And on that note traduction Français
328 traduction parallèle
And on that note, I think I'll fix us some drinks.
Et sur cette note, je vais nous préparer un verre.
And on that note, it's my pleasure to present to you...
Sur ce, j'ai le plaisir de vous présenter
And on that note, we must say good night to you.
Là-dessus, nous devons clore cette émission.
And on that note of praise, I hope you all perform as triumphantly in your term exam next Friday.
je profitais de la douce fraîcheur de l'air... Je te présente mon fiançé, Harry L. de Winpeg
And on that note...
Sur ce...
And on that note, we gotta go, gotta go.
Et sur ce, faut qu'on y aille.
I have a feeling that if we got together, collaborated on a note to leave behind, and really worked on it, it would not only be a very fine piece of literature, but it might save me a black eye.
Il me semble que si nous nous y mettions... Si nous écrivions ensemble un mot bien peaufiné à lui laisser, non seulement ce serait un morceau d'anthologie, mais ça m'éviterait un œil au beurre noir.
You took a signature of that note... traced it on this check and deposited it to Robert's account.
Vous avez imité sa signature sur ce chèque et l'avez déposé sur le compte de Robert.
I thought that there might be some connection between these hunchbacks and the tower from the note.
Il a dû la recevoir le jour du meurtre. On n'a plus entendu parler de Zacarías.
And it shall be entered in the log that Mr. Arrow, mate on the Hispaniola was washed overboard in a storm on the night of May 14, and his body not recovered for burial.
Il sera noté dans le journal de bord, que M. Arrow, second maître de l'Hispaniola, est passé par-dessus bord lors d'une tempête, le 14 mai Son corps ne fut pas retrouvé pour l'inhumation.
- Speak and welcome, and make a note of that, too, but go on with your doctoring while you talks.
Faites semblant de parler médecine.
If Doc had found that note, Ellen and I'd be dead.
Si Doc l'avait trouvé, on serait morts.
It is interesting to note that while the story has been given front-page space... in newspapers in the United States and all other parts of the free world... Pravda, the official mouthpiece of the Soviet Union... has, as yet, failed to take note on it.
Alors que cette histoire fait la une des journaux du monde libre, la Pravda, l'organe officiel de l'U.R.S.S., n'en a pas fait mention.
You're going to stop on the main road to Contention, one mile this side, and you're going to give that note to somebody passing in.
Vous irez sur la route de Contention, à 2 km, par là, pour donner ce message au premier passant.
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie était l'ami d'un jeune homme. Il l'a aidé à taper une demande de rançon sur une machine à écrire volée et a loué une voiture dans une agence le 16 mai. Cela réveille votre mémoire?
This man has a bank note, and so he's gone to the bank and they told him that they gave it to you
alors il est allé à la banque et on lui a dit qu'elle vous avait été remise.
If the note hasn't been paid on time the official will have gone to the debtor's home before sunset He'll have noted it and, Let's hope that's what he's done.
Si la facture n'a pas été payé à temps il aura informé de la protestation et on espère qu'il en soit ainsi.
And on top of that, you get stuck for the funeral bill.
Et tu dois te coltiner la note des obsèques.
I packed Della off to Chicago and I wrote my niece a note that I was going on a boat trip for my health.
J'ai envoyé Della à Chicago et j'ai écrit à ma nièce que je partais en voyage sur un bateau, pour ma santé.
And you can just set that down and nail it right up on the wall.
Et prenez bien note de ce que je viens de dire.
That note you found in your room was typed on his typewriter and as a result of the assignation, victim number three.
Votre message a été tapé sur sa machine et en réponse au rendez-vous, on a la victime n ° 3.
Well and on that sweet note, boys, we can all get ready to got to the West Indies.
Sur cette jolie note, les gars, allons nous préparer pour les Antilles!
Yesterday, when the note came, I realized I didn't care about anything, and that means I'm just like my stepmother.
Hier, quand on a apporté le mot, j'ai compris que je m'en fichais, et dans ce sens, je suis comme ma belle-mère.
Fennan's suicide note and the letter that denounced him were both typed on his own Olivetti, probably by different people.
La lettre de suicide de Fennan et celle qui l'a dénoncé ont été tapées sur son Olivetti, sûrement par deux personnes.
Turn on your tape recorders and all that sorta jazz, huh?
Prenez bien note de ce que je vais dire.
On that little note of mystery we'll end this, and let Miss Baker go to her hotel.
Après ce petit mystère... nous allons libérer Mlle Baker qui veut regagner son hôtel.
And, on that note,
A ce propos,
Because this note is a set of directions and there's only one reason that there's no streets and no addresses on it.
Parce que ce mot indique une direction. Mais il n'y a ni rue, ni adresse.
On that note, I will say goodbye and thank you for coming.
Au revoir et merci d'être venue.
Now, go on down and get the oil so I can mark it up in the log that you did that.
Va chercher l'huile pour que je note dans le livre de bord que tu l'as fait.
And now I must ask you to keep quiet for a few minutes while I write a few lines to Inspector Lohmann, who is working on another case that also seems insane.
