que a mí, que desechen todos los cargos.
You got to go with him.
Tienes que ir con él
No, I got him to agree to sit down with you, which could really help us.
No, Lo tengo que estar de acuerdo para sentarse con usted, que realmente nos podría ayudar.
I've got Kurt Tannen on a polygraph saying that you gave this to him.
Kurt Tannen dijo en el polígrafo que usted le dio esto.
Living with some dude who put his hands on her, so she got an order of protection against him, the police, all that nonsense, you know?
Vivía con un tío que la pegaba, así que consiguió una orden de protección contra él, la policía, todas esas cosas, ¿ ya sabes?
I got to go tell him that you cannot perform like this!
¡ Ahora tengo que decirle que no puedes actuar de esa manera!
- You killed him, then you got me involved.
- Lo mataste y luego me involucraste.
you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got a problem 205
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you got anything 117
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got a problem 205