According to police traduction Français
367 traduction parallèle
According to police records, this is where I'll be living.
D'après les fiches de police, c'est là que j'habiterai.
According to police records, he is a Romanian chicken thief named Constantinescu, but when he bought this place it was called "Chez Moustache" and it was cheaper to grow a moustache than to buy a new sign.
Il serait un voleur de poules roumain, nommé Constantinescu, mais son café s'appelait déjà "Chez Moustache" et autant se laisser pousser la moustache que d'acheter une nouvelle enseigne.
According to police records, just for one bay window he broke he paid ninety seven rubles and eighteen kopecks.
J'ai vu le procès-verbal, rien que pour la glace brisée il a payé 97 roubles 18 kopecks.
Her body, clad only in flowered bikini panties and bra and bearing multiple stab wounds was found with a nylon rope tied around her neck. The other end was around the neck of Jay Sebring known men's hair stylist, who according to police had been stabbed, beaten and shot.
Vêtue d'un bikini à fleurs, elle a succombé... à de nombreux coups de couteau... en plus d'être étranglée par une corde de nylon... rattachée à l'autre bout au cou de Jay Sebring... un coiffeur célèbre qui, selon la police... a été poignardé, puis abattu.
According to police, Mrs. Blaisdel was shot while in her apartment in an apparent struggle with Mrs. Carrington over a gun.
Selon la police, on aurait tiré sur Mme Blaisdel, chez elle, lors d'une lutte avec Mme Carrington.
A group of armed Shiites was captured here in Madrid today... according to police sources.
Un groupe de chiites armés a été capturé aujourd'hui à Madrid... apprend-on de sources policières.
According to police who didn't want to be identified she did brilliantly at Anti-Narcotics Section having seized large quantities of drugs
D'après une source policière anonyme, elle réalisait une carrière brillante à la tête des Narcotiques et fait des saisis records de drogue.
According to Police Commissioner Gordon, mob violence is intensifying.
D'après le commissaire Gordon, la violence s'intensifie.
According to police she had a male accomplice who at this point remains unidentified.
Selon la police, elle avait un complice, un homme, qui n'a pas encore été identifié.
- At least according to the police.
Du moins, selon la police...
according to the police, his whole back is covered by a huge tatoo
D'après la police, son dos serait recouvert d'un énorme tatouage.
According to the police testimony, the boy was questioned in the kitchen, while the body of his father was lying in the bedroom.
Selon le témoignage de la police, il a été interrogé dans la cuisine, alors que le corps de son père était à côté.
- Over? Ha! Only according to the police.
Ah, ça va ti ma petite dame, c'est la version de la police!
According to your previous testimony, before coming here, you were a lieutenant in the homicide division of the Denver Police Force.
Selon votre précédent témoignage, avant de venir ici, vous étiez lieutenant à la brigade criminelle de Denver.
Mr. Martin, according to my investigation, you had the police department in Denver holding the wrong man for trial.
M. Martin, d'après mes investigations, à Denver, vous avez fait arrêter un innocent qui allait être jugé.
According to my observations, This kind of murderer commits suicide Or went to the police.
D'après mes observations, ce genre d'assassin se suicide ou se rend à la police.
According to the law, you are guilty of harboring a stray without reporting the fact to the police.
La loi vous déclare coupable d'héberger un chien errant sans en aviser la police.
But the band didn't start until 8 : 00, and according to the police
qui s'est déjà suicidé avec un silencieux?
According to the college authorities, the local police, another suicide topped up to the files.
Bonjour. Des nouvelles?
Well, if you're done, I have things to do. According to the first statement of Dr. Hublot, the police doctor...
Eh ben, si vous avez fini de vous recueillir, j'ai mon enquête à faire.
According to the Hiroshima Police he hunts for food mostly during the night and remains in the mountains and valleys during the daytime.
Il se cache dans les collines durant le jour et sort se nourrir la nuit.
The victim, described by police as young and attractive, was brutally, sadistically murdered. According to Chief of Detectives John Halliday.
la victime, une jolie jeune femme, a été assassinée probablement par un sadique.
If you order me to kill them, please promote me to superintendent here and now and obtain our lord's promise to increase my fief to 500 koku, according to clan rules.
Si vous m'ordonnez de les tuer... Vous devez me nommer Chef de la Police sur-le-champ... et obtenir de notre Seigneur, une augmentation de 500 kokus. en accord avec les règles du Clan.
It's a woman, apparently she must be a female according to the police.
Il s'agit d'une femme, donc vraisemblablement du sexe féminin d'après les précisions apportées par la police.
According to Chelsea, she moved around in a pretty tight group.
Selon la police de Chelsea, elle traînait avec un groupe étroitement lié.
According to the police, Willie had died from severe blows.
D'après la police, Willie était mort de coups sévères.
Stabbed to death in his office late last night or early this morning according to Brooksville Police Chief, George Logan.
Poignardé à mort à son bureau, hier soir, ou ce matin, selon le commissaire de Brooksville, George Logan.
I'm supposed to see her old lieutenant later but according to this she quit the force about three months ago.
Je dois voir son ancien lieutenant... mais apparemment elle a quitté la police il y a trois mois.
According to Sergeant Burke, Miss Nicholls called in her report just after 3 : 00 while you were still at the doctor's. Um...