Je vous prie de rester tranquille quelques minutes, je dois écrire une note à l ´ attention de l ´ inspecteur Lohman. Il travaille sur une autre affaire qui semble toute aussi démente.
I'm gonna write that out on a card and I'm gonna paste it up on my shaving mirror and that's all I'm gonna think about
Je vais me faire une note. Et la mettre sur mon miroir. Je ne penserai qu'à ça.
And I pointed that out, which is what I was getting paid to do.
Je l'ai noté dans ma critique. C'est pour ça qu'on me paye.
'It says that alcohol is a colourless volatile liquid'formed by the fermentation of sugars,'and also notes its intoxicating effect'on certain carbon-based lifeforms.
elle dit que l'alcool est un liquide inodore et volatile produit par la fermentation du sucre et note son effet intoxicant chez certaines formes de vie fondées sur le carbone.
The dress Janet's wearing has been given by Crème de la Crème Modes of downtown Denton... and we've been asked that you take note of the individual styling and exquisite tailoring.
La robe que porte Janet est un don des... Modes Crème de la Crème de Denton et on nous prie... de prendre note de la ligne et de la coupe exquise.
And on that positive and, I'M sure, welcome note, Why don't WE just let this rest, okay?
Maintenant que vous êtes rassurée, si on laissait tomber le sujet?
On both occasions it turned out that the customers had actually put the insects in their food, hoping to blackmail the restaurant and thus avoid having to pay their checks.
En ces deux occasions ces clients avaient mis les insectes dans leur plat espérant faire chanter le restaurant et éviter ainsi de payer la note.
You will note that we have supplied both rebels and government forces on an equal basis.
Notez que nous avons fourni les forces rebelles et celles du gouvernement d'une façon équitable.
That was how it was returned to me on my wedding day, together with a vile note urging a curse upon my house and saying he'd never forgive me.
Et pourtant il semble vous avoir pardonnée. Après tout, s'il voulait laisser tous ses biens à votre fils...
So he bribed a records clerk, he wrote that note toJohnny Crane, took the photos, and was going to work... his nightmarish mind-game on Johnny...
Il a soudoyé un employé administratif, a écrit un mot à Johnny Crane... pris les photos, et allait faire subir... son petit jeu cauchemardesque à Johnny lui-même...
Kreuger was already dead when you typed that note and left it on the door for Zak.
Kreuger était déjà mort quand vous avez tapé le mot laissé sur la porte.
then, at hialeah, what i'd like to do is- - so, that's a c-note on the double, then one each on the 2 exactas- - yeah, a deuce on the quinela, and a half on the perfecta.
Personne ne le croira. Même si c'est vrai. Même si c'est vrai?
Well, sir, you're note was found on the dead man's body and from it we learned that you had planned to stay here in this house last night.
Nous avons retrouvé votre lettre dans la veste de la victime. Elle nous a informé que vous aviez l'intention de passer la nuit ici, dans cette maison, hier soir.
I'm bound to say that I make nothing of the note except that there's something's on hand, and a woman, as usual, is at the bottom of it.
Je dois avouer que cette note ne m'apprend rien, à part que... quelque chose se tramait et qu'une femme, comme d'habitude, en était l'instigatrice.
So to show you that honesty is the only way, we're going to take Steve's money, and leave a note for that guy, telling him exactly where to find Steve.
M. et Mme Rhoades, on va avoir un ordinateur. Oh, Steve, un ordinateur! Je me souviens de notre 1er ordinateur.
Listen, I talked to the bank, and I asked them if we could miss a payment or two, and they told me that they had just sold the note on the farm... to Mark and his partners.
Ecoute J'ai demandé à la banque si on pouvait payer en retard Ils viennent d'hypothéquer la ferme au profit de Mark et ses associés
Please note that this afternoon's main race has been taken off the turf and will be run at a mile and one-sixteenth on the main track.
Attention : changement de distance pour la course principale, la distance sera de 1 800 m sur la piste principale.
And if you care to look at your watch, you will note... that the long hand is on 12, and the short hand is on 9.
Et si vous regardiez votre montre, vous constateriez que la grande aiguille est sur le 12 et la plus petite sur le 9.
But then I realized what was going on and I said that she left a note.
Mais ensuite, j'ai réalisé et j'ai dit qu'elle avait laissé un mot.
Well, on that note, why don't we just go ahead and start the game?
Si nous commencions à jouer?
This moment has been duly noted on your timecards and will be deducted from your pay. That is all.
Ce moment a été noté sur vos fiches et sera déduit de vos salaires.
and only then 44
and one more thing 220
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and only you 38
and one more thing 220
and one night 37
and one last thing 30
and one for me 24
and one by one 23
and once again 116
and once 34
and one time 28
and only you 38
and one other thing 34
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and one of you will be out 19
and one day 275
and on the other hand 23
and one for you 40
and only 43
and one thing led to another 22
and on top of that 107
and one more 22
and one of them 22
and one of you will be out 19
and one day 275