But there was traduction Français
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The name on the lease was an alias, But there was a police report filed by the apartment manager. Who found blood in the home.
Le nom sur le bail était un pseudonyme, mais il y eut un rapport de police déposé par le propriétaire qui a trouvé du sang dans l'appartement.
And it seemed like she was trying to dress down, but there was something...
And c'est comme si elle essayait de s'habiller normalement, mais il y avait quelque chose...
Um, well most of the damage was to the women's personal belongings, but there was some prison-issue stuff.
La plupart des dégâts étaient des affaires personnelles des détenues, mais certains appartenaient à la prison.
I figured we might get to watch some stuff or start an I.V., but there was a mass casualty today.
Je pensais qu'on regarderait quelques trucs, ou mettrait une perfusion, mais il y a eu une masse de victimes aujourd'hui.
Got bread and wipes for the kitchen, but there was some...
J'ai pris du pain et des éponges pour la cuisine, mais il y avait...
I mean, I wanted Pinkberry, but there wasn't time to get both, and Fountain was terrible, with the street closures cause Biden's in town, and...
Je voulais aller chez Yogurt Factory, mais je n'avais pas le temps pour les deux. Et tout était bondé, puisque les rues sont bloquées pour la venue de Biden.
When I got older, I checked with missing persons, even the f.B.I. Database, for anyone matching her description or any crimes involving those symbols or that mask, but there was nothing.
Plus âgé, j'ai vérifié les personnes disparues, avec les fichiers du F.B.I., une personne correspondant à sa description ou n'importe quel crime impliquant des symboles ou ce masque, mais il n'y avait rien.
But there was so much blood.
Mais il y avait tellement de sang.
There was no alcohol in his bloodstream, but there was a lot of it pooled at the back of his throat.
Aucune trace d'alcool dans son système sanguin, mais il y en avait d'accumulé à l'arrière de sa gorge.
But there was one database bursting with info.
Mais il reste une base de donnée regorgeant d'infos.
But there was this one local developer, Bertram Cromwell.
Mais il y avait un promoteur du coin, Bertram Cromwell.
But if there ever was a time for me to break my herbal tea only rule, this is it.
Mais c'est maintenant ou jamais pour rompre ma restriction aux tisanes.
At first, I thought Otis was just talking smack, but watching Rice sit there after that call, reading the paper instead of troubleshooting his SCBA, it bugged me.
Au début, je croyais qu'Otis parlait méchamment, mais voir Rice assis là après cet appel, lire le journal au lieu de chercher le problème de son masque, ça m'a dérangé.
But there's no sign that he was here.
Mais il n'y a aucun signe qu'il soit venu.
Look, I'd love to stay and talk, Neil, but I have homework, and there was no toilet paper in the girls'bathroom.
J'aimerais bien rester parler, mais j'ai des devoirs, et y avait plus de PQ au lycée.
I don't even remember, there was such a long cutaway, but I know it was really mean.
Je sais plus, il y a eu un long gag, mais je sais que c'était méchant.
No, I think it was, like, three nights before that, but they were both there.
Non, ça devait être 3 soirs avant, mais tous deux étaient présents.
I thought I should visit the station, maybe clear the air, but I met Nadia there and she thought that was a bad idea.
J'ai pensé devoir aller au poste, peut-être mettre tout au clair, mais j'y ai croisé Nadia, qui a pensé que c'était une mauvaise idée.
When whatever bad thing that happened to make me suffer a traumatic brain injury was happening, but instead, Jesus was clearly out joyriding with someone else because there I am gorked in a bed.
Quand un sale truc m'est arrivé me causant un trauma crânien, mais au lieu de ça, Jésus était en virée avec un autre car me voilà, inconscient dans un lit.
I thought I was drawn to thinnies, but it was you pulling me there.
Je pensais que j'étais attiré par les brèches, Mais c'était toi qui m'attirais dedans.
But if there was, you'd be pissed.
Mais s'il y en avait, tu serais bourrée.
- But Brett wasn't there'cause he was taking care of a sick Lexie, right?
Mais Brett s'occupait de Lexie qui était malade, correct?
Oh, there's a record of a 911 call from your cell phone, but the call was terminated before you said anything.
Parce qu'il y a un enregistrement d'un appel depuis votre téléphone, interrompu avant que vous ayez dit quelque chose.
Jason, I wish there was another way but there is not.
Jason, j'aimerais qu'il y ait une autre solution, mais ce n'est pas le cas.
I know you can't use it in court, but at least it'll prove he was there.
Vous ne pourrez pas l'utiliser au procès mais ça prouve qu'il était là.
I had to ask the nurses if there was something wrong with you, but they did tests, and you were just happy!
J'ai dû demander aux infirmières si tu n'avais pas un problème, mais elles ont fait des tests, et tu étais juste heureuse!