D'après le Sgt Burke, Mlle Nicholls a appelé la police juste après 15h quand vous étiez chez le médecin.
According to investigators, the victim, Kawashima Kyohei, a 68-year-old lawyer was found dead in his ransacked apartment and 50,000 yen has been confirmed missing.
La police rapporte que la victime était Kyohei Kawashima, avocat. La scène du crime, son appartement, a été saccagée. Il est prouvé que 50.000 yens ont été volés.
According to the police chief, there are no leads.
Le commissaire DeVito n'a pas encore de suspects...
According to latest reports from police headquarters - the inhuman creatures are gathering - and seem to be heading towards Central Park.
Selon les derniers rapports du QG de la police... Les créatures semblent converger vers Central Park.
According to a relative of mine, who's in the police force you're headed for big trouble.
Sirène de bateau. - D'après une relation à moi qui est dans la police, vous allez tout droit aux emmerdements.
According to the rule of the theatre they'll be tied up and detained at yamen Tie them up!
Nous devons les ligoter et les livrer à la police.
And according to a high-ranking police source,
Selon une source de la police,
According to the lieutenant of police Jansen, it probably was a matter of arson.
D'après le lieutenant Jansen un incendie serait à l'origine de la catastrophe.
According to your earlier statement to the police... you never saw the revolutionary flag.
selon vos premières déclarations à Ia police... vous n'avez jamais vu de drapeau révolutionnaire.
According to the director, they left together soon after they heard the police siren.
Selon le réalisateur, ils seraient partis ensemble... après avoir entendu la sirène de police.
And according to his confession with the police, while I was trying to make myself understood to the security guard, he came onto the stage by another entrance and found the body.
Et d'après ses aveux à la police... pendant que je discutais avec le gardien de sécurité... il est arrivé sur le plateau par une autre porte et il a trouvé le corps.
According to our source, the police started a secret investigation.
Selon nos sources, la police a commencé une enquête secrète.
Following an intensive investigation of the Los Angeles incident, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested Kazuyoshi Miura... on allegations of attempted murder, at 11 : 26 PM, according to Japanese criminal code, paragraph 3, covering crimes committed overseas.
Suite à des mois d'enquête sur le meurtre de sa femme, la police de Tokyo vient d'inculper Kazuyoshi Miura pour complicité de meurtre, en vertu de la loi sur les crimes commis à l'étranger.
- According to the police...
- Selo { y : i } n la po { y : i } lice...
Myrtle, uh, according to the police report, you're the closest thing we got to an eyewitness.
Myrtle... selon le rapport de police, vous êtes ce qui se rapproche le plus d'un témoin.
According to the police report...
D'après le rapport de police,
There's police he's mobbed up, and according to a reporter I know, several other councilmen and politicians are stockholders in Carnegie Collections... as well as the Deputy Police Commander, one william Jefferson.
Je sais, mais... vous avez porté plainte. J'ai retiré ma plainte. - C'était une erreur.
I do hereby pledge declare... that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States... that I will uphold the Constitution of the United States... and the Constitution of the State of New York... and the Constitution of the State of New York... and I will faithfully discharge the duties... and I will faithfully discharge the duties... of Police Officer in the New York City Police Department... of Police Officer in the New York City Police Department... according to the best of my ability.
Et de m'acquitter des devoirs d'un fonctionnaire de police de la ville de New York ... au mieux de mes capacités
According to police authorities, they have just discovered the dy of detective..
La police aurait découvert le corps du Détective...
According to the police, Brooks had been shot three times in the chest.
Selon la police, Brooks a été tué de trois balles dans la poitrine.
In one more incident, according to the police reports the corpse that was found in a huge suitcase at Chowpatty was that of a female employee of Hilltop Hotel.
... que la patrouille de police a été augmentée dans les secteurs affectés et les agents de police sont équipé de fusils. Dans autre incident, la police rapporte que le cadavre ayant été trouvé dans a valise chez Chowpatty était une femme employée à l'hôtel Hilltop.
According to an anonymous phone call it's stated that Gendarme 2nd Class Jacques Gambrelli... Was in fact 1st Class Detective Jacques Clouseau of the Nice Police Force.
D'après un appel anonyme, le gendarme de seconde classe Jacques Gambrelli serait en fait le détective Jacques Clouseau de la police de Nice...
- Hey, according to the charter... as chief constable I'm supposed to get a pig every month...'and two comely lasses of virtue true.'
D'après la Charte, étant chef de la police, j'ai droit à un cochon par mois. "Et à deux charmantes jeunes vierges."
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17
according to mr 27
according to my sources 16
according to the m 16
according to them 31
according to him 90
according to who 30
according to the report 31
according to this map 19
according to this 269
according to the map 26
according to my sources 16
according to the m 16
according to them 31
according to him 90
according to who 30
according to the report 31
according to this map 19
according to this 269
according to the map 26
according to his file 16
according to reports 19
according to dr 27
according to the police report 21
according to the law 20
according to witnesses 30
according to reddington 18
police 2934
policeman 131
police radio chatter 156
according to reports 19
according to dr 27
according to the police report 21
according to the law 20
according to witnesses 30
according to reddington 18
police 2934
policeman 131
police radio chatter 156