It was prohibited here... But, there is no denying that this Scientific Ninja Tool made it possible for him to reach this point!
Le voilà certes éliminé, mais s'il a pu parvenir à ce stade, c'est uniquement grâce à nos artefacts.
I know, but maybe there was still something
Je sais, mais il y avait peut etre encore une chance.
Where I was, there wasn't any pain, but the rest of it, I can't help you with.
Où j'étais, il n'y avait pas de douleur, mais pour le reste, je ne peux pas t'aider.
I don't know what happened with Tom this morning but when he, he was there on the doorstep, he looked terrified.
- J'ignore ce qu'il s'est passé avec Tom ce matin mais quand il était là sur le seuil, il avait l'air terrifié.
But when we traveled home, we realized there was an emptiness.
Quand nous sommes rentrés, nous avons réalisés qu'il y avait un vide.
And there was a time when... I used to wish that the pain of missing him would go away, but I don't... I don't wish for that anymore.
Et pendant un temps... j'avais l'habitude d'espérer que la douleur de son manque disparaisse, mais je ne... je n'espère plus ça désormais.
Simple is good, because last month I went on a call where a guy tried to propose to his girl by parachuting into her backyard, but he hit some power lines on the way down, so let's say... there was never a honeymoon.
Simple c'est bien, parce que la semaine dernière sur un appel, un homme a fait sa demande en parachute dans son jardin. Mais il a touché les fils électriques en descendant, donc disons... qu'il n'y aura pas de lune de miel.
But that formerly living person right there said Richie was trying to do a deal with the Browns, however... politically incorrect that sounds.
Celui qui ne vit plus, là, a dit que Richie voulait bosser avec les Brown, même si ça sonne pas très politiquement correct.
They tell me I was only in there three months, but to me, it was an eternity.
Ils disent que j'y suis resté trois mois, mais pour moi, c'était une éternité.
But Sara was down there for so long.
Mais Sara a été enfermée là-dessous si longtemps.
I said I was fair, but if there is one thing you should have learned from our beloved Mary, it's never trust a witch.
J'ai dit que j'étais juste, mais s'il y a une chose que vous auriez dû apprendre grâce à notre chère Mary, c'est de ne jamais faire confiance à un sorcier.
But would we prefer that Blaine was out there making more zombies?
- Mais aurait-on préféré que Blaine soit dehors à créer plus de zombies?
Yeah, I do, but, like, I was all up in there.
Mais j'étais à fond.
I may have been feared and despised there, but at least I was free.
J'ai peut-être été crainte et méprisée ici, mais au moins j'étais libre.
It's just, people get weird when they see me, so I just... I was going to try and stay in there until you left, but then you started talking about me and I thought you'd want to know I-I was in...
C'est juste que les gens deviennent bizarre quand ils me voient donc je voulais essayer de rester là jusqu'à ce que vous partiez mais après vous avez commencé à parler de moi et j'ai pensé que vous auriez voulu savoir que j'étais...
But I was there.
Mais j'étais là.
The heart was gone, but there are still some bits and pieces of the lungs and liver remaining.
Il n'y avait plus de cœur, mais il restait des morceaux de poumons et des restes de foie.
I knew there was something, but he didn't share it.
Je savais qu'il y avais quelque chose, mais il ne me l'a pas partagé.
But was there love?
Mais l'amour, dans tout ca?
There was a slight gag reflex, but overall, our findings indicate very few brain-stem reflexes.
Il y a des légers réflexes nauséeux mais cela nous indique une très faible activité du cerveau.
But I was there.
Mais j'y étais.
He couldn't recall the passenger's face, but he remembered there was a man with a very large duffel bag and where he took him...
Il ne pouvait se rappeler le visage du passager, mais il se souvint qu'il y avait un homme avec un très grand sac de voyage et où il lui a fallu...
But I was really moved by what you said back there.
Mais j'ai vraiment été touchée par ce que tu as dit.
With respect, you started an office drama club but then didn't put on a play because there was too much behind-the-scenes drama.
Avec tout mon respect, tu as lancé un club de théâtre au bureau mais qui n'a jamais joué de pièce parce qu'il y avait trop de conflits en coulisses.
So, we're thinking, school's out, everybody's gonna be there, but it was empty.
Donc, on s'est dit "il n'y a pas d'école, ça va être bondé", mais c'était vide.
but there was no answer 20
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there's nothing here 17
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there are others 19
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there's 84
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
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but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there's 84
there was this 68
there was 570
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there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
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there was a girl 56
there was a boy 17
there was one 46
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there was a break 38
there was an explosion 49
there was an accident 105
there wasn't time 38
there was nothing 90
there was a girl 56
there was a boy 17
there was one 46
there wasn't any 16
there was a break 